دانشنامه آنلاین محتوای علمی و آموزشی

دانشنامه آنلاین محتوای علمی و آموزشی

دانشنامه آنلاین محتوای علمی و آموزشی
دانشنامه آنلاین مکتبگاه با هدف تسریع در دستیابی اقشار مختلف جامعه به محتوای علمی و آموزشی ارزشمند و کاربردی ایجاد شده است. تیم آموزشی مکتبگاه متشکل از دانش آموختگان برتر دانشگاه های کشور بهترین منابع آموزشی و کاربردی را به صورت کاملا اختصاصی و یا برگردان به فارسی در اختیار شما دانش پژوهان عزیز قرار می دهد.




طبقه بندی موضوعی

Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation:  A Strategic Perspective, 7th Edition, Wahlen, Baginski, Bradshaw, Test Bank 

Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis, and Valuation A Strategic Perspective, 6th Edition, Stickney, Brown, Wahlen, Solutions Manual 

Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis, and Valuation A Strategic Perspective, 6th Edition, Stickney, Brown, Wahlen, Test Bank 

Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation, 3rd Edition, Penman, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation, 3rd Edition, Penman, Test Bank 

Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation, 4th Edition 2011, Penman, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation, 4th Edition 2011, Penman, Test Bank 

Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation, 5th Edition 2013, Penman, Solutions Manual 

Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation, 5th Edition 2013, Penman, Test Bank 

Financial Statement Analysis, 10th Edition, Subramanyam, Wild, Solutions Manual 

Financial Statement Analysis, 10th Edition, Subramanyam, Wild, Test Bank 

Financial Statement Analysis, International Edition, 13th Edition 2013, Gibson, Solutions Manual 

Financial Statement Analysis, International Edition, 13th Edition 2013, Gibson, Test Bank 

Finite Element Analysis Theory and Application with ANSYS, 3rd Edition, Saeed Moaveni, Solutions Manual 

Finite Math with Applications, 9th Edition, Lial, Hungerford, Holcomb, Solutions Manual 

Finite Math with Applications, 9th Edition, Lial, Hungerford, Holcomb, Test Bank 

Finite Mathematics & Its Applications, 10th Edition, Goldstein, Schneider, Siegel, Solutions Manual 

Finite Mathematics & Its Applications, 10th Edition, Goldstein, Schneider, Siegel, Test Bank 

Finite Mathematics and Calculus with Applications, 8th Edition, Lial, Greenwell, Ritchey, Solutions Manual 

Finite Mathematics and Calculus with Applications, 8th Edition, Lial, Greenwell, Ritchey, Test Bank 

Finite Mathematics and Calculus with Applications, 9th Edition 2012, Lial, Greenwell, Ritchey, Solutions Manual 

Finite Mathematics and Calculus with Applications, 9th Edition 2012, Lial, Greenwell, Ritchey, Test Bank 

Finite Mathematics and Its Application, 9th Edition, Goldstein, Schneider, Siegel, Solutions Manual 

Finite Mathematics and Its Application, 9th Edition, Goldstein, Schneider, Siegel, Test Bank 

Finite Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences and Social Sciences, 11th Edition, Barnett, Ziegler, Byleen, Solutions Manual 

Finite Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences and Social Sciences, 11th Edition, Barnett, Ziegler, Byleen, Test Bank 

Finite Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences and Social Sciences, 12th Edition, Barnett, Ziegler, Byleen, Test Bank 

Finite Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, 8th Edition, Tan, Test Bank 

Finite Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, Media Edition, 9th Edition, Tan, Test Bank 

Finite Mathematics with Applications, 10th Edition 2011, Lial, Hungerford, Holcomb, Solutions Manual 

Finite Mathematics with Applications, 10th Edition 2011, Lial, Hungerford, Holcomb, Test Bank 

Finite Mathematics, 5th Edition 2011, Waner, Costenoble, Solutions Manual 

Finite Mathematics, 5th Edition 2011, Waner, Costenoble, Test Bank 

Finite Mathematics, 8th Edition, Lial, Greenwell, Ritchey, Solution Manual 

Finite Mathematics, 9th Edition, Lial, Greenwell, Ritchey, Solutions Manual 

Finite Mathematics, 9th Edition, Lial, Greenwell, Ritchey, Test Bank 

Finite Mathematics:  An Applied Approach, 10th Edition, Sullivan, Solutions Manual 

Finite Mathematics:  An Applied Approach, 10th Edition, Sullivan, Test Bank 

Finite Mathematics:  An Applied Approach, 3rd Edition, Young, Lee, Long, Graening, Test Bank 

First Aid for Colleges and Universities, 9th Edition, Karren, Hafen, Limmer, Mistovich, Test Bank 

First Course in Abstract Algebra, 3rd Edition, Rotman, Solutions Manual 

First Course In Abstract Algebra, 7th Edition, Fraleigh, Solution Manual 

First Course in Database Systems, 3rd Edition, Ullman, Widom, Solutions Manual 

First Course in Probability, 7th Edition, Sheldon Ross, Solution Manual 

First Course in Probability, 8th Edition, Ross, Solutions Manual 

First Course in Statistics, 10th Edition, McClave, Sincich, Solutions Manual 

First Course in Statistics, 10th Edition, McClave, Sincich, Test Bank 

First Course in Statistics, 11th Edition 2013, McClave, Sinich, Solutions Manual 

First Course in Statistics, 11th Edition 2013, McClave, Sinich, Test Bank 

First Responder, 8th Edition, Bergeron, Bizjak, Badour, Wesley, Instructor Manual 

First Responder, 8th Edition, Bergeron, Bizjak, Badour, Wesley, Test Bank 

Fiscal Administration, 7th Edition, John Mikesell, Instructor Manual 

Fiscal Administration, 8th Edition 2011, John Mikesell, Instructor Manual 

Fiscal Administration, 8th Edition 2011, John Mikesell, Test Bank 

Fitness and Wellness, 7th Edition, Hoeger, Hoeger, Instructor Manual 

Fitness and Wellness, 7th Edition, Hoeger, Hoeger, Test Bank 

Fitness and Wellness, 8th Edition, Hoeger, Hoeger, Instructor Manual 

Fitness and Wellness, 8th Edition, Hoeger, Hoeger, Test Bank 

Fitness and Wellness, 9th Edition 2011, Hoeger, Hoeger, Instructor Manual 

Fitness and Wellness, 9th Edition 2011, Hoeger, Hoeger, Test Bank 

Fixed Income Markets and Their Derivatives, 3rd Edition, Suresh Sundaresan, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual, Elsevier Mosby 

Fixed Income Securities:  Valuation, Risk, and Risk Management, 1st Edition 2011, Veronesi, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fixed Income Securities:  Valuation, Risk, and Risk Management, 1st Edition 2011, Veronesi, Test Bank 

Fixing Windows XP, 1st Editio, Jean Andrews, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fixing Windows XP, 1st Editio, Jean Andrews, Test Bank 

Floriculture:  Principles and Species, 2nd Edition, Dole, Wilkins, Instructor Manual 

Fluency with Information Technology:  Skills, Concepts, and Capabilities, 3rd Edition, Lawrence Snyder, Solutions Manual 

Fluency with Information Technology:  Skills, Concepts, and Capabilities, 3rd Edition, Lawrence Snyder, Test Bank 

Fluency with Information Technology:  Skills, Concepts, and Capabilities, 4th Edition 2011, Lawrence Snyder, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fluency with Information Technology:  Skills, Concepts, and Capabilities, 4th Edition 2011, Lawrence Snyder, Test Bank 

Fluency with Information Technology:  Skills, Concepts, and Capabilities, 5th Edition 2013, Lawrence Snyder, Test Bank 

Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, 6th Edition 2010, Dixon, Hall, Solutions Manual, Elsevier Mosby 

Fluid Mechanics With Engineering Applications, 10th Edition, John Finnemore, Joseph Franzini, Solution Manual 

Fluid Mechanics, 1st Edition 2005, Egon Krause, Solution Manual 

Fluid Mechanics, 4th Edition 2010, Kundu, Cohen, Solutions Manual, Elsevier Mosby 

Fluid Mechanics, 5th Edition, Frank M,  White, Solution Manual 

Fluid Mechanics, 6th Edition, Frank White, Solutions Manual 

Fluid Mechanics, 7th Edition 2011, White, Solutions Manual 

Fluid Mechanics:  Fundamentals and Applications, 1st Edition 2006, Cengel, Cimbala, Solution Manual 

Fluid Mechanics:  Fundamentals and Applications, 2nd Edition, Cengel, Cimbala, Solutions Manual 

Fluid Power with Applications, 7th Edition, Anthony Esposito, Instructor Manual 

FOCUS on College Success, 2nd Edition 2011, Staley, Test Bank 

FOCUS on College Success, 3rd Edition 2013, Staley, Instructor Manual 

FOCUS on College Success, 3rd Edition 2013, Staley, Test Bank 

FOCUS on Community College Success, 2nd Edition 2012, Constance Staley, Instructor Manual 

FOCUS on Community College Success, 2nd Edition 2012, Constance Staley, Test Bank 

Focus on Personal Finance:  An Active Approach to Help You Develop Successful Financial Skills, 3rd Edition, Kapoor, Dlabay, Hughes, Instructor Manual 

Focus on Personal Finance:  An Active Approach to Help You Develop Successful Financial Skills, 3rd Edition, Kapoor, Dlabay, Hughes, Test Bank 

Food and Culture, 4th Edition, Goyan Kittler, Sucher, Instructor Manual 

Foods:  Experimental Perspectives, 7th Edition 2012, McWilliams, Emeritus, Instructor Manual 

Foodservice Management:  Principles and Practices, 12th Edition 2012, June Payne-Palacio, Instructor Manual 

Foodservice Organizations:  A Managerial and Systems Approach, 7th Edition, Gregoire, Instructor Manual 

Foodservice Organizations:  A Managerial and Systems Approach, 7th Edition, Gregoire, Test Bank 

Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination, 1st Edition, Kranacher, Riley, Wells, Solutions Manual 

Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination, 1st Edition, Kranacher, Riley, Wells, Test Bank 

Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination, 2nd Edition 2012, Hopwood, YOUNG, Leiner, Instructor Manual 

Forensic Accounting, 1st Edition, Hopwood, Leiner, Young, Instructor Manual 

Forensic Chemistry, 1st Edition, Suzanne Bell, Instructor Manual 

Forensic Psychology, 1st Edition 2011, Jack Kitaeff, Instructor Manual 

Forensic Psychology, 2nd Edition, Pozzulo, Bennell,  Forth, Instructor Manual 

Forensic Psychology, 2nd Edition, Pozzulo, Bennell,  Forth, Test Bank 

Forensic Psychology, Third Edition, 3rd Edition 2011, Pozzulo, Bennell, Forth, Instructor Manual 

Forensic Psychology, Third Edition, 3rd Edition 2011, Pozzulo, Bennell, Forth, Test Bank 

Forensic Science:  From the Crime Scene to the Crime Lab, 2nd Edition 2013, Richard Saferstein, Test Bank 

Foundation Design:  Principles and Practices, 2nd Edition, Coduto, Solutions Manual 

Foundations in Microbiology, 7th Edition, Kathleen Talaro, Test Bank 

Foundations in Microbiology, 7th Edition, Talaro, Instructor Manual 

Foundations in Microbiology, 7th Edition, Talaro, Test Bank 

Foundations in Microbiology, 8th Edition 2012, Talaro, Chess, Instructor Manual 

Foundations in Microbiology, 8th Edition 2012, Talaro, Chess, Test Bank 

Foundations in Nursing Research, 6th Edition 2012, Rose Marie Nieswiadomy, Instructor Manual 

Foundations in Nursing Research, 6th Edition 2012, Rose Marie Nieswiadomy, Test Bank 

Foundations in Strategic Management, 5th Edition, Harrison, John, Instructor Manual 

Foundations in Strategic Management, 5th Edition, Harrison, John, Test Bank 

Foundations of Addiction Counseling, 2nd Edition 2012, Capuzzi, Stauffer, Instructor Manual 

Foundations of Addiction Counseling, 2nd Edition 2012, Capuzzi, Stauffer, Test Bank 

Foundations of Adult Health Nursing, 3rd Edition 2011, White, Duncan, Baumle, Instructor Manual 

Foundations of Adult Health Nursing, 3rd Edition 2011, White, Duncan, Baumle, Test Bank 

Foundations of American Education:  Perspectives on Education in a Changing World, 15th Edition, Johnson, Musial, Hall, Gollnick, Dupuis, Instructor Manual 

Foundations of American Education:  Perspectives on Education in a Changing World, 15th Edition, Johnson, Musial, Hall, Gollnick, Dupuis, Test Bank 

Foundations of Astronomy, 10th Edition, Seeds, Instructor Manual 

Foundations of Astronomy, 10th Edition, Seeds, Test Bank 

Foundations of Astronomy, 11th Edition 2011, Seeds, Backman, Test Bank 

Foundations of Astronomy, 9th Edition, Seeds, Instructor Manual 

Foundations of Astronomy, 9th Edition, Seeds, Test Bank 

Foundations of Astrophysics, 1st Edition, Ryden, Peterson, Solutions Manual 

Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience, 8th Edition 2011, Carlson, Instructor Manual 

Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience, 8th Edition 2011, Carlson, Test Bank 

Foundations of Business, 2nd Edition, Pride, Hughes, Kapoor, Instructor Manual 

Foundations of Business, 2nd Edition, Pride, Hughes, Kapoor, Test Bank 

Foundations of College Chemistry, 12th Edition Alternate, Hein, Arena, Test Bank 

Foundations of College Chemistry, 12th Edition, Hein, Arena, Test Bank 

Foundations of Earth Science, 5th Edition, Lutgens, Tarbuck, Tasa, Instructor Manual 

Foundations of Earth Science, 5th Edition, Lutgens, Tarbuck, Tasa, Test Bank 

Foundations of Earth Science, 6th Edition 2011, Lutgens, Tarbuck, Tasa, Instructor Manual 

Foundations of Earth Science, 6th Edition 2011, Lutgens, Tarbuck, Tasa, Test Bank 

Foundations of Economics plus MyEconLab plus eBook 2-semester Student Access Kit, 3rd Edition, Bade, Parkin, Test Bank 

Foundations of Economics plus MyEconLab plus eBook 2-semester Student Access Kit, 4th Edition, Bade, Parkin, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Foundations of Economics plus MyEconLab plus eBook 2-semester Student Access Kit, 4th Edition, Bade, Parkin, Test Bank 

Foundations of Economics, 3rd Edition, Bade, Parkin, Test Bank 

Foundations of Economics, 4th Edition, Bade, Parkin, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Foundations of Economics, 4th Edition, Bade, Parkin, Test Bank 

Foundations of Economics, 5th Edition 2011, Bade, Parkin, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Foundations of Economics, 5th Edition 2011, Bade, Parkin, Test Bank 

Foundations of Economics, 6th Edition 2013, Bade, Parkin, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Foundations of Economics, 6th Edition 2013, Bade, Parkin, Test Bank 

Foundations of Education, 11th Edition 2011, Ornstein, Levine, Gutek, Instructor Manual 

Foundations of Education, 11th Edition 2011, Ornstein, Levine, Gutek, Test Bank 

Foundations of Finance plus MyFinanceLab Student Access Card Package, 7th Edition, Arthur Keown, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Foundations of Finance plus MyFinanceLab Student Access Card Package, 7th Edition, Arthur Keown, Test Bank 

Foundations of Finance The Logic and Practice of Financial Management, 6th Edition, Keown, Martin, Petty, Scott, Instructor's Manual 

Foundations of Finance The Logic and Practice of Financial Management, 6th Edition, Keown, Martin, Petty, Scott, Test Bank 

Foundations of Financial Management, 14th Edition, Block, Hirt, Danielsen, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Foundations of Financial Management, 14th Edition, Block, Hirt, Danielsen, Test Bank 

Foundations of Financial Management, 8th Canadian Edition, Block, Hirt, Short, Test Bank 

Foundations of Financial Management, Cdn, 8th Canadian Edition, Block, Hirt, Short, Test Bank 

Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions, 4th Edition, Fabozzi, Modigliani, Jones, Instructor Manual 

Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions, 4th Edition, Fabozzi, Modigliani, Jones, Test Bank 

Foundations of Geometry, 1st Edition 2005, Venema, Solutions Manual 

Foundations of Geometry, 1st Edition, Venema, Solutions Manual 

Foundations of Geometry, 2nd Edition 2012, Gerard Venema, Solutions Manual 

Foundations of Macroeconomic, 4th Edition, Bade, Parkin, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Foundations of Macroeconomic, 4th Edition, Bade, Parkin, Test Bank 

Foundations of Macroeconomics, 5th Edition 2011, Bade, Parkin, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Foundations of Macroeconomics, 5th Edition 2011, Bade, Parkin, Test Bank 

Foundations of Marketing, 4th Edition, Pride, Ferrell, Instructor Manual 

Foundations of Marketing, 4th Edition, Pride, Ferrell, Test Bank 

Foundations of Marketing, 5th Edition 2013, Pride, Ferrell, Instructor Manual 

Foundations of Marketing, 5th Edition 2013, Pride, Ferrell, Test Bank 

Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering, 5th Edition, Smith, Hashemi, Solutions Manual 

Foundations of Mathematics, 1st Edition 2004, Bittinger, Penna, Solutions Manual 

Foundations of Mathematics, 1st Edition 2004, Bittinger, Penna, Test Bank 

Foundations of MEMS, 1st Edition, Chang Liu, Solutions Manual 

Foundations of Microeconomics, 4th Edition, Bade, Parkin, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Foundations of Microeconomics, 4th Edition, Bade, Parkin, Test Bank 

Foundations of Microeconomics, 5th Edition 2011, Bade, Parkin, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Foundations of Microeconomics, 5th Edition 2011, Bade, Parkin, Test Bank 

Foundations of Microeconomics, 6th Edition 2013, Bade, Parkin, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Foundations of Microeconomics, 6th Edition 2013, Bade, Parkin, Test Bank 

Foundations of Multinational Financial Management, 6th Edition, Shapiro, Sarin, Instructor's Manual 

Foundations of Multinational Financial Management, 6th Edition, Shapiro, Sarin, Test Bank 

Foundations of Nursing Research, 5th Edition, NIESWIADOMY, Instructor Manual 

Foundations of Nursing Research, 5th Edition, NIESWIADOMY, Test Bank 

Foundations of Operations Management, Second Canadian Edition, 2nd Edition, Ritzman, Krajewski, Malhotra, Klassen, Instructor Manual 

Foundations of Operations Management, Second Canadian Edition, 2nd Edition, Ritzman, Krajewski, Malhotra, Klassen, Test Bank 

Foundations of Physiological Psychology, 6th Edition, Carlson, Instructor Manual 

Foundations of Physiological Psychology, 7th Edition, Carlson, Instructor Manual 

Foundations of Physiological Psychology, 7th Edition, Carlson, Test Bank 

Foundations Of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 5th Edition, Varcarolis, Test Bank 

Foundations Of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 6th Edition, Varcarolis, Test Bank 

Foundations:  A Reader for New College Students, 5th Edition 2011, Gordon, Minnick, Instructor Manual 

Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems, 8th Edition, Brown, Churchill, Solutions Manual 

Framework for Human Resource Management, 5th Edition, Dessler, Instructor Manual 

Framework for Human Resource Management, 5th Edition, Dessler, Test Bank 

Framework for Human Resource Management, 6th Edition 2011, Gary Dessler, Instructor Manual 

Framework for Human Resource Management, 6th Edition 2011, Gary Dessler, Test Bank 

Framework for Marketing Management, 4th Edition, Kotler, Instructor Manual 

Framework for Marketing Management, 4th Edition, Kotler, Test Bank 

Framework for Marketing Management, 5th Edition 2012, Kotler, Keller, Instructor Manual 

Framework for Marketing Management, 5th Edition 2012, Kotler, Keller, Test Bank 

Frank Wood's Business Accounting Volume 1 with MyAccountingLab access card, 12th Edition, Sangster, Wood, Solutions Manual 

Frank Wood's Business Accounting Volume 1 with MyAccountingLab access card, 12th Edition, Sangster, Wood, Test Bank 

Frank Wood's Business Accounting Volume 1, 11th Edition, Wood, Sangster, Solutions Manual 

Frank Wood's Business Accounting Volume 2, 11th Edition, Wood, Sangster, Solutions Manual 

Fraud Examination, 3rd Edition, Albrecht, Albrecht, Albrecht, Zimbelman, Solutions Manual 

Fraud Examination, 3rd Edition, Albrecht, Albrecht, Albrecht, Zimbelman, Test Bank 

Fraud Examination, 4th Edition, Albrecht, Albrecht, Albrecht, Zimbelman, Solutions Manual 

Fraud Examination, 4th Edition, Albrecht, Albrecht, Albrecht, Zimbelman, Test Bank 

Fraud Examination, Revised, 2nd Edition, Albrecht, Albrecht, Albrecht, Instructor Manual 

Friendly Introduction to Analysis, 2nd Edition, Kosmala, Solutions Manual 

Friendly Introduction to Number Theory, 3rd Edition, Silverman, Solutions Manual 

Friendly Introduction to Numerical Analysis, 1st Edition 2006, Bradie, Solutions Manual 

From Master Student to Master Employee, 3rd Edition 2011, Dave Ellis, Instructor Manual 

From Master Student to Master Employee, 3rd Edition 2011, Dave Ellis, Test Bank 

Front Office Management Simulation, 2nd Edition 2011, Hayes, Miller, Instructor Manual 

Functioning in the Real World:  A Precalculus Experience, 2nd Edition, Gordon, Gordon, Tucker, Siegel, Solutions Manual 

Functions and Change:  A Modeling Approach to College Algebra, 4th Edition, Crauder, Evans, Noell, Solutions Manual 

Functions and Change:  A Modeling Approach to College Algebra, 4th Edition, Crauder, Evans, Noell, Test Bank 

Fundamental Accounting Principles, 17th Edition, Larson, Wild, Chiappetta, Solution Manual 

Fundamental Accounting Principles, 18th Edition, Larson, Wild, Chiappetta, Solutions Manual 

Fundamental Accounting Principles, 18th Edition, Larson, Wild, Chiappetta, Test Bank 

Fundamental Accounting Principles, 19th Edition, Wild, Shaw, Chiappetta, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamental Accounting Principles, 19th Edition, Wild, Shaw, Chiappetta, Test Bank 

Fundamental Accounting Principles, 20th Edition, Wild, Shaw, Chiappetta, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamental Accounting Principles, 20th Edition, Wild, Shaw, Chiappetta, Test Bank 

Fundamental Accounting Principles, Thirteenth Canadian Edition, 13th Edition, Larson, Jensen, Test Bank 

Fundamental Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting, 1st Edition, Heitger, Mowen, Hansen, Solutions Manual 

Fundamental Financial Accounting Concepts - OLC, 7th Edition 2011, Edmonds, Olds, McNair, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamental Financial Accounting Concepts - OLC, 7th Edition 2011, Edmonds, Olds, McNair, Test Bank 

Fundamental Financial Accounting Concepts, 8th Edition 2013, Edmonds, Olds, McNair, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamental Financial Accounting Concepts, 8th Edition 2013, Edmonds, Olds, McNair, Test Bank 

Fundamental Financial and Managerial Accounting Concepts, 1st Edition, Edmonds, Edmonds, Olds, McNair, Tsay, Schneider, Test Bank 

Fundamental Managerial Accounting Concepts, 6th Edition 2011, Edmonds, Tsay, Olds, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamental Managerial Accounting Concepts, 6th Edition 2011, Edmonds, Tsay, Olds, Test Bank 

Fundamental Mathematics through Applications, 3rd Edition, Akst, Bragg, Solutions Manual 

Fundamental Mathematics through Applications, 3rd Edition, Akst, Bragg, Test Bank 

Fundamental Mathematics through Applications, 4th Edition, Akst, Bragg, Solutions Manual 

Fundamental Mathematics through Applications, 4th Edition, Akst, Bragg, Test Bank 

Fundamental Mathematics, 4th Edition, Bittinger, Solutions Manual 

Fundamental Mathematics, 4th Edition, Bittinger, Test Bank 

Fundamental Nursing Care, 2nd Edition, Ramont, Niedringhaus, Instructor Manual 

Fundamental Nursing Care, 2nd Edition, Ramont, Niedringhaus, Test Bank 

Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 7th Edition 2011, Howell, Instructor Manual 

Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 7th Edition 2011, Howell, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting, 1st Edition, Fischer, Taylor, Cheng, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting, 1st Edition, Fischer, Taylor, Cheng, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting, 3rd Edition, Hoyle, Schaefer, Doupnik, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting, 3rd Edition, Hoyle, Schaefer, Doupnik, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting, 4th Edition 2011, Hoyle, Schaefer, Doupnik, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting, 4th Edition 2011, Hoyle, Schaefer, Doupnik, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting, 5th Edition 2013, Hoyle, Schaefer, Doupnik, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting, 5th Edition 2013, Hoyle, Schaefer, Doupnik, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, 5th Edition, Anderson, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 8th Edition, Skoog, West, Holler, Crouch, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology with MasteringA&PT, 9th Edition 2012, Martini, Nath, Bartholomew, Test Bank 

Fundamentals Of Anatomy & Physiology, 7th Edition, Martini, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, 8th Edition, Martini, Nath, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics, 5th Edition, Fawwaz T,  Ulaby, Solution Manual 

Fundamentals of Biochemistry:  Life at the Molecular Level, 3rd Edition, Voet, Pratt, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Business Data Communications, 10th Edition, FitzGerald, Dennis, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Business Data Communications, 10th Edition, FitzGerald, Dennis, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Business Law Summarized Cases, 7th Edition, Miller, Jentz, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Business Law Summarized Cases, 7th Edition, Miller, Jentz, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Business Law:  Excerpted Cases, 1st Edition, Miller, Jentz, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Business Law:  Excerpted Cases, 1st Edition, Miller, Jentz, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Business Statistics, 5th Edition, Anderson, Sweeney, Williams, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Business Statistics, 5th Edition, Anderson, Sweeney, Williams, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Business Statistics, 6th Edition, Sweeney, Williams, Anderson, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Business Statistics, 6th Edition, Sweeney, Williams, Anderson, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Canadian Nursing:  Concepts, Process, and Practice, Second Canadian Edition, 2nd Edition, Kozier, Erb, Berman, Snyder, Bouchal, Hirst, Stamler, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Canadian Nursing:  Concepts, Process, and Practice, Second Canadian Edition, 2nd Edition, Kozier, Erb, Berman, Snyder, Bouchal, Hirst, Stamler, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Communication Systems, 1st Edition 2005, Proakis, Salehi, Solution Manual 

Fundamentals of Complex Analysis with Applications to Engineering, Science, and Mathematics, 3rd Edition, Saff, Snider, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Contemporary Financial Management, 2nd Edition, Moyer, McGuigan, Rao, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Contemporary Financial Management, 2nd Edition, Moyer, McGuigan, Rao, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance plus MyFinanceLab with Pearson eText Student Access Code Card Package, 2nd Edition 2012, Berk, DeMarzo, Harford, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance plus MyFinanceLab with Pearson eText Student Access Code Card Package, 2nd Edition 2012, Berk, DeMarzo, Harford, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 10th Edition 2013, Ross, Westerfield, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 10th Edition 2013, Ross, Westerfield, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 1st Edition 2009, Berk, DeMarzo, Harford, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 1st Edition 2009, Berk, DeMarzo, Harford, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 1st Edition 2009, Parrino, Kidwell, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 1st Edition 2009, Parrino, Kidwell, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 2nd Edition 2012, Berk, DeMarzo, Harford, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 2nd Edition 2012, Berk, DeMarzo, Harford, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 6th Edition, Brealey, Myers, Marcus , Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 7th Edition, Brealey, Myers, Marcus, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 7th Edition, Brealey, Myers, Marcus, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 7th Edition, Ross, Westerfield, Jordan, Solution Manual 

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 8th Edition, Ross, Westerfield, Jordan, Solution Manual 

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 9th Edition, Ross, Westerfield, Jordan, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 9th Edition, Ross, Westerfield, Jordan, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, Canadian Edition, 1st Edition 2013, Berk, DeMarzo, Harford, Stangeland, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, Canadian Edition, 1st Edition 2013, Berk, DeMarzo, Harford, Stangeland, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, Seventh Cdn Edition, 7th Canadian Edition, Ross, Westerfield, Jordan, Roberts, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Cost Accounting, 1st Edition, Michael, Maher, Solution Manual 

Fundamentals of Cost Accounting, 2nd Edition, Lanen, Anderson, Maher, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Cost Accounting, 2nd Edition, Lanen, Anderson, Maher, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Cost Accounting, 3rd Edition, Lanen, Anderson, Maher, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Cost Accounting, 3rd Edition, Lanen, Anderson, Maher, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Database Management Systems, 2nd Edition, Gillenson, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Database Management Systems, 2nd Edition, Gillenson, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Database Systems, 5th Edition, Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B,  Navathe, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Database Systems, 6th Edition 2011, Elmasri, Navathe, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Derivatives Markets, 1st Edition 2009, McDonald, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Derivatives Markets, 1st Edition 2009, McDonald, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 4th Edition, Nagle, Saff, Snider, Solution Manual 

Fundamentals of Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 6th Edition 2012, Nagle, Staff, Snider, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Differential Equations bound, 7th Edition, Nagle, Saff, Snider, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems, 5th Edition, Nagle, Saff, Snider, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Differential Equations, 8th Edition 2012, Nagle, Saff, Snider, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Economics, 5th Edition 2012, Boyes, Melvin, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 2nd Edition, Charles Alexander, Matthew Sadiku, Solution Manual 

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 3rd Edition, Alexander, Sadiku, Solution Manual 

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 4th Edition, Alexander, Sadiku, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 5th Edition 2013, Alexander, Sadiku, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Electromagnetics for Electrical and Computer Engineering, 1st Edition 2009, Nannapaneni Narayana Rao, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Electromagnetics with Engineering Applications, 1st Edition 2005, Wentworth, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Engineering Economics, 2nd Edition, Park, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Entomology, 6th Edition, Elzinga, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Financial Accounting, 2nd Edition, Phillips, Libby, Libby, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Financial Accounting, 2nd Edition, Phillips, Libby, Libby, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Financial Accounting, 3rd Edition, Phillips, Libby, Libby, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Financial Accounting, 3rd Edition, Phillips, Libby, Libby, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Financial Management  with Thomson ONE - Business School Edition , 12th Edition, Brigham, Houston, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Financial Management  with Thomson ONE - Business School Edition , 12th Edition, Brigham, Houston, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Financial Management, 11th Edition, Brigham, Houston, Solution Manual 

Fundamentals of Financial Management, 11th Edition, Brigham, Houston, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Financial Management, 12th Edition, Brigham, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Financial Management, 12th Edition, Brigham, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Financial Management, 12th Edition, James, Horne, Wachowicz, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Financial Management, 12th Edition, James, Horne, Wachowicz, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th Edition 2013, Brigham, Houston, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th Edition 2013, Brigham, Houston, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th Edition, Horne, Wachowicz, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th Edition, Horne, Wachowicz, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Financial Management, 5th Edition Concise, Brigham, Houston, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, 5th Edition, Brigham, Houston, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, 5th Edition, Brigham, Houston, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, 6th Edition, Brigham, Houston, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, 6th Edition, Brigham, Houston, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, 7th Edition 2012, Brigham, Houston, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, 7th Edition 2012, Brigham, Houston, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 6th Edition, Munson, Young, Okiishi, Huebsch, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Edition 2011, Hull, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Edition 2011, Hull, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry with MasteringChemistryr, 7th Edition 2013, McMurry, Ballantine, Hoeger, Peterson, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry with MasteringChemistryr, 7th Edition 2013, McMurry, Ballantine, Hoeger, Peterson, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, 5th Edition, McMurry, Castellion, Ballantine, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, 6th Edition, McMurry, Ballantine, Hoeger, Peterson, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Graphics Communication, 6th Edition 2011, Bertoline, Wiebe, Hartman, Ross, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 5th Edition, Incropera, DeWitt, Solution Manual 

Fundamentals of Human Physiology, 1st Edition, Stuart Ira Fox, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Human Physiology, 1st Edition, Stuart Ira Fox, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Human Physiology, 4th Edition 2012, Lauralee Sherwood, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Human Physiology, 4th Edition 2012, Lauralee Sherwood, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 10th Edition, DeCenzo, Robbins, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 10th Edition, DeCenzo, Robbins, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 1st Edition 2009, Dessler, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 1st Edition 2009, Dessler, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 2nd Edition 2012, Gary Dessler, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 2nd Edition 2012, Gary Dessler, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 3rd Edition, Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 3rd Edition, Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 4th Edition 2011, Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 4th Edition 2011, Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 8th Edition, DeCenzo, Robbins, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 8th Edition, DeCenzo, Robbins, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 9th Edition, DeCenzo, Robbins, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 9th Edition, DeCenzo, Robbins, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Human Sexuality:  Making Healthy Decisions, 1st Edition 2003, McAnulty, Burnette, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Human Sexuality:  Making Healthy Decisions, 1st Edition 2003, McAnulty, Burnette, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of HVAC R, 1st Edition 2010, Stanfield, Skaves, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of HVAC R, 1st Edition 2010, Stanfield, Skaves, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Hydraulic Engineering Systems, 4th Edition, Houghtalen, Akan, Hwang, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Hydraulic Engineering Systems, 4th Edition, Houghtalen, Akan, Hwang, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Information Systems, 3rd Edition, Stair, Reynolds, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Information Systems, 3rd Edition, Stair, Reynolds, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Information Systems, 4th Edition, Stair, Reynolds, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Information Systems, 4th Edition, Stair, Reynolds, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Information Systems, 5th Edition, Stair, Reynolds, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Information Systems, 5th Edition, Stair, Reynolds, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Information Systems, 6th Edition 2012, Stair, Reynolds, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Information Systems, 6th Edition 2012, Stair, Reynolds, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of International Finance, 1st Edition, Crum, Brigham, Houston, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of International Finance, 1st Edition, Crum, Brigham, Houston, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Investing plus MyFinanceLab Student Access Kit and OTIS Student Access Kit, 10th Edition, Gitman, Joehnk, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Investing plus MyFinanceLab Student Access Kit and OTIS Student Access Kit, 10th Edition, Gitman, Joehnk, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Investing, 10th Edition, Gitman, Joehnk, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Investing, 10th Edition, Gitman, Joehnk, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Investing, 11th Edition, Gitman, Joehnk, Smart, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Investing, 11th Edition, Gitman, Joehnk, Smart, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Investment Management, 10th Edition 2012, Hirt, Block, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Investment Management, 10th Edition 2012, Hirt, Block, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Investment Management, 9th Edition, Hirt, Block, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Investment Management, 9th Edition, Hirt, Block, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Investments:  Valuation and Management, 6th Edition 2012, Jordan, Miller, Dolvin, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Investments:  Valuation and Management, 6th Edition 2012, Jordan, Miller, Dolvin, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Investments, Canadian, 3rd Edition 2013, Jordan, Miller, Dolvin, Yuce, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Java AP Computer Science Essentials for the A & AB Exams, 3rd Edition, Lambert, Osborne, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Java AP Computer Science Essentials for the A & AB Exams, 3rd Edition, Lambert, Osborne, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Java:  AP Computer Science Essentials for the A Exam, 3rd Edition, Lambert, Osborne, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Java:  AP Computer Science Essentials for the A Exam, 3rd Edition, Lambert, Osborne, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Java:  AP Computer Science Essentials, 4th Edition, Lambert, Osborne, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Java:  AP Computer Science Essentials, 4th Edition, Lambert, Osborne, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Logic Design, 5th Edition, Charles H Roth, Solution Manual 

Fundamentals of Logic Design, 5th Edition, Roth, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Logic Design, 6th Edition 2010, Roth, Kinney, Solutions Manual 

Fundamentals of Management and MyManagementLab with Ebook Package, 6th Edition, Robbins, DeCenzo, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Management and MyManagementLab with Ebook Package, 6th Edition, Robbins, DeCenzo, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Management, 6th Edition 2012, Griffin, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Management, 6th Edition 2012, Griffin, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Management, 6th Edition, Robbins, DeCenzo, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Management, 6th Edition, Robbins, DeCenzo, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Management, 7th Edition 2011, Robbins, De Cenzo, Coulter, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Management, 7th Edition 2011, Robbins, De Cenzo, Coulter, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Management, 8th Edition 2013, Robbins, De Cenzo, Coulter, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Management, 8th Edition 2013, Robbins, De Cenzo, Coulter, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Management:  Asia Pacific Edition, 3rd Edition, Samson, Daft, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Management, Fifth Canadian Edition, 5th Edition, Robbins, Coulter,  Langton, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Management, Fifth Canadian Edition, 5th Edition, Robbins, Coulter,  Langton, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Management, Sixth Canadian Edition, 6th Edition 2011, Robbins, Coulter, Langton, Instructor Manual 

Fundamentals of Management, Sixth Canadian Edition, 6th Edition 2011, Robbins, Coulter, Langton, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Managerial Economics, 8th Edition, Mark Hirschey, Test Bank 

Fundamentals of Managerial Economics, 9th Edition 2009, Mark Hirschey, Instructor Manual

Introduction to the Human Body, 8th Edition, Tortora, Derrickson, Test Bank 

Introduction to the Human Body:  The Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology, 7th Edition, Tortora, Derrickson, Test Bank 

Introduction to the Profession of Counseling, 5th Edition, Nugent, Jones, Instructor Manual 

Introduction to the Profession of Counseling, 5th Edition, Nugent, Jones, Test Bank 

Introduction to Theories of Personalit, 7th Edition, Hergenhahn, Olson, Instructor Manual 

Introduction to Theories of Personalit, 7th Edition, Hergenhahn, Olson, Test Bank 

Introduction to Theories of Personality, 7th Edition, Hergenhahn, Olson, Instructor Manual 

Introduction to Theories of Personality, 7th Edition, Hergenhahn, Olson, Test Bank 

Introduction to Theories of Personality, 8th Edition 2011, Olson, Hergenhahn, Instructor Manual 

Introduction to Theories of Personality, 8th Edition 2011, Olson, Hergenhahn, Test Bank 

Introduction to Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer, 2nd Edition, Cengel, €engel, Solutions Manual 

Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems, 1st Edition 2002, John P,  Uyemura, Solution Manual 

Introduction to Wireless and Mobile Systems, 2nd Edition, Agrawal, Zeng, Solutions Manual 

Introduction to Wireless and Mobile Systems, 3rd Edition 2011, Agrawal, Qing-An Zeng, Solutions Manual 

Introductory & Intermediate Algebra for College Students, 3rd Edition, Blitzer, Solutions Manual 

Introductory & Intermediate Algebra for College Students, 3rd Edition, Blitzer, Test Bank 

Introductory & Intermediate Algebra for College Students, 4th Edition 2013, Blitzer, Solutions Manual 

Introductory & Intermediate Algebra for College Students, 4th Edition 2013, Blitzer, Test Bank 

Introductory Algebra for College Students, 5th Edition, Blitzer, Solutions Manual 

Introductory Algebra for College Students, 5th Edition, Blitzer, Test Bank 

Introductory Algebra for College Students, 6th Edition 2013, Blitzer, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Introductory Algebra for College Students, 6th Edition 2013, Blitzer, Test Bank 

Introductory Algebra through Applications, 1st Edition 2005, Akst, Bragg, Solutions Manual 

Introductory Algebra through Applications, 1st Edition 2005, Akst, Bragg, Test Bank 

Introductory Algebra through Applications, 2nd Edition, Akst, Bragg, Solutions Manual 

Introductory Algebra through Applications, 2nd Edition, Akst, Bragg, Test Bank 

Introductory Algebra, 10th Edition, Bittinger, Solutions Manual 

Introductory Algebra, 10th Edition, Bittinger, Test Bank 

Introductory Algebra, 11th Edition 2011, Bittinger, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Introductory Algebra, 11th Edition 2011, Bittinger, Test Bank 

Introductory Algebra, 1st Edition 2006, Blair, Solutions Manual 

Introductory Algebra, 1st Edition 2006, Blair, Test Bank 

Introductory Algebra, 3rd Edition, Martin-Gay, Solutions Manual 

Introductory Algebra, 3rd Edition, Martin-Gay, Test Bank 

Introductory Algebra, 4th Edition 2011, Tussy, Gustafson, Koenig, Instructor Manual 

Introductory Algebra, 4th Edition 2011, Tussy, Gustafson, Koenig, Test Bank 

Introductory Algebra, 4th Edition 2012, Elayn Martin-Gay, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Introductory Algebra, 4th Edition 2012, Elayn Martin-Gay, Test Bank 

Introductory Algebra, 8th Edition 2011, Aufmann, Lockwood, Solutions Manual 

Introductory Algebra, 8th Edition, Lial, Hornsby, McGinnis, Solutions Manual 

Introductory Algebra, 8th Edition, Lial, Hornsby, McGinnis, Test Bank 

Introductory Algebra, 9th Edition, Lial, Hornsby, McGinnis, Solutions Manual 

Introductory Algebra, 9th Edition, Lial, Hornsby, McGinnis, Test Bank 

Introductory Algebra:  A Real World Approach, 3rd Edition, Ignacio Bello, Solutions Manual 

Introductory Algebra:  A Real World Approach, 3rd Edition, Ignacio Bello, Test Bank 

Introductory Algebra:  Everyday Explorations, 5th Edition 2013, Kaseberg, Cripe, Wildman, Solutions Manual 

Introductory and Intermediate Algebra through Applications, 2nd Edition, Akst, Bragg, Solutions Manual 

Introductory and Intermediate Algebra through Applications, 2nd Edition, Akst, Bragg, Solutions Manual 

Introductory and Intermediate Algebra through Applications, 2nd Edition, Akst, Bragg, Test Bank 

Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, 3rd Edition, Bittinger, Beecher, Solutions Manual 

Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, 3rd Edition, Bittinger, Beecher, Test Bank 

Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, 3rd Edition, Lial, Hornsby, McGinnis, Solutions Manual 

Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, 3rd Edition, Lial, Hornsby, McGinnis, Solutions Manual 

Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, 3rd Edition, Lial, Hornsby, McGinnis, Test Bank 

Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, 4th Edition 2011, Bittinger, Beecher, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, 4th Edition 2011, Bittinger, Beecher, Test Bank 

Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, 4th Edition, Lial, Hornsby, McGinnis, Solutions Manual 

Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, 4th Edition, Lial, Hornsby, McGinnis, Solutions Manual 

Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, 4th Edition, Lial, Hornsby, McGinnis, Test Bank 

Introductory Botany:  Plants, People, and the Environment, Media Edition, 2nd Edition, Berg, Instructor Manual 

Introductory Botany:  Plants, People, and the Environment, Media Edition, 2nd Edition, Berg, Test Bank 

Introductory Chemistry Essentials with MasteringChemistryr, 4th Edition 2012, Tro, Instructor Manual 

Introductory Chemistry Essentials with MasteringChemistryr, 4th Edition 2012, Tro, Test Bank 

Introductory Chemistry Essentials, 3rd Edition, Tro, Instructor Manual 

Introductory Chemistry Essentials, 3rd Edition, Tro, Test Bank 

Introductory Chemistry for Today, 6th Edition, Seager, Slabaugh, Test Bank 

Introductory Chemistry for Today, 7th Edition 2011, Seager, Slabaugh, Test Bank 

Introductory Chemistry with MasteringChemistry, 4th Edition, Russo, Silver, Test Bank 

Introductory Chemistry with MasteringChemistryr, 4th Edition 2012, Tro, Instructor Manual 

Introductory Chemistry with MasteringChemistryr, 4th Edition 2012, Tro, Test Bank 

Introductory Chemistry, 3rd Edition, Russo, Silver, Test Bank 

Introductory Chemistry, 3rd Edition, Tro, Instructor Manual 

Introductory Chemistry, 3rd Edition, Tro, Test Bank 

Introductory Chemistry, 7th Edition 2011, Zumdahl, DeCoste, Test Bank 

Introductory Chemistry:  A Foundation, 7th Edition 2011, Zumdahl, DeCoste, Test Bank 

Introductory Chemistry:  An Active Learning Approach, 3rd Edition 2007, Cracolice, Peters, Instructor Manual 

Introductory Chemistry:  An Active Learning Approach, 3rd Edition 2007, Cracolice, Peters, Test Bank 

Introductory Chemistry:  An Active Learning Approach, 4th Edition, Cracolice, Peters, Test Bank 

Introductory Chemistry:  Concepts & Connections, 5th Edition, Corwin, Instructor Manual 

Introductory Chemistry:  Concepts & Connections, 5th Edition, Corwin, Test Bank 

Introductory Chemistry:  Concepts and Critical Thinking with MasteringChemistryr, 6th Edition 2011, Corwin, Instructor Manual 

Introductory Chemistry:  Concepts and Critical Thinking with MasteringChemistryr, 6th Edition 2011, Corwin, Test Bank 

Introductory Circuit Analysis, 12th Edition, Boylestad, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Introductory Circuit Analysis, 12th Edition, Boylestad, Test Bank 

Introductory Circuits for Electrical and Computer Engineering, 1st Edition 2002, Nilsson, Riedel, Solutions Manual 

Introductory Econometrics:  A Modern Approach, 4th Edition, Wooldridge, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Introductory Foods, 13th Edition, Bennion, Scheule, Instructor Manual 

Introductory Foods, 13th Edition, Bennion, Scheule, Test Bank 

Introductory Linear Algebra:  An Applied First Course, 8th Edition, Kolman, Hill, Solutions Manual 

Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Economics and the Life and Social Sciences, 12th Edition, Haeussler, Paul, Wood, Solutions Manual 

Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Economics and the Life and Social Sciences, 12th Edition, Haeussler, Paul, Wood, Test Bank 

Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Economics, and the Life and Social Sciences, 13th Edition 2011, Haeussler, Paul, Wood, Solutions Manual 

Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Economics, and the Life and Social Sciences, 13th Edition 2011, Haeussler, Paul, Wood, Test Bank 

Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Economics, and the Life and Social Sciences, 13th Edition, Haeussler, Paul, Wood, Solutions Manual 

Introductory Physics:  Building Understanding, 1st Edition 2006, Touger, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Introductory Physics:  Building Understanding, 1st Edition 2006, Touger, Solutions Manual 

Introductory Physics:  Building Understanding, 1st Edition 2006, Touger, Test Bank 

Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 6th Edition, Welkowitz, Cohen, Ewen, Instructor Manual 

Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 6th Edition, Welkowitz, Cohen, Ewen, Test Bank 

Introductory Statistics, 7th Edition, Mann, Solutions Manual 

Introductory Statistics, 7th Edition, Mann, Test Bank 

Introductory Statistics, 7th Edition, Weiss, Solutions Manual 

Introductory Statistics, 7th Edition, Weiss, Test Bank 

Introductory Statistics, 8th Edition, Weiss, Solutions Manual 

Introductory Statistics, 8th Edition, Weiss, Test Bank 

Introductory Statistics, 9th Edition 2012, Weiss, Solutions Manual 

Introductory Statistics, 9th Edition 2012, Weiss, Solutions Manual 

Introductory Statistics, 9th Edition 2012, Weiss, Test Bank 

Introductory Statistics, 9th Edition 2012, Weiss, Test Bank 

Inventing America, 2nd Edition, Maier, Smith, Keyssar, Kevles, Instructor Manual, WW Norton 

Inventing America, 2nd Edition, Maier, Smith, Keyssar, Kevles, Test Bank, WW Norton 

Investigating Change in American Society, 2nd Edition, Frey, Instructor Manual 

Investigations in Environmental Geology, 3rd Edition, Foley, McKenzie, Utgard, Instructor Manual 

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management , 9th Edition, Reilly, Brown, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management , 9th Edition, Reilly, Brown, Test Bank 

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 10th Edition 2012, Reilly, Brown, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 10th Edition 2012, Reilly, Brown, Test Bank 

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 8th Edition, Reilly, Brown, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 8th Edition, Reilly, Brown, Test Bank 

Investment Banks, Hedge Funds, and Private Equity, 1st Edition, David Stowell, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual, Elsevier Mosby 

Investment, 4th Edition, Jordan, Miller, Test Bank 

Investments  with Thomson ONE - Business School Edition , 7th Edition, Reilly, Norton, Instructor Manual 

Investments  with Thomson ONE - Business School Edition , 7th Edition, Reilly, Norton, Test Bank 

Investments, 7th Canadian Edition 2011, Bodie, Kane, Marcus, Perrakis, Ryan, Test Bank 

Investments, 8th Edition, Zvi Bodie, Solutions Manual 

Investments, 8th Edition, Zvi Bodie, Test Bank 

Investments, 9th Edition 2011, Bodie, Kane, Marcus, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Investments, 9th Edition 2011, Bodie, Kane, Marcus, Test Bank 

Investments:  An Introduction, 10th Edition, Mayo, Instructor Manual 

Investments:  An Introduction, 10th Edition, Mayo, Test Bank 

Investments:  An Introduction, 9th Edition, Mayo, Instructor Manual 

Investments:  An Introduction, 9th Edition, Mayo, Test Bank 

Investments:  Analysis and Management, 10th Edition, Jones, Instructor's Manual 

Investments:  Analysis and Management, 10th Edition, Jones, Test Bank 

Investments:  Analysis and Management, 11th Edition, Jones, Instructor Manual 

Investments:  Analysis and Management, 11th Edition, Jones, Test Bank 

Investments:  Principles and Concepts, 11th Edition, Jones, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Investments:  Principles and Concepts, 11th Edition, Jones, Test Bank 

Invitation to Computer Science, 5th Edition, Schneider, Gersting, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Invitation to Computer Science, 5th Edition, Schneider, Gersting, Test Bank 

Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition 2013, Schneider, Gersting, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition 2013, Schneider, Gersting, Test Bank 

Invitation to Computer Science:  C++ Version, 4th Edition, Schneider, Gersting, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Invitation to Computer Science:  C++ Version, 4th Edition, Schneider, Gersting, Test Bank 

Invitation to Psychology, 4th Edition, Wade, Tavris, Instructor Manual 

Invitation to Psychology, 4th Edition, Wade, Tavris, Test Bank 

Invitation to Psychology, 5th Edition 2012, Wade, Tavris, Instructor Manual 

Invitation to Psychology, 5th Edition 2012, Wade, Tavris, Test Bank 

Invitation to Public Speaking Handbook, 1st Edition 2011, Griffin, Instructor Manual 

IPC, 1st Edition 2012, West, Turner, Instructor Manual 

IR:  The New World of International Relations, 7th Edition, Roskin, Berry, Instructor Manual 

IR:  The New World of International Relations, 7th Edition, Roskin, Berry, Test Bank 

IR:  The New World of International Relations, 8th Edition, Roskin, Berry, Instructor Manual 

IR:  The New World of International Relations, 8th Edition, Roskin, Berry, Test Bank 

Isotopes Principles and Applications, 3rd Edition, Faure, Mensing, Solutions Manual 

Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions, 7th Edition, Corey, Corey, Callanan, Instructor Manual 

Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions, 7th Edition, Corey, Corey, Callanan, Test Bank 

Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions, 8th Edition 2011, Corey, Corey, Callanan, Instructor Manual 

Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions, 8th Edition 2011, Corey, Corey, Callanan, Test Bank 

Issues in Aging, 1st Edition 2006, Mark Novak, Instructor Manual 

Issues in Aging, 1st Edition 2006, Mark Novak, Test Bank 

Issues in Aging, 2nd Edition, Mark Novak, Instructor Manual 

Issues in Aging, 2nd Edition, Mark Novak, Test Bank 

Issues in Aging, 3rd Edition 2012, Mark Novak, Instructor Manual 

Issues in Aging, 3rd Edition 2012, Mark Novak, Test Bank 

Issues in Economics Today, 6th Edition 2012, Guell, Instructor Manual 

Issues in Economics Today, 6th Edition 2012, Guell, Test Bank 

IT Networking Labs, 1st Edition 2010, Tom Cavaiani, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

IT Strategy in Action, 1st Edition 2009, McKeen, Smith, Test Bank 

Janson's History of Art:  The Western Tradition, 8th Edition 2011, Davies, Denny, Hofrichter, Jacobs, Roberts, Simon, Instructor Manual 

Janson's History of Art:  The Western Tradition, 8th Edition 2011, Davies, Denny, Hofrichter, Jacobs, Roberts, Simon, Test Bank 

Java Foundations:  Introduction to Program Design and Data Structures, 1st Edition 2008, Lewis, DePasquale, Chase, Test Bank 

Java Foundations:  Introduction to Program Design and Data Structures, 2nd Edition, Lewis, DePasquale, Chase, Solutions Manual 

Java Foundations:  Introduction to Program Design and Data Structures, 2nd Edition, Lewis, DePasquale, Chase, Test Bank 

Java How to Program  early objects , 9th Edition, Deitel, Deitel, Solutions Manual 

Java How to Program  early objects , 9th Edition, Deitel, Deitel, Test Bank 

Java How to Program, 7th Edition, Harvey, Paul, Deitel, Deitel, Instructor Manual 

Java How to Program, 7th Edition, Harvey, Paul, Deitel, Deitel, Test Bank 

Java How to Program:  Early Objects Version, 8th Edition, Deitel & Deitel, Solutions Manual 

Java How to Program:  Early Objects Version, 8th Edition, Deitel & Deitel, Test Bank 

Java How to Program:  Late Objects Version, 8th Edition, Deitel, Solutions Manual 

Java How to Program:  Late Objects Version, 8th Edition, Deitel, Test Bank 

Java Programming From Problem Analysis To Program Design, 3rd Edition, Malik, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Java Programming From Problem Analysis To Program Design, 3rd Edition, Malik, Test Bank 

Java Programming Program:  Design Including Data Structures, 1st Edition, Malik, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Java Programming Program:  Design Including Data Structures, 1st Edition, Malik, Test Bank 

Java Programming, 4th Edition, Joyce Farrell, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Java Programming, 4th Edition, Joyce Farrell, Test Bank 

Java Programming, 5th Edition 2010, Joyce Farrell, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Java Programming, 5th Edition 2010, Joyce Farrell, Test Bank 

Java Programming, 6th Edition 2012, Joyce Farrell, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Java Programming, 6th Edition 2012, Joyce Farrell, Test Bank 

Java Programming:  Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques, 3rd Edition, Shelly, Cashman, Starks, Mick, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Java Programming:  Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques, 3rd Edition, Shelly, Cashman, Starks, Mick, Test Bank 

Java Programming:  From Problem Analysis to Program Design, 4th Edition, Malik, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Java Programming:  From Problem Analysis to Program Design, 4th Edition, Malik, Test Bank 

Java Programming:  From the Ground Up, 1st Edition, Bravaco, Simonson, Solutions Manual 

Java Programming:  Guided Learning with Early Objects, 1st Edition, Malik, Burton, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Java Programming:  Guided Learning with Early Objects, 1st Edition, Malik, Burton, Test Bank 

Java Programs to Accompany Programming Logic and Design, 2nd Edition, Jo Ann Smith, Solutions Manual 

Java Programs to Accompany Programming Logic and Design, 3rd Edition 2011, Jo Ann Smith, Solutions Manual 

Java Software Solutions:  Foundations of Program Design, 6th Edition, Lewis, Loftus, Solutions Manual 

Java Software Solutions:  Foundations of Program Design, 6th Edition, Lewis, Loftus, Test Bank 

Java Software Solutions:  Foundations of Program Design, 7th Edition 2012, Lewis, Loftus, Solutions Manual 

Java Software Solutions:  Foundations of Program Design, 7th Edition 2012, Lewis, Loftus, Test Bank 

Java Software Structures:  Designing and Using Data Structures, 2nd Edition, Lewis, Chase, Solutions Manual 

Java Software Structures:  Designing and Using Data Structures, 2nd Edition, Lewis, Chase, Test Bank 

Java Software Structures:  Designing and Using Data Structures, 3rd Edition, Lewis, Chase, Solutions Manual 

Java Software Structures:  Designing and Using Data Structures, 3rd Edition, Lewis, Chase, Test Bank 

Java:  Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming, 5th Edition, Savitch, Carrano, Solutions Manual 

JavaScript, 4th Edition, Don Gosselin, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

JavaScript, 4th Edition, Don Gosselin, Test Bank 

JavaScript:  The Web Technologies Series, 5th Edition 2011, Don Gosselin, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

JavaScript:  The Web Technologies Series, 5th Edition 2011, Don Gosselin, Test Bank 

Jazz, 1st Edition, DeVeaux, Giddins, Instructor Manual, WW Norton 

Jazz, 1st Edition, DeVeaux, Giddins, Test Bank, WW Norton 

Jazz:  Essential Listening, 1st Edition, DeVeaux, Giddins, Instructor Manual, WW Norton 

Jazz:  Essential Listening, 1st Edition, DeVeaux, Giddins, Test Bank, WW Norton 

John Freund's Mathematical Statistics with Applications, 7th Edition, Miller, Miller, Solutions Manual 

Joining Together:  Group Theory and Group Skills, 10th Edition, Johnson, Johnson, Test Bank 

Joining Together:  Group Theory and Group Skills, 11th Edition, Johnson, Johnson, Instructor Manual 

Joining Together:  Group Theory and Group Skills, 11th Edition, Johnson, Johnson, Test Bank 

Journey of Adulthood, 6th Edition, Bjorklund, Bee, Instructor Manual 

Journey of Adulthood, 6th Edition, Bjorklund, Bee, Test Bank 

Judgment in Managerial Decision Making, 7th Edition, Bazerman, Moore, Test Bank 

Juran's Quality Planning and Analysis for Enterprise Quality, 5th Edition, Gryna, Chua, Defeo, Solutions Manual 

Just Business:  Arguments in Business Ethics, 1st Edition 2012, Martin Sandbu, Instructor Manual 

Just Business:  Arguments in Business Ethics, 1st Edition 2012, Martin Sandbu, Test Bank 

Just Enough Programming Logic and Design, 1st Edition 2009, Joyce Farrell, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Just Enough Programming Logic and Design, 1st Edition 2009, Joyce Farrell, Test Bank 

Just Enough UNIX, 5th Edition, Andersen, Solutions Manual 

Just the Essentials of Elementary Statistics, 10th Edition, Johnson, Kuby, Solutions Manual 

Just-In-Time Algebra and Trigonometry for Early Transcendentals Calculus, 3rd Edition, Mueller, Brent, Solutions Manual 

Just-In-Time Algebra and Trigonometry for Students of Calculus, 3rd Edition, Mueller, Brent, Solutions Manual 

Justice Administration, 6th Edition, Ken Peak, Instructor Manual 

Justice Administration, 6th Edition, Ken Peak, Test Bank 

Justice Blind Ideals and Realities of American Criminal Justice, 3rd Edition, Matt Robinson, Instructor Manual 

Juvenile Delinquency:  Mainstream and Crosscurrents, 1st Edition, John Randolph Fuller, Test Bank 

Juvenile Delinquency:  The Core, 4th Edition 2011, Siegel, Welsh, Instructor Manual 

Juvenile Delinquency:  The Core, 4th Edition 2011, Siegel, Welsh, Test Bank 

Juvenile Delinquency:  Theory, Practice, and Law, 10th Edition, Siegel, Welsh, Instructor Manual 

Juvenile Delinquency:  Theory, Practice, and Law, 10th Edition, Siegel, Welsh, Test Bank 

Juvenile Justice in America, 5th Edition, Bartollas, Miller, Instructor Manual 

Juvenile Justice in America, 5th Edition, Bartollas, Miller, Test Bank 

Juvenile Justice System, 6th Edition, Champion, Instructor Manual 

Juvenile Justice System, 6th Edition, Champion, Test Bank 

Juvenile Justice Today, 1st Edition 2012, Vito, Kunselman, Instructor Manual 

Juvenile Justice, 5th Edition, Hess, Instructor Manual 

Juvenile Justice, 5th Edition, Hess, Test Bank 

Kc's Problems and Solutions for Microelectronic Circuits, 4th Edition, K,  C,  Smith, Solution Manual 

Keys to Business Communication, 1st Edition 2012, Carol Carter, Instructor Manual 

Keys to Business Communication, 1st Edition 2012, Carol Carter, Test Bank 

Keys to Effective Learning:  Study Skills and Habits for Success, 6th Edition 2011, Carter, Bishop, Kravits, Instructor Manual 

Keys to Effective Learning:  Study Skills and Habits for Success, 6th Edition 2011, Carter, Bishop, Kravits, Test Bank 

Keys to Success:  Building Analytical, Creative and Practical Skills, Brief Edition, 6th Edition 2012, Carter, Bishop, Kravits, Instructor Manual 

Keys to Success:  Building Analytical, Creative and Practical Skills, Brief Edition, 6th Edition 2012, Carter, Bishop, Kravits, Test Bank 

Kleppner's Advertising Procedure, 17th Edition, Lane, King, Russell, Instructor Manual 

Kleppner's Advertising Procedure, 17th Edition, Lane, King, Russell, Test Bank 

Kleppner's Advertising Procedure, 18th Edition 2011, Lane, King, Reichert, Instructor Manual 

Kleppner's Advertising Procedure, 18th Edition 2011, Lane, King, Reichert, Test Bank 

Kozier & Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing, 8th Edition, Berman, Snyder, Kozier, Erb, Instructor Manual 

Kozier & Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing, 8th Edition, Berman, Snyder, Kozier, Erb, Test Bank 

Kozier & Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing, 9th Edition 2012, Berman, Snyder, Instructor Manual 

Kozier & Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing, 9th Edition 2012, Berman, Snyder, Test Bank 

Lab Manual and Workbook for Physical Anthropology, 7th Edition 2011, France, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Lab Manual for Environmental Science, 1st Edition, Brooks, Instructor Manual 

Lab Manual for General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, 2nd Edition 2011, Timberlake, Instructor Manual 

Labor & Employment Law:  Text and Cases, 13th Edition, David Twomey, Instructor Manual 

Labor and Employment Law:  Text & Cases, 14th Edition, David Twomey, Instructor Manual 

Labor and Employment Law:  Text & Cases, 15th Edition 2013, David Twomey, Instructor Manual 

Labor Economics, 1st Edition, Derek Laing, Test Bank, WW Norton 

Labor Economics, 5th Edition, Borjas, Solutions Manual 

Labor Economics, 5th Edition, Borjas, Test Bank 

Labor Economics, 6th Edition 2013, Borjas, Solutions Manual 

Labor Economics, 6th Edition 2013, Borjas, Test Bank 

Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining, 9th Edition, Carrell, Heavrin, Instructor Manual 

Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining, 9th Edition, Carrell, Heavrin, Test Bank 

Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining:  Private and Public Sectors, 10th Edition 2013, Carrell, Heavrin, Instructor Manual 

Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining:  Private and Public Sectors, 10th Edition 2013, Carrell, Heavrin, Test Bank 

Labor Relations, 13th Edition, Sloane, Witney, Instructor Manual 

Labor Relations, 13th Edition, Sloane, Witney, Test Bank 

Labor Relations:  Development, Structure, Process, 10th Edition, John Fossum, Instructor Manual 

Labor Relations:  Development, Structure, Process, 10th Edition, John Fossum, Test Bank 

Labor Relations:  Development, Structure, Process, 11th Edition 2012, Fossum, Instructor Manual 

Labor Relations:  Development, Structure, Process, 11th Edition 2012, Fossum, Test Bank 

Laboratory Experiments for Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry, 7th Edition 2010, Bettelheim, Landesberg, Instructor Manual 

Laboratory Experiments in Microbiology, 9th Edition, Johnson, Case, Instructor Manual 

Laboratory Inquiry in Chemistry, 3rd Edition 2009, Bauer, Birk, Sawyer, Instructor Manual 

Laboratory Investigations in Anatomy & Physiology, Cat Version, 2nd Edition, Sarikas, Instructor Manual 

Laboratory Investigations in Anatomy & Physiology, Main Version, 2nd Edition, Sarikas, Instructor Manual 

Laboratory Investigations in Anatomy & Physiology, Pig Version, 2nd Edition, Sarikas, Instructor Manual 

Laboratory Manual for Anatomy & Physiology, 3rd Edition, Marieb, Instructor Manual 

Laboratory Manual for Anatomy & Physiology, Cat Version, 4th Edition, Wood, Instructor Manual 

Laboratory Manual for Anatomy & Physiology, Main Version, 4th Edition, Wood, Instructor Manual 

Laboratory Manual for Anatomy & Physiology, Pig Version, 4th Edition, Wood, Instructor Manual 

Laboratory Manual for Chemistry:  A Molecular Approach, 2nd Edition 2011, Tro, Vincent, Livingston, Instructor Manual 

Laboratory Manual for General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, 1st Edition 2007, Timberlake, Instructor Manual 

Laboratory Manual for Human Anatomy & Physiology , 2nd Edition 2013, Martin, Instructor Manual 

Laboratory Manual for Human Biology, 4th Edition, Atsma, Hsu, Solutions Manual 

Laboratory Manual for Human Biology:  Concepts and Current Issues, 5th Edition, Johnson, Atsma, Hsu, Solutions Manual 

Laboratory Manual for Introductory Geology, 1st Edition, Ludman, Marshak, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual, WW Norton 

Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology, 9th Edition 2012, Busch, Instructor Manual 

LabVIEW for Engineers, 1st Edition 2011, Ronald Larsen, Solutions Manual 

LabVIEW for Everyone:  Graphical Programming Made Easy and Fun, 3rd Edition, Travis, Kring, Solutions Manual 

Lakeside Company:  Case Studies in Auditing, 11th Edition, Trussel, Frazer, Solutions Manual 

Lakeside Company:  Case Studies in Auditing, 12th Edition 2012, Trussel, Frazer, Solutions Manual 

LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide, 1st Edition 2008, Johnson, Instructor Manual 

Language Development From Theory to Practice, 2nd Edition 2012, Turnbull, Justice, Instructor Manual 

Language Development From Theory to Practice, 2nd Edition 2012, Turnbull, Justice, Test Bank 

Language Development:  An Introduction, 7th Edition, Owens, Instructor Manual 

Language Development:  An Introduction, 7th Edition, Owens, Test Bank 

Language Disorders in Children:  Fundamental Concepts of Assessment and Intervention, 1st Edition 2011, Kaderavek, Instructor Manual 

Language Disorders in Children:  Fundamental Concepts of Assessment and Intervention, 1st Edition 2011, Kaderavek, Test Bank 

Languages and Machines:  An Introduction to the Theory of Computer Science, 3rd Edition, Sudkamp, Solutions Manual 

Laser Fundamentals, 2nd Edition, William T,  Silfvast, Solution Manual 

Launching New Ventures:  An Entrepreneurial Approach, 6th Edition 2012, Allen, Test Bank 

Law & Economics, 1st Edition, Harrison, Theuuwes, Solutions Manual, WW Norton 

Law and Economics, 5th Edition, Cooter, Ulen, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Law and Economics, 6th Edition 2012, Cooter, Ulen, Instructor Manual 

Law and Ethics in the Business Environment, 5th Edition, Halbert, Ingulli, Instructor Manual 

Law and Ethics in the Business Environment, 5th Edition, Halbert, Ingulli, Test Bank 

Law and Ethics in the Business Environment, 6th Edition, Halbert, Ingulli, Instructor Manual 

Law and Ethics in the Business Environment, 6th Edition, Halbert, Ingulli, Test Bank 

Law and Ethics in the Business Environment, 7th Edition 2012, Halbert, Ingulli, Instructor Manual 

Law and Ethics in the Business Environment, 7th Edition 2012, Halbert, Ingulli, Test Bank 

Law and Society, 1st Edition 2009, Barkan, Instructor Manual 

Law and Society, 1st Edition 2009, Barkan, Test Bank 

Law and Society, Third Canadian Edition, 3rd Edition, Vago, Nelson, Test Bank 

Law for Business and Personal Use,  18th Edition, Adamson, Solutions Manual 

Law for Business and Personal Use,  18th Edition, Adamson, Test Bank 

Law for Business, 10th Edition, Barnes, Dworkin, Richards, Instructor Manual 

Law for Business, 10th Edition, Barnes, Dworkin, Richards, Test Bank 

Law for Business, 11th Edition 2012, Barnes, Dworkin, Richards, Instructor Manual 

Law for Business, 11th Edition 2012, Barnes, Dworkin, Richards, Test Bank 

Law, Business, and Society, 10th Edition 2012, McAdams, Neslund, Zucker, Instructor Manual 

Law, Business, and Society, 10th Edition 2012, McAdams, Neslund, Zucker, Test Bank 

Law, Business, and Society, 9th Edition, McAdams, Neslund, Zucker, Instructor Manual 

Law, Business, and Society, 9th Edition, McAdams, Neslund, Zucker, Test Bank 

LB Brief, 3rd Edition, Aaron, Solutions Manual 

Leadership and Management in Nursing, 1st Edition 2006, Finkelman, Instructor Manual 

Leadership and Management in Nursing, 1st Edition 2006, Finkelman, Test Bank 

Leadership and Management in Nursing, 4th Edition 2011, Grohar-Murray, DiCroce, Langan, Instructor Manual 

Leadership and Management in Nursing, 4th Edition 2011, Grohar-Murray, DiCroce, Langan, Test Bank 

Leadership in Organizations, 7th Edition, Gary Yuk, Test Bank 

Leadership in Organizations, 7th Edition, Gary Yukl, Instructor Manual 

Leadership in Organizations, 8th Edition 2013, Yukl, Test Bank 

Leadership, 3rd Edition, Lussier, Achua, Instructor Manual 

Leadership, 3rd Edition, Lussier, Achua, Test Bank 

Leadership:  Enhancing the Lessons of Experience, 7th Edition 2012, Hughes, Ginnett, Curphy, Test Bank 

Leadership:  Research Findings, Practice, and Skills, 6th Edition, DuBrin, Instructor Manual 

Leadership:  Research Findings, Practice, and Skills, 6th Edition, DuBrin, Test Bank 

Leadership:  Research Findings, Practice, and Skills, 7th Edition 2013, DuBrin, Instructor Manual 

Leadership:  Research Findings, Practice, and Skills, 7th Edition 2013, DuBrin, Test Bank 

Leadership:  Theory, Application & Skill Development, 4th Edition, Lussier, Achua, Instructor Manual 

Leadership:  Theory, Application & Skill Development, 4th Edition, Lussier, Achua, Test Bank 

Leadership:  Theory, Application, & Skill Development, 5th Edition 2013, Lussier, Achua, Instructor Manual 

Leadership:  Theory, Application, & Skill Development, 5th Edition 2013, Lussier, Achua, Test Bank 

Leadership, Ethics and Policing:  Challenges for the 21st Century, 2nd Edition, Ortmeier, Meese, Instructor Manual 

Learning & Memory, 1st Edition, Howard Eichenbaum, Test Bank, WW Norton 

Learning and Behavior, 6th Edition, Mazur, Test Bank 

Learning and Behavior:  Active Learning Edition, 6th Edition, Paul Chance, Test Bank 

Learning and Memory, 4th Edition, Scott Terry, Instructor Manual 

Learning and Memory, 4th Edition, Scott Terry, Test Bank 

Learning and Memory:  Basic Principles, Processes, and Procedures, 3rd Edition, Scott Terry, Instructor Manual 

Learning and Memory:  Basic Principles, Processes, and Procedures, 3rd Edition, Scott Terry, Test Bank 

Learning and Using Geographic Information Systems:  ArcGIS Edition, 1st Edition, Gorr, Kurland, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Learning and Using Geographic Information Systems:  ArcGIS Edition, 1st Edition, Gorr, Kurland, Test Bank 

Learning Microsoft Office 2010, Advanced Student Edition, 1st Edition 2011, Emergent Learning LLC, Weixel, Wempen, Skintik, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Learning Peachtree Complete Accounting 2009, 1st Edition 2010, Brunsdon, Instructor Manual 

Learning Peachtree Complete Accounting 2009, 1st Edition 2010, Brunsdon, Test Bank 

Learning Quickbooks 2008:  A Practical Approach, 2nd Edition, Terri Brunsdon, Instructor Manual 

Learning Quickbooks 2008:  A Practical Approach, 2nd Edition, Terri Brunsdon, Test Bank 

Learning Quickbooks 2009:  A Practical Approach, 2nd Edition, Brunsdon, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Learning Quickbooks 2009:  A Practical Approach, 2nd Edition, Brunsdon, Test Bank 

Learning the Art of Helping:  Building Blocks and Techniques, 4th Edition, Young, Instructor Manual 

Learning the Art of Helping:  Building Blocks and Techniques, 4th Edition, Young, Test Bank 

Learning to Think Things Through:  A Guide to Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum, 4th Edition, Nosich, Instructor Manual 

Lecture Tutorials for Introductory Astronomy, 2nd Edition, Prather, Slater, Adams, Brissenden, CAPER, Instructor Manual 

Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing, 4th Edition, Ginny Wacker Guido, Instructor Manual 

Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing, 4th Edition, Ginny Wacker Guido, Test Bank 

Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing, 5th Edition, Ginny Wacker Guido, Instructor Manual 

Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing, 5th Edition, Ginny Wacker Guido, Test Bank 

Legal Aspects of Architecture, Engineering & the Construction Process, 8th Edition, Sweet, Schneier, Solutions Manual 

Legal Environment of Business and Online Commerce, 6th Edition, Cheeseman, Instructor Manual 

Legal Environment of Business and Online Commerce, 6th Edition, Cheeseman, Test Bank 

Legal Environment of Business, 5th Edition, Kubasek, Brennan, Instructor Manual 

Legal Environment of Business, 5th Edition, Kubasek, Brennan, Test Bank 

Legal Environment, 2nd Edition, Beatty, Samuelson, Instructor Manual 

Legal Environment, 3rd Edition, Beatty, Samuelson, Instructor Manual 

Legal Environment, 3rd Edition, Beatty, Samuelson, Test Bank 

Legal Environment, 4th Edition, Beatty, Samuelson, Instructor Manual 

Legal Environment, 4th Edition, Beatty, Samuelson, Test Bank 

Legal Fundamentals for Canadian Business, 2nd Edition, Yates, Instructor Manual 

Legal Fundamentals for Canadian Business, 2nd Edition, Yates, Test Bank 

Legal Office Procedures, 7th Edition, Morton, Instructor Manual 

Legal Office Procedures, 7th Edition, Morton, Test Bank 

Legal Research, Analysis, and Writing, 3rd Edition, Hames, Ekern, Instructor Manual 

Legal Research, Analysis, and Writing, 3rd Edition, Hames, Ekern, Test Bank 

Legal Terminology, 5th Edition, Professor Emeritus, Brown, Browne, Instructor Manual 

Legal Terminology, 5th Edition, Professor Emeritus, Brown, Browne, Test Bank 

Level Three Leadership:  Getting Below the Surface, 5th Edition 2012, Clawson, Instructor Manual 

Level Three Leadership:  Getting Below the Surface, 5th Edition 2012, Clawson, Test Bank 

Liberty, Equality, Power Concise, 5th Edition 2011, Murrin, Johnson, McPherson, Fahs, Gerstle, Rosenberg, Rosenberg, Test Bank 

Liberty, Equality, Power:  A History of the American People, 6th Edition 2012, Murrin, Johnson, McPherson, Fahs, Gerstle, Rosenberg, Rosenberg, Test Bank 

Life In Society:  Readings for Sociology:  A Down-to-Earth Approach, 4th Edition 2011, Henslin, Instructor Manual 

Life in Society:  Readings to Accompany Sociology:  A Down-to-Earth Approach, 3rd Edition, Henslin, Instructor Manual 

Life in the Universe, 3rd Edition 2012, Bennett, Shostak, Test Bank 

Life on Earth, 5th Edition, Audesirk, Byers, Instructor Manual 

Life on Earth, 5th Edition, Audesirk, Byers, Test Bank 

Life Span Development:  A Topical Approach, 1st Edition 2011, Feldman, Instructor Manual 

Life Span Development:  A Topical Approach, 1st Edition 2011, Feldman, Test Bank 

LIFE, 1st Edition 2011, Postlethwait, Hopson, Instructor Manual 

LIFE, 1st Edition 2011, Postlethwait, Hopson, Test Bank 

Life-Span Development, 13th Edition, Santrock, Instructor Manual 

Life-Span Development, 13th Edition, Santrock, Test Bank 

Life-Span Development:  Infancy Through Adulthood, 1st Edition 2011, Steinberg, Bornstein, Vandell, Rook, Instructor Manual 

Life-Span Development:  Infancy Through Adulthood, 1st Edition 2011, Steinberg, Bornstein, Vandell, Rook, Test Bank 

Life-Span Human Development, 6th Edition, Sigelman, Rider, Test Bank 

Life-Span Human Development, 7th Edition 2012, Sigelman, Rider, Test Bank 

Lifelong Motor Development, 6th Edition 2012, Gabbard, Instructor Manual 

Lifelong Motor Development, 6th Edition 2012, Gabbard, Test Bank 

Lifespan Development, 4th Edition, Boyd, Bee, Instructor Manual 

Lifespan Development, 4th Edition, Boyd, Bee, Test Bank 

Lifespan Development, 5th Edition, Boyd, Bee, Instructor Manual 

Lifespan Development, 5th Edition, Boyd, Bee, Test Bank 

Lifespan Development, 6th Edition 2012, Boyd, Bee, Instructor Manual 

Lifespan Development, 6th Edition 2012, Boyd, Bee, Test Bank 

Lifetime Physical Fitness and Wellness:  A Personalized Program, 10th Edition 2009, Hoeger, Hoeger, Instructor Manual 

Lifetime Physical Fitness and Wellness:  A Personalized Program, 10th Edition 2009, Hoeger, Hoeger, Test Bank 

Lifetime Physical Fitness and Wellness:  A Personalized Program, 11th Edition 2011, Hoeger, Hoeger, Instructor Manual 

Lifetime Physical Fitness and Wellness:  A Personalized Program, 11th Edition 2011, Hoeger, Hoeger, Test Bank 

Linear Algebra and Differential Equations, 1st Edition 2002, Peterson, Sochacki, Solutions Manual 

Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 3rd Edition, Lay, Solutions Manual 

Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 3rd Edition, Lay, Test Bank 

Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 4th Edition 2012, Lay, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 4th Edition 2012, Lay, Test Bank 

Linear Algebra for Engineers and Scientists Using Matlab, 1st Edition 2005, Hardy, Solutions Manual 

Linear Algebra with Applications, 3rd Edition, Otto Bretscher, Solution Manual 

Linear Algebra with Applications, 4th Edition, Otto Bretscher, Solutions Manual 

Linear Algebra with Applications, 6th Edition, Steven J,  Leon, Solution Manual 

Linear Algebra with Applications, 7th Edition, Leon, Solutions Manual 

Linear Algebra with Applications, 8th Edition, Steve Leon, Solutions Manual 

Linear Algebra, 4th Edition, Friedberg, Insel, Spence, Solutions Manual 

Linear Algebra:  A Modern Introduction, 2nd Edition, David Poole, Instructor Manual 

Linux+ Guide to Linux Certification, 1st Edition, Eckert, Schitka, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Linux+ Guide to Linux Certification, 1st Edition, Eckert, Schitka, Test Bank 

Linux+ Guide to Linux Certification, 2nd Edition, Eckert, Schitka, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Linux+ Guide to Linux Certification, 2nd Edition, Eckert, Schitka, Test Bank 

Linux+ Guide to Linux Certification, 3rd Edition 2012, Jason Eckert, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Linux+ Guide to Linux Certification, 3rd Edition 2012, Jason Eckert, Test Bank 

Listen to This, 2nd Edition 2011, Mark Evan Bonds, Instructor Manual 

Listen to This, 2nd Edition 2011, Mark Evan Bonds, Test Bank 

Listening to Music, 6th Edition 2011, Craig Wright, Test Bank 

Literacy Assessment:  Helping Teachers Plan Instruction, 4th Editio...

Network Defense:  Securing and Troubleshooting Network Operating Systems, 1st Edition 2011, EC-Council, Test Bank 

Network Defense:  Security and Vulnerability Assessment, 1st Edition 2011, EC-Council, Instructor Manual 

Network Defense:  Security and Vulnerability Assessment, 1st Edition 2011, EC-Council, Test Bank 

Network Defense:  Security Policy and Threats, 1st Edition 2011, EC-Council, Instructor Manual 

Network Defense:  Security Policy and Threats, 1st Edition 2011, EC-Council, Test Bank 

Network Fundamentals, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide, 1st Edition 2008, Rufi, Oppenheimer, Woodward, Brady, Instructor Manual 

Network Management:  Principles and Practice, 1st Edition 2000, Mani Subramanian, Solutions Manual 

Network Safety, 1st Edition 2011, EC-Council, Instructor Manual 

Network Safety, 1st Edition 2011, EC-Council, Test Bank 

Network Security Essentials:  Applications and Standards, 3rd Edition, Stallings, Solutions Manual 

Network Security Essentials:  Applications and Standards, 3rd Edition, William Stallings, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Network Security Essentials:  Applications and Standards, 3rd Edition, William Stallings, Test Bank 

Network Security Essentials:  Applications and Standards, 4th Edition, William Stallings, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Network Security Essentials:  Applications and Standards, 4th Edition, William Stallings, Test Bank 

Network+ Guide to Networks 2010, 5th Edition, Tamara Dean, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Network+ Guide to Networks 2010, 5th Edition, Tamara Dean, Test Bank 

Network+ Guide to Networks, 4th Edition, Tamara Dean, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Network+ Guide to Networks, 4th Edition, Tamara Dean, Test Bank 

Network+ Guide to Networks, 5th Edition, Tamara Dean, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Network+ Guide to Networks, 5th Edition, Tamara Dean, Test Bank 

Network+ Guide to Networks, 6th Edition 2013, Tamara Dean, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Network+ Guide to Networks, 6th Edition 2013, Tamara Dean, Test Bank 

Networking Basics CCNA 1 Companion Guide, Cisco Networking Academy, 1st Edition 2006, Odom, Knott, Instructor Manual 

Networking Basics CCNA 1 Companion Guide, Cisco Networking Academy, 1st Edition 2006, Odom, Knott, Test Bank 

Networking Basics CCNA 1 Labs and Study Guide, Cisco Networking Academy, 1st Edition 2007, McReynolds, Instructor Manual 

Networking BASICS, 2nd Edition 2004, Mark Ciampa, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Networking BASICS, 2nd Edition 2004, Mark Ciampa, Test Bank 

Networking for Home and Small Businesses:  CCNA Discovery Learning Guide, 1st Edition 2008, Reid, Lorenz, Instructor Manual 

Networking, 1st Edition 2004, Beasley, Test Bank 

Networking, 2nd Edition, Beasley, Solutions Manual 

Networking, 2nd Edition, Beasley, Test Bank 

Neuropsychology:  Clinical and Experimental Foundations, 1st Edition 2006, Elias, Saucier, Instructor Manual 

Neuropsychology:  Clinical and Experimental Foundations, 1st Edition 2006, Elias, Saucier, Test Bank 

Nevada Real Estate:  Principles and Practices, 1st Edition 2010, Harry Eastlick, Instructor Manual 

New American Democracy, 5th Edition, Fiorina, Peterson, Johnson, Mayer, Instructor Manual 

New American Democracy, 5th Edition, Fiorina, Peterson, Johnson, Mayer, Test Bank 

New American Democracy, The Alternate Edition, 6th Edition, Fiorina, Peterson, Johnson, Mayer, Instructor Manual 

New American Democracy, The Alternate Edition, 6th Edition, Fiorina, Peterson, Johnson, Mayer, Test Bank 

New Century Handbook, 4th Edition, Hult, Huckin, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Century Handbook, 4th Edition, Hult, Huckin, Test Bank 

New Era of Management, 10th Edition, Daft, Instructor Manual 

New Era of Management, 10th Edition, Daft, Test Bank 

New Era of Management, 9th Edition, Daft, Instructor Manual 

New Era of Management, 9th Edition, Daft, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Adobe Dreamweaver CS4, Comprehensive, 1st Edition 2010, Hart, Geller, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Adobe Dreamweaver CS4, Comprehensive, 1st Edition 2010, Hart, Geller, Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Adobe Dreamweaver CS4, Comprehensive, 1st Edition 2010, Hart, Geller, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Adobe Dreamweaver CS5, Comprehensive, 1st Edition 2011, Geller, Hart, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Adobe Dreamweaver CS5, Comprehensive, 1st Edition 2011, Geller, Hart, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS4 Professional, Comprehensive, 1st Edition 2010, Lopez, Romer, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS4 Professional, Comprehensive, 1st Edition 2010, Lopez, Romer, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Adobe Flash Professional CS5, Comprehensive, 1st Edition 2011, Lopez, Romer, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Adobe Flash Professional CS5, Comprehensive, 1st Edition 2011, Lopez, Romer, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS:  Introductory, 2nd Edition 2010, Henry Bojack, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS:  Introductory, 2nd Edition 2010, Henry Bojack, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2010:  Brief, 12th Edition 2010, Parsons, Oja, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2010:  Brief, 12th Edition 2010, Parsons, Oja, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2010:  Comprehensive, 12th Edition 2010, Parsons, Oja, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2010:  Comprehensive, 12th Edition 2010, Parsons, Oja, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2010:  Introductory, 12th Edition 2010, Parsons, Oja, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2010:  Introductory, 12th Edition 2010, Parsons, Oja, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2011:  Brief, 13th Edition 2011, Parsons, Oja, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2011:  Brief, 13th Edition 2011, Parsons, Oja, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2011:  Comprehensive, 13th Edition 2011, Parsons, Oja, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2011:  Comprehensive, 13th Edition 2011, Parsons, Oja, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2011:  Introductory, 13th Edition 2011, Parsons, Oja, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2011:  Introductory, 13th Edition 2011, Parsons, Oja, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2012:  Comprehensive, 14th Edition 2012, Parsons, Oja, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2012:  Comprehensive, 14th Edition 2012, Parsons, Oja, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts:  Comprehensive, 11th Edition 2009, Parsons, Oja, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts:  Comprehensive, 11th Edition 2009, Parsons, Oja, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts:  Introductory, 11th Edition 2009, Parsons, Oja, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts:  Introductory, 11th Edition 2009, Parsons, Oja, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages with HTML, XHTML, and XML, 3rd Edition 2010, Patrick Carey, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages with HTML, XHTML, and XML, 3rd Edition 2010, Patrick Carey, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages with HTML, XHTML, and XML, Comprehensive, 2nd Edition, Patrick Carey, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages with HTML, XHTML, and XML, Comprehensive, 2nd Edition, Patrick Carey, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on HTML and CSS Brief, 6th Edition 2012, Carey, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on HTML and CSS Brief, 6th Edition 2012, Carey, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on HTML and CSS Comprehensive, 6th Edition 2012, Carey, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on HTML and CSS Comprehensive, 6th Edition 2012, Carey, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on HTML and XHTML:  Comprehensive, 5th Edition, Carey, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on HTML and XHTML:  Comprehensive, 5th Edition, Carey, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on HTML, CSS, and Dynamic HTML, 5th Edition 2013, Carey, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on HTML, CSS, and Dynamic HTML, 5th Edition 2013, Carey, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on HTML, XHTML, and Dynamic HTML:  Comprehensive, 4th Edition 2010, Patrick Carey, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on HTML, XHTML, and Dynamic HTML:  Comprehensive, 4th Edition 2010, Patrick Carey, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on JavaScript and AJAX, Comprehensive, 2nd Edition, Carey, Canovatchel, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on JavaScript and AJAX, Comprehensive, 2nd Edition, Carey, Canovatchel, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007 Second Course, 2nd Edition, Shaffer, Carey, Ageloff, Parsons, Oja, Zimmerman, Zimmerman, Adamski, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007 Second Course, 2nd Edition, Shaffer, Carey, Ageloff, Parsons, Oja, Zimmerman, Zimmerman, Adamski, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007, First Course, Windows Vista Edition, 1st Edition, Shaffer, Carey, Finnegan, Adamski, Zimmerman, Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007, First Course, Windows Vista Edition, 1st Edition, Shaffer, Carey, Finnegan, Adamski, Zimmerman, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2010, First Course, 1st Edition 2011, Shaffer, Carey, Parsons, Oja, Finnegan, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2010, First Course, 1st Edition 2011, Shaffer, Carey, Parsons, Oja, Finnegan, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2010, Second Course, 1st Edition 2011, Shaffer, Carey, Ageloff, Zimmerman, Zimmerman, Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2010, Second Course, 1st Edition 2011, Shaffer, Carey, Ageloff, Zimmerman, Zimmerman, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Access 2007, Comprehensive, 1st Edition, Adamski, Kathleen, Finnegan, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Excel 2003, Comprehensive, 1st Edition, Parsons, Oja, Ageloff, Carey, Instructor Manual 

New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Excel 2003, Comprehensive, 1st Edition, Parsons, Oja, Ageloff, Carey, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Comprehensive, 1st Edition, Parsons, Oja, Ageloff, Carey, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Comprehensive, 1st Edition, Parsons, Oja, Ageloff, Carey, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Word 2003, Comprehensive,  1st Edition, Zimmerman, Shaffer, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Word 2003, Comprehensive,  1st Edition, Zimmerman, Shaffer, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Word 2007, Comprehensive, 1st Edition, Zimmerma, Pinard, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Word 2007, Comprehensive, 1st Edition, Zimmerma, Pinard, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Microsoft Project 2007, Introductory, 1st Edition 2009, Rachel Biheller Bunin, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Microsoft Project 2007, Introductory, 1st Edition 2009, Rachel Biheller Bunin, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Microsoft Windows 2000 MS-DOS Command Line, Comprehensive, Windows XP Enhanced, 2nd Edition, Phillips, Skagerberg, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Microsoft Windows 2000 MS-DOS Command Line, Comprehensive, Windows XP Enhanced, 2nd Edition, Phillips, Skagerberg, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr Access 2010, Brief, 1st Edition 2011, Adamski, Finnegan, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr Access 2010, Brief, 1st Edition 2011, Adamski, Finnegan, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr Access 2010, Comprehensive, 1st Edition 2011, Adamski, Finnegan, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr Access 2010, Comprehensive, 1st Edition 2011, Adamski, Finnegan, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr Excelr 2010:  Comprehensive, 1st Edition 2011, Parsons, Oja, Ageloff, Carey, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr Excelr 2010:  Comprehensive, 1st Edition 2011, Parsons, Oja, Ageloff, Carey, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr Office 2007, Brief, 1st Edition 2011, Shaffer, Carey, Finnegan, Adamski, Zimmerman, Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr Office 2007, Brief, 1st Edition 2011, Shaffer, Carey, Finnegan, Adamski, Zimmerman, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr Office 2010, First Course, 1st Edition 2011, Shaffer, Carey, Parsons, Oja, Finnegan, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr Office 2010, First Course, 1st Edition 2011, Shaffer, Carey, Parsons, Oja, Finnegan, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr Office Access, 2007, Introductory, Premium Video Edition, 1st Edition 2011, Adamski, Finnegan, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr Office Access, 2007, Introductory, Premium Video Edition, 1st Edition 2011, Adamski, Finnegan, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr Office Excel, 2007, Introductory, Premium Video Edition, 1st Edition 2011, Adamski, Finnegan, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr Office Excel, 2007, Introductory, Premium Video Edition, 1st Edition 2011, Adamski, Finnegan, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr PowerPointr 2010:  Brief, 1st Edition 2011, Zimmerman, Zimmerman, Pinard, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr PowerPointr 2010:  Brief, 1st Edition 2011, Zimmerman, Zimmerman, Pinard, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr Project 2010:  Introductory, 1st Edition 2012, Rachel Biheller Bunin, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr Project 2010:  Introductory, 1st Edition 2012, Rachel Biheller Bunin, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr Windows 7 for Power Users, 1st Edition 2012, Phillips, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr Windows 7 for Power Users, 1st Edition 2012, Phillips, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr Windows 7, Introductory, 1st Edition 2011, Parsons, Oja, Ruffolo, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr Windows 7, Introductory, 1st Edition 2011, Parsons, Oja, Ruffolo, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr Word 2010:  Comprehensive, 1st Edition 2011, Zimmerman, Zimmerman, Shaffer, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Microsoftr Word 2010:  Comprehensive, 1st Edition 2011, Zimmerman, Zimmerman, Shaffer, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on Photoshop CS5:  Introductory, 1st Edition 2012, Jane Hosie-Bounar, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on Photoshop CS5:  Introductory, 1st Edition 2012, Jane Hosie-Bounar, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on the Internet Introductory, 8th Edition 2010, Schneider, Evans, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on the Internet Introductory, 8th Edition 2010, Schneider, Evans, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on the Internet:  Brief, 7th Edition, Evans, Schneider, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on the Internet:  Brief, 7th Edition, Evans, Schneider, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on the Internet:  Comprehensive, 7th Edition, Evans, Schneider, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on the Internet:  Comprehensive, 7th Edition, Evans, Schneider, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on the Internet:  Comprehensive, 8th Edition 2010, Schneider, Evans, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on the Internet:  Comprehensive, 8th Edition 2010, Schneider, Evans, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on the Internet:  Introductory, 7th Edition, Evans, Schneider, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on the Internet:  Introductory, 7th Edition, Evans, Schneider, Test Bank 

New Perspectives on XML, Comprehensive, 2nd Edition, Patrick Carey, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

New Perspectives on XML, Comprehensive, 2nd Edition, Patrick Carey, Test Bank 

New Products Management, 10th Edition 2011, Crawford, Benedetto, Instructor Manual 

New Products Management, 10th Edition 2011, Crawford, Benedetto, Test Bank 

New Society, 6th Edition 2011, Brym, Test Bank 

New Venture Creation, 5th Edition, Kathleen Allen, Instructor Manual 

New Venture Creation, 5th Edition, Kathleen Allen, Test Bank 

New Venture Creation:  Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century, 8th Edition, Timmons, Spinelli, Instructor Manual 

New Venture Creation:  Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century, 8th Edition, Timmons, Spinelli, Test Bank 

New Venture Creation:  Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century, 9th Edition 2012, Spinelli, Adams, Instructor Manual 

New Venture Creation:  Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century, 9th Edition 2012, Spinelli, Adams, Test Bank 

New Venture Management:  The Entrepreneur's Roadmap  Entrepreneurship Series , 1st Edition 2009, Kuratko, Hornsby, Instructor Manual 

Nuclear Energy:  An Introduction to the Concepts, Systems, and Applications of Nuclear Processes, 6th Edition, Murray, Solutions Manual, Elsevier Mosby 

Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation, 1st Edition 2005, Leader, Solutions Manual 

Numerical Analysis, 1st Edition 2006, Sauer, Solutions Manual 

Numerical Analysis, 2nd Edition 2012, Sauer, Solutions Manual 

Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists:  An Introduction with Applications Using MATLAB, 1st Edition, Gilat, Subramaniam, Solutions Manual 

Numerical Methods for Engineers, 5th Edition, Steven C Chapra, Solution Manual 

Numerical Methods for Engineers, 5th Edition, Steven Chapra, Solutions Manual 

Numerical Methods for Engineers, 6th Edition 2010, Chapra, Canale, Solutions Manual 

Numerical Methods Using Matlab, 4th Edition, Mathews, Fink, Solutions Manual 

Numerical Methods with Matlab, 1st Edition 2008, Gilat, Subramaniam, Solutions Manual 

Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations:  An Introduction, 2nd Edition, Morton, Mayers, Solution Manual 

Nursing Assistant:  Acute, Sub-Acute, and Long-Term Care, 4th Edition, Pulliam, Instructor Manual 

Nursing Assistant:  Acute, Sub-Acute, and Long-Term Care, 4th Edition, Pulliam, Test Bank 

Nursing Basics for Clinical Practice, 1st Edition, Berman, Snyder, McKinney, Test Bank 

Nursing in Contemporary Society:  Issues, Trends and Transition to Practice, 1st Edition 2004, Haynes, Butcher, Boese, Test Bank 

Nursing Leadership and Management, 2nd Edition 2013, Kelly, Crawford, Instructor Manual 

Nursing Leadership and Management, 2nd Edition 2013, Kelly, Crawford, Test Bank 

Nursing Today:  Transition and Trends, 6th Edition, Zerwekh, Claborn, Test Bank, Elsevier Evolve 

Nursing:  A Concept-Based Approach to Learning, Volume 1, 1st Edition 2011, NCCLEB, Instructor Manual 

Nursing:  A Concept-Based Approach to Learning, Volume 1, 1st Edition 2011, NCCLEB, Test Bank 

Nutrition & You:  Core Concepts for Good Health, 1st Edition 2011, Joan Salge Blake, Test Bank 

Nutrition and Diet Therapy for Nurses, 1st Edition 2011, Sheila Tucker, Instructor Manual 

Nutrition and Diet Therapy for Nurses, 1st Edition 2011, Sheila Tucker, Test Bank 

Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 7th Edition, DeBruyne, Whitney, Pinna, Instructor Manual 

Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 7th Edition, DeBruyne, Whitney, Pinna, Test Bank 

Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 8th Edition 2013, DeBruyne, Pinna, Whitney, Instructor Manual 

Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 8th Edition 2013, DeBruyne, Pinna, Whitney, Test Bank 

Nutrition and You, 1st Edition 2008, Blake, Test Bank 

Nutrition and You, 2nd Edition, Joan Salge Blake, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Nutrition and You, 2nd Edition, Joan Salge Blake, Test Bank 

Nutrition for Health and Health Care, 3rd Edition, Whitney, DeBruyne, Pinna, Rolfes, Instructor Manual 

Nutrition for Health and Health Care, 3rd Edition, Whitney, DeBruyne, Pinna, Rolfes, Test Bank 

Nutrition for Health and Health Care, 4th Edition 2011, Whitney, DeBruyne, Pinna, Rolfes, Instructor Manual 

Nutrition for Health and Health Care, 4th Edition 2011, Whitney, DeBruyne, Pinna, Rolfes, Test Bank 

Nutrition for Healthy Living, 2nd Edition 2011, Schiff, Test Bank 

Nutrition for Healthy Living, 3rd Edition 2013, Schiff, Instructor Manual 

Nutrition for Healthy Living, 3rd Edition 2013, Schiff, Test Bank 

Nutrition for Life, 1st Edition 2007, Thompson, Manore, Instructor Manual 

Nutrition for Life, 1st Edition 2007, Thompson, Manore, Test Bank 

Nutrition for Life, 2nd Edition, Thompson, Manore, Test Bank 

Nutrition Now, 5th Edition, Brown, Instructor Manual 

Nutrition Now, 5th Edition, Brown, Test Bank 

Nutrition Now, 6th Edition 2011, Brown, Instructor Manual 

Nutrition Now, 6th Edition 2011, Brown, Test Bank 

Nutrition Therapy and Pathophysiology, 2nd Edition 2011, Nelms, Sucher, Lacey, Roth, Instructor Manual 

Nutrition Therapy and Pathophysiology, 2nd Edition 2011, Nelms, Sucher, Lacey, Roth, Test Bank 

Nutrition Through the Life Cycle, 4th Edition 2011, Brown, Isaacs, Krinke, Lechtenberg, Murtaugh, Sharbaugh, Splett, Stang, Wooldridge, Instructor Manual 

Nutrition Through the Life Cycle, 4th Edition 2011, Brown, Isaacs, Krinke, Lechtenberg, Murtaugh, Sharbaugh, Splett, Stang, Wooldridge, Test Bank 

Nutrition:  An Applied Approach, 2nd Edition, Thompson, Manore, Instructor Manual 

Nutrition:  An Applied Approach, 2nd Edition, Thompson, Manore, Test Bank 

Nutrition:  An Applied Approach, 3rd Edition 2012, Thompson, Manore, Instructor Manual 

Nutrition:  An Applied Approach, 3rd Edition 2012, Thompson, Manore, Test Bank 

Nutrition:  Concepts and Controversies, 12th Edition 2011, Sizer, Whitney, Instructor Manual 

Nutrition:  Concepts and Controversies, 12th Edition 2011, Sizer, Whitney, Test Bank 

Nutrition:  Real People, Real Choices, 1st Edition 2009, Hewlings, Medeiros, Test Bank 

Nutritional Sciences:  From Fundamentals to Food w Table of Food Composition Booklet, 2nd Edition 2010, McGuire, Beerman, Instructor Manual 

Nutritional Sciences:  From Fundamentals to Food w Table of Food Composition Booklet, 2nd Edition 2010, McGuire, Beerman, Test Bank 

Nutritional Sciences:  From Fundamentals to Food, 1st Edition 2007, McGuire, Beerman, Test Bank 

Nutritional Sciences:  From Fundamentals to Food, 3rd Edition 2013, Shelley, McGuire, Beerman, Instructor Manual 

Nutritional Sciences:  From Fundamentals to Food, 3rd Edition 2013, Shelley, McGuire, Beerman, Test Bank 

Object Oriented Systems Analysis and Design, 1st Edition 2009, Ashrafi, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Object Oriented Systems Analysis and Design, 1st Edition 2009, Ashrafi, Test Bank 

Object-Oriented & Classical Software Engineering, 8th Edition 2011, Schach, Solutions Manual 

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process, 1st Edition, Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process, 1st Edition, Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, Test Bank 

Object-Oriented Design Using Java, 1st Edition 2009, Dale Skrien, Solutions Manual 

Object-Oriented Modeling and Design with UML, 2nd Edition, Blaha, Rumbaugh, Solutions Manual 

Object-Oriented Program Development Using C++:  A Class-Centered Approach, 1st Edition, Bronson, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Object-Oriented Program Development Using C++:  A Class-Centered Approach, 1st Edition, Bronson, Test Bank 

Object-Oriented Program Development Using Java:  A Class-Centered Approach, Enhanced Edition, 2nd Edition, Bronson, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Object-Oriented Program Development Using Java:  A Class-Centered Approach, Enhanced Edition, 2nd Edition, Bronson, Test Bank 

Object-Oriented Programming in C++, 4th Edition, Robert Lafore, Instructor Supp 

Object-Oriented Programming Using C++, 4th Edition, Joyce Farrell, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Object-Oriented Programming Using C++, 4th Edition, Joyce Farrell, Test Bank 

Object-Oriented Software Engineering, 1st Edition, Stephen Schach, Solutions Manual 

Object-Oriented Software Engineering:  Using UML, Patterns and Java, 2nd Edition, Bruegge, Dutoit, Solutions Manual 

Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design, 2nd Edition, George, Batra, Valacich, Hoffer, Instructor Manual 

Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design, 2nd Edition, George, Batra, Valacich, Hoffer, Test Bank 

Objects First With Java, 3rd Edition, Barnes, Instructor Manual 

Objects First With Java:  A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ, 4th Edition, Barnes, Kolling, Solutions Manual 

Objects First with Java:  A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ, 5th Edition 2012, Barnes, K”lling, Solutions Manual 

Occupational Safety and Health for Technologists, Engineers, and Managers, 6th Edition, Goetsch, Instructor Manual 

Occupational Safety and Health for Technologists, Engineers, and Managers, 6th Edition, Goetsch, Test Bank 

Occupational Safety and Health for Technologists, Engineers, and Managers, 7th Edition, Goetsch, Instructor Manual 

Occupational Safety and Health for Technologists, Engineers, and Managers, 7th Edition, Goetsch, Test Bank 

Oceanography, 8th Edition 2013, Garrison, Instructor Manual 

Oceanography, 8th Edition 2013, Garrison, Test Bank 

Oceanography:  An Invitation to Marine Science, 7th Edition 2010, Garrison, Instructor Manual 

Oceanography:  An Invitation to Marine Science, 7th Edition 2010, Garrison, Test Bank 

Office Procedures for the 21st Century & Student Workbook Package, 7th Edition, Burton, Shelton, Instructor Manual 

Office Procedures for the 21st Century & Student Workbook Package, 7th Edition, Burton, Shelton, Test Bank 

Olds' Maternal-Newborn Nursing & Women's Health Across the Lifespan, 8th Edition, Davidson, London, Ladewig, Instructor Manual 

Olds' Maternal-Newborn Nursing & Women's Health Across the Lifespan, 8th Edition, Davidson, London, Ladewig, Test Bank 

Olds' Maternal-Newborn Nursing & Women's Health Across the Lifespan, 9th Edition, Davidson, London, Ladewig, Instructor Manual 

Olds' Maternal-Newborn Nursing & Women's Health Across the Lifespan, 9th Edition, Davidson, London, Ladewig, Test Bank 

OM 2008, 1st Edition, Collier, Evans, Instructor Manual 

OM 2008, 1st Edition, Collier, Evans, Test Bank 

OM, 2nd Edition 2010, Collier, Evans, Instructor Manual 

OM, 2nd Edition 2010, Collier, Evans, Test Bank 

OM, 3rd Edition 2012, Collier, Evans, Instructor Manual 

OM, 3rd Edition 2012, Collier, Evans, Test Bank 

On Cooking:  A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 5th Edition, Labensky, Martel, Hause, Instructor Manual 

On Cooking:  A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 5th Edition, Labensky, Martel, Hause, Test Bank 

On Course, 6th Edition 2011, Skip Downing, Test Bank 

On Course, Study Skills Plus Edition, 1st Edition 2011, Skip Downing, Instructor Manual 

On Course, Study Skills Plus Edition, 1st Edition 2011, Skip Downing, Test Bank 

Operating System Concepts, 6th Edition, Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne, Solution Manual 

Operating System Concepts, 7th Edition, Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne, Solutions Manual 

Operating System Concepts, 7th Edition, Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne, Test Bank 

Operating System Concepts, 8th Edition, Silberschat, Galvin, Gagne, Solutions Manual 

Operating System Concepts, 8th Edition, Silberschat, Galvin, Gagne, Test Bank 

Operating Systems and Middleware:  Supporting Controlled Interaction, 1st Edition, Max Hailperin, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Operating Systems Concepts with Java, 6th Edition, Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne, Solution Manual 

Operating Systems, 1st Edition 2009, Dhananjay Dhamdhere, Solutions Manual 

Operating Systems, 3rd Edition, Choffnes, Deitel, Deitel, Instructor Manual 

Operating Systems, 3rd Edition, Choffnes, Deitel, Deitel, Solutions Manual 

Operating Systems, 3rd Edition, Choffnes, Deitel, Deitel, Test Bank 

Operating Systems:  A Systematic View, 6th Edition, Davis, Rajkumar, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Operating Systems:  A Systematic View, 6th Edition, Davis, Rajkumar, Test Bank 

Operating Systems:  Internals and Design Principles, 4th Edition, William Stallings, Solution Manual 

Operating Systems:  Internals and Design Principles, 6th Edition, William Stallings, Projects 

Operating Systems:  Internals and Design Principles, 6th Edition, William Stallings, Solutions Manual 

Operating Systems:  Internals and Design Principles, 6th Edition, William Stallings, Test Bank 

Operating Systems:  Internals and Design Principles, 7th Edition 2012, William Stallings, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Operating Systems:  Internals and Design Principles, 7th Edition 2012, William Stallings, Test Bank 

Operations and Process Management:  Principles and Practice for Strategic Impact, 2nd Edition, Slack, Chambers, Johnston, Betts, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Operations and Supply Chain Management for the 21st Century, 1st Edition 2010, Boyer, Verma, Test Bank 

Operations and Supply Chain Management, 1st Edition, Verma, Boyer, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Operations and Supply Chain Management, 1st Edition, Verma, Boyer, Test Bank 

Operations and Supply Chain Management:  The Core, 3rd Edition 2013, Jacobs, Chase, Solutions Manual 

Operations and Supply Chain Management:  The Core, 3rd Edition 2013, Jacobs, Chase, Test Bank 

Operations and Supply Management, 12th Edition, Jacobs, Chase, Aquilano, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Operations and Supply Management, 12th Edition, Jacobs, Chase, Aquilano, Test Bank 

Operations and Supply Management:  The Core, 2nd Edition 2010, Jacobs, Chase, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Operations and Supply Management:  The Core, 2nd Edition 2010, Jacobs, Chase, Test Bank 

Operations Management Flexible Version, 10th Edition 2012, Heizer, Render, Instructor Manual 

Operations Management Flexible Version, 10th Edition 2012, Heizer, Render, Test Bank 

Operations Management for MBAs, 4th Edition, Meredith, Shafer, Instructor Manual 

Operations Management for MBAs, 4th Edition, Meredith, Shafer, Test Bank 

Operations Management, 10th Edition, Heizer, Render, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Operations Management, 10th Edition, Heizer, Render, Test Bank 

Operations Management, 10th Edition, Stevenson, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Operations Management, 10th Edition, Stevenson, Test Bank 

Operations Management, 11th Edition 2012, Stevenson, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Operations Management, 11th Edition 2012, Stevenson, Test Bank 

Operations Management, 13th Edition 2011, Jacobs, Chase, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Operations Management, 13th Edition 2011, Jacobs, Chase, Test Bank 

Operations Management, 2nd Edition, Greasley, Instructor Manual 

Operations Management, 2nd Edition, Greasley, Test Bank 

Operations Management, 4th Canadian Edition 2011, Stevenson, Test Bank 

Operations Management, 4th Edition, Reid, Sanders, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Operations Management, 4th Edition, Reid, Sanders, Test Bank 

Operations Management, 5th Edition, Slack, Chambers, Johnston, Instructor Manual 

Operations Management, 5th Edition, Slack, Chambers, Johnston, Test Bank 

Operations Management, 6th Edition, Slack, Chambers, Johnston, Instructor Manual 

Operations Management, 6th Edition, Slack, Chambers, Johnston, Test Bank 

Operations Management, 8th Edition, Heizer, Solutions Manual 

Operations Management, 8th Edition, Heizer, Test Bank 

Operations Management, 8th Edition, Krajewski, Ritzman, Malhotra, Solution Manual 

Operations Management, 8th Edition, Krajewski, Ritzman, Malhotra, Test Bank 

Operations Management, 9th Edition, Heizer, Render, Solution Manual 

Operations Management, 9th Edition, Heizer, Render, Test Bank 

Operations Management, 9th Edition, Krajewski, Ritzman, Malhotra, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Operations Management, 9th Edition, Krajewski, Ritzman, Malhotra, Test Bank 

Operations Management, 9th Edition, Stevenson, Instructor Manual 

Operations Management:  An Integrated Approach , 4th Edition, Reid, Sanders, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Operations Management:  An Integrated Approach , 4th Edition, Reid, Sanders, Test Bank 

Operations Management:  An Integrated Approach, 3rd Edition, Reid, Sanders, Test Bank 

Operations Management:  Contemporary Concepts and Cases, 4th Edition, Roger Schroeder, Instructor Manual 

Operations Management:  Contemporary Concepts and Cases, 4th Edition, Roger Schroeder, Test Bank 

Operations Management:  Contemporary Concepts and Cases, 5th Edition 2011, Schroeder, Goldstein, Rungtusanatham, Instructor Manual 

Operations Management:  Contemporary Concepts and Cases, 5th Edition 2011, Schroeder, Goldstein, Rungtusanatham, Test Bank 

Operations Management:  Creating Value Along the Supply Chain, 6th Edition, Russell, Taylor, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Operations Management:  Creating Value Along the Supply Chain, 6th Edition, Russell, Taylor, Test Bank 

Operations Management:  Creating Value Along the Supply Chain, 7th Edition, Russell, Taylor, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Operations Management:  Creating Value Along the Supply Chain, 7th Edition, Russell, Taylor, Test Bank 

Operations Management:  Flexible Version and Student CD and Lecture Guide, 8th Edition, Heizer, Render, Instructor Manual 

Operations Management:  Flexible Version and Student CD and Lecture Guide, 8th Edition, Heizer, Render, Test Bank 

Operations Management:  Goods, Service, and Value Chains, 2nd Edition, Collier, Evans, Instructor Manual 

Operations Management:  Goods, Service, and Value Chains, 2nd Edition, Collier, Evans, Test Bank 

Operations Management:  Integrated Goods & Services Approach, 2nd Edition, Evans, Collier, Instructor Manual 

Operations Management:  Integrated Goods & Services Approach, 2nd Edition, Evans, Collier, Test Bank 

Operations Management:  Process and Value Chains and Student CD Package, 8th Edition, Krajewski, Ritzman, Malhotra, Solutions Manual 

Operations Management:  Process and Value Chains and Student CD Package, 8th Edition, Krajewski, Ritzman, Malhotra, Test Bank 

Operations Management:  Process and Value Chains, 8th Edition, Krajewski, Ritzman, Malhotra, Solutions Manual 

Operations Management:  Process and Value Chains, 8th Edition, Krajewski, Ritzman, Malhotra, Test Bank 

Operations Management:  Processes and Supply Chains, 10th Edition 2013, Krajewski, Ritzman, Malhotra, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Operations Management:  Processes and Supply Chains, 10th Edition 2013, Krajewski, Ritzman, Malhotra, Test Bank 

Operations Management, Flexible Edition and Lecture Guide and Student CD and DVD Package, 9th Edition, Heizer, Render, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Operations Management, Flexible Edition and Lecture Guide and Student CD and DVD Package, 9th Edition, Heizer, Render, Test Bank 

Operations Management, Global Edition, 9th Edition, Krajewski, Ritzman, Malhotra, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Operations Management, Global Edition, 9th Edition, Krajewski, Ritzman, Malhotra, Test Bank 

Operations Research:  An Introduction, 8th Edition, Taha, Solutions Manual 

Operations Research:  An Introduction, 9th Edition, Taha, Solutions Manual 

Operations Strategy:  Competing in the 21st Century, 1st Edition 2008, Beckman, Rosenfield, Instructor Manual 

Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity, 2nd Edition 2011, Canas, Sondak, Instructor Manual 

Options, Futures and Other Derivatives, 5th Edition, John Hull, Solution Manual 

Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 7th Edition, Hull, Test Bank 

Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition 2012, Hull, Instructor Manual 

Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition 2012, Hull, Test Bank 

Oracle 10g Database Administrator II:  Backup, Recovery and Network Administration, 2nd Edition, Claire Rajan, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Oracle 10g Database Administrator II:  Backup, Recovery and Network Administration, 2nd Edition, Claire Rajan, Test Bank 

Oracle 10g Database Administrator:  Implementation and Administration, 2nd Edition, Powell, McCullough-Dieter, Solutions Manual 

Oracle 10g Database Administrator:  Implementation and Administration, 2nd Edition, Powell, McCullough-Dieter, Test Bank 

Oracle 10g Developer:  PL, SQL Programming, 1st Edition, Joan Casteel, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Oracle 10g Developer:  PL, SQL Programming, 1st Edition, Joan Casteel, Test Bank 

Oracle 10g Programming:  A Primer, 1st Edition 2008, Rajshekhar Sunderraman, Solutions Manual 

Oracle 10g:  SQL, 1st Edition, Joan Casteel, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Oracle 10g:  SQL, 1st Edition, Joan Casteel, Test Bank 

Oracle 11G:  SQL, 2nd Edition 2010, Joan Casteel, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Oracle 11G:  SQL, 2nd Edition 2010, Joan Casteel, Test Bank 

Oracle9i:  SQL, with an Introduction to PL, SQL, 1st Edition, Lannes Morris-Murphy, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Oracle9i:  SQL, with an Introduction to PL, SQL, 1st Edition, Lannes Morris-Murphy, Test Bank 

Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students, 2nd Edition, Howard Curtis, Solutions Manual, Elsevier Mosby 

Organic and Biochemistry for Today, 6th Edition, Seager, Slabaugh, Test Bank 

Organic and Biochemistry for Today, 7th Edition 2011, Seager, Slabaugh, Test Bank 

Organic and Biological Chemistry, 5th Edition, Stephen Stoker, Instructor Manual 

Organic and Biological Chemistry, 5th Edition, Stephen Stoker, Test Bank 

Organic and Biological Chemistry, 6th Edition 2013, Stoker, Solutions Manual 

Organic and Biological Chemistry, 6th Edition 2013, Stoker, Test Bank 

Organic Chemistry, 10th Edition, Solomons, Fryhle, Solutions Manual 

Organic Chemistry, 10th Edition, Solomons, Fryhle, Test Bank 

Organic Chemistry, 1st Edition 2007, Bruice, Test Bank 

Organic Chemistry, 1st Edition, Klein, Solutions Manual 

Organic Chemistry, 1st Edition, Klein, Test Bank 

Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition, Joseph M,  Hornback, Brooks Cole, Solution Manual 

Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition 2011, Janice Gorzynski Smith, Test Bank 

Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition, Jones, Solutions Manual, WW Norton 

Organic Chemistry, 4th Edition, Jones, Fleming, Test Bank, WW Norton 

Organic Chemistry, 5th Edition, Atkins, Carey, Solution Manual 

Organic Chemistry, 5th Edition, Brown, Foote, Iverson, Anslyn, Test Bank 

Organic Chemistry, 5th Edition, Leroy G,  Wade, Test Bank 

Organic Chemistry, 5th Edition, Paula Y,  Bruice, Test Bank 

Organic Chemistry, 6th Edition 2012, Brown, Foote, Iverson, Anslyn, Test Bank 

Organic Chemistry, 6th Edition, Bruice, Test Bank 

Organic Chemistry, 6th Edition, Leroy G,  Wade, Test Bank 

Organic Chemistry, 7th Edition, Leroy G,  Wade, Test Bank 

Organic Chemistry, 7th Edition, McMurry, Test Bank 

Organic Chemistry, 8th Edition 2012, McMurry, Test Bank 

Organic Chemistry, 8th Edition 2013, Wade, Test Bank 

Organic Chemistry, 8th Edition, Carey, Giuliano, Test Bank 

Organic Chemistry, 8th Edition, Solomons, Fryhle, Test Bank 

Organic Chemistry, 9th Edition, Solomons, Fryhle, Test Bank 

Organic Chemistry:  A Biological Approach, 1st Edition, McMurry, Test Bank 

Organic Chemistry:  A Guided Inquiry, 2nd Edition 2009, Andrei Straumanis, Instructor Manual 

Organic Chemistry:  A Short Course, 13th Edition 2012, Hart, Hadad, Craine, Hart, Instructor Manual 

Organic Chemistry:  A Short Course, 13th Edition 2012, Hart, Hadad, Craine, Hart, Test Bank 

Organic Chemistry:  With Biological Applications, 2nd Edition, McMurry, Test Bank 

Organization Development and Change, 9th Edition, Cummings, Worley, Instructor Manual 

Single Variable Calculus:  Early Transcendentals, 1st Edition 2011, Briggs, Cochran, Test Bank 

Single Variable Calculus:  Early Transcendentals, 5th Edition, James Stewart, Solution Manual 

Single Variable Essential Calculus, 2nd Edition 2013, James Stewart, Test Bank 

Single Variable Essential Calculus:  Early Transcendentals, 2nd Edition 2013, James Stewart, Test Bank 

Six Sigma Basic Tools and Techniques, 1st Edition, Summers, Instructor Manual 

Six Sigma Basic Tools and Techniques, 1st Edition, Summers, Test Bank 

Skills in Clinical Nursing, 6th Edition, Berman, Snyder, Jackson, Instructor Manual 

Skills in Clinical Nursing, 6th Edition, Berman, Snyder, Jackson, Test Bank 

Small Business Management:  An Entrepreneurial Emphasis, 13th Edition, Longenecker, Moore, Petty, Palich, Instructor Manual 

Small Business Management:  An Entrepreneurial Emphasis, 13th Edition, Longenecker, Moore, Petty, Palich, Test Bank 

Small Business Management:  Entrepreneurship and Beyond, 5th Edition 2012, Hatten, Instructor Manual 

Small Business Management:  Entrepreneurship and Beyond, 5th Edition 2012, Hatten, Test Bank 

Small Business Management:  Launching and Growing Entrepreneurial Ventures, 14th Edition, Longenecker, Moore, Petty, Palich, Instructor Manual 

Small Business Management:  Launching and Growing Entrepreneurial Ventures, 14th Edition, Longenecker, Moore, Petty, Palich, Test Bank 

Small Business Management:  Launching and Growing Entrepreneurial Ventures, 15th Edition 2010, Longenecker, Petty, Palich, Moore, Instructor Manual 

Small Business Management:  Launching and Growing Entrepreneurial Ventures, 15th Edition 2010, Longenecker, Petty, Palich, Moore, Test Bank 

Small Business Management:  Launching and Growing Entrepreneurial Ventures, 16th Edition 2012, Longenecker, Petty, Palich, Hoy, Instructor Manual 

Small Business Management:  Launching and Growing Entrepreneurial Ventures, 16th Edition 2012, Longenecker, Petty, Palich, Hoy, Test Bank 

Small Business:  An Entrepreneur's Business Plan, 7th Edition, Ryan, Hiduke, Instructor Manual 

Small Business:  An Entrepreneur's Business Plan, 7th Edition, Ryan, Hiduke, Test Bank 

Small Business:  An Entrepreneur's Business Plan, 8th Edition, Ryan, Hiduke, Test Bank 

Small Java How to Program, 6th Edition, Deitel, Deitel, Test Bank 

Smith and Roberson's Business Law, 13th Edition, Mann, Roberts, Instructor Manual 

Smith and Roberson's Business Law, 14th Edition, Mann, Roberts, Instructor Manual 

Smith and Roberson's Business Law, 14th Edition, Mann, Roberts, Test Bank 

Smith and Roberson's Business Law, 15th Edition 2012, Mann, Roberts, Instructor Manual 

Smith and Roberson's Business Law, 15th Edition 2012, Mann, Roberts, Test Bank 

SOC, 2nd Edition 2012, Benokraitis, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

SOC, 2nd Edition 2012, Benokraitis, Test Bank 

Social and Personal Ethics, 7th Edition 2011, Shaw, Instructor Manual 

Social and Personality Development, 6th Edition, Shaffer, Test Bank 

Social Entrepreneurship:  A Modern Approach to Social Value Creation, 1st Edition 2009, Brooks, Instructor Manual 

Social Gerontology with Research Navigator, 7th Edition, Hooyman, Kiyak, Instructor Manual 

Social Gerontology with Research Navigator, 7th Edition, Hooyman, Kiyak, Test Bank 

Social Gerontology:  A Multidisciplinary Perspective, 8th Edition, Hooyman, Kiyak, Instructor Manual 

Social Gerontology:  A Multidisciplinary Perspective, 8th Edition, Hooyman, Kiyak, Test Bank 

Social Gerontology:  A Multidisciplinary Perspective, 9th Edition 2011, Hooyman, Kiyak, Instructor Manual 

Social Gerontology:  A Multidisciplinary Perspective, 9th Edition 2011, Hooyman, Kiyak, Test Bank 

Social Inequality:  Forms, Causes, and Consequences, 7th Edition, Hurst, Instructor Manual 

Social Inequality:  Forms, Causes, and Consequences, 7th Edition, Hurst, Test Bank 

Social Problems in a Diverse Society, 5th Edition, Diana Kendall, Instructor Manual 

Social Problems in a Diverse Society, 5th Edition, Diana Kendall, Test Bank 

Social Problems in a Diverse Society, 6th Edition 2013, Diana Kendall, Test Bank 

Social Problems, 12th Edition 2012, Eitzen, Zinn, Smith, Instructor Manual 

Social Problems, 12th Edition 2012, Eitzen, Zinn, Smith, Test Bank 

Social Problems, 13th Edition, Kornblum, Julian, Instructor Manual 

Social Problems, 13th Edition, Kornblum, Julian, Test Bank 

Social Problems, 3rd Edition, Macionis, Instructor Manual 

Social Problems, 3rd Edition, Macionis, Test Bank 

Social Problems, 4th Edition, Macionis, Instructor Manual 

Social Problems, 4th Edition, Macionis, Test Bank 

Social Problems,1st Edition, Joel Best, Instructor Manual, WW Norton 

Social Problems,1st Edition, Joel Best, Test Bank, WW Norton 

Social Problems:  A Down-to-Earth Approach, 8th Edition, Henslin, Instructor Manual 

Social Problems:  A Down-to-Earth Approach, 8th Edition, Henslin, Test Bank 

Social Problems:  A Down-to-Earth Approach, 9th Edition, Henslin, Fowler, Instructor Manual 

Social Problems:  A Down-to-Earth Approach, 9th Edition, Henslin, Fowler, Test Bank 

Social Psychology and Human Nature, 1st Edition, Baumeister, Bushman, Instructor Manual 

Social Psychology and Human Nature, 1st Edition, Baumeister, Bushman, Test Bank 

Social Psychology and Human Nature, Comprehensive Edition, 2nd Edition, Baumeister, Bushman, Instructor Manual 

Social Psychology and Human Nature, Comprehensive Edition, 2nd Edition, Baumeister, Bushman, Test Bank 

Social Psychology, 11th Edition, Baron, Byrne, Branscombe, Instructor Manual 

Social Psychology, 11th Edition, Baron, Byrne, Branscombe, Test Bank 

Social Psychology, 12th Edition, Baron, Branscombe, Byrne, Instructor Manual 

Social Psychology, 12th Edition, Baron, Branscombe, Byrne, Test Bank 

Social Psychology, 12th Edition, Taylor, Peplau, Sears, Instructor Manual 

Social Psychology, 12th Edition, Taylor, Peplau, Sears, Test Bank 

Social Psychology, 13th 2012, Baron, Branscombe, Instructor Manual 

Social Psychology, 13th 2012, Baron, Branscombe, Test Bank 

Social Psychology, 2nd Edition, Gilovich, Keltner, Nisbett, Instructor Manual, WW Norton 

Social Psychology, 2nd Edition, Gilovich, Keltner, Nisbett, Test Bank, WW Norton 

Social Psychology, 5th Canadian Edition 2012,  Myers, Spencer, Jordan, Test Bank 

Social Psychology, 6th Edition, Aronson, Wilson, Instructor Manual 

Social Psychology, 6th Edition, Aronson, Wilson, Test Bank 

Social Psychology, 6th Edition, DeLamater, Myers, Test Bank 

Social Psychology, 7th Edition 2011, DeLamater, Myers, Instructor Manual 

Social Psychology, 7th Edition 2011, DeLamater, Myers, Test Bank 

Social Psychology, 7th Edition, Aronson, Wilson, Akert, Instructor Manual 

Social Psychology, 7th Edition, Aronson, Wilson, Akert, Test Bank 

Social Psychology, 8th Edition 2011, Kassin, Fein, Markus, Instructor Manual 

Social Psychology, 8th Edition 2011, Kassin, Fein, Markus, Test Bank 

Social Psychology:  Goals in Interaction, 4th Edition, Kenrick, Neuberg, Cialdini, Instructor's Manual 

Social Psychology:  Goals in Interaction, 4th Edition, Kenrick, Neuberg, Cialdini, Test Bank 

Social Psychology:  Goals in Interaction, 5th Edition, Kenrick, Neuberg, Cialdini, Instructor Manual 

Social Psychology:  Goals in Interaction, 5th Edition, Kenrick, Neuberg, Cialdini, Test Bank 

Social Psychology:  Sociological Perspectives, 2nd Edition 2011, Rohall, Milkie, Lucas, Instructor Manual 

Social Psychology:  Sociological Perspectives, 2nd Edition 2011, Rohall, Milkie, Lucas, Test Bank 

Social Psychology, Fourth Canadian, 4th Edition, Aronson, Wilson, Akert, Fehr, Instructor Manual 

Social Psychology, Fourth Canadian, 4th Edition, Aronson, Wilson, Akert, Fehr, Test Bank 

Social Research Methods:  Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches, 6th Edition, Lawrence Neuman, Instructor Manual 

Social Research Methods:  Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches, 6th Edition, Lawrence Neuman, Test Bank 

Social Responsibility and Business, International Edition, 4th Edition 2011, Ferrell, Thorne, Ferrell, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Social Responsibility and Business, International Edition, 4th Edition 2011, Ferrell, Thorne, Ferrell, Test Bank 

Social Science:  An Introduction to the Study of Society, 13th Edition, Hunt, Colander, Instructor Manual 

Social Science:  An Introduction to the Study of Society, 13th Edition, Hunt, Colander, Test Bank 

Social Science:  An Introduction to the Study of Society, 14th Edition, Hunt, Colander, Instructor Manual 

Social Science:  An Introduction to the Study of Society, 14th Edition, Hunt, Colander, Test Bank 

Social Work Practicum:  A Guide and Workbook for Students, 5th Edition 2011, Garthwait, Instructor Manual 

Social Work:  An Empowering Profession, 7th Edition 2011, DuBois, Miley, Instructor Manual 

Social Work:  An Empowering Profession, 7th Edition 2011, DuBois, Miley, Test Bank 

Societies, Networks, and Transitions:  A Global History, 2nd Edition 2011, Lockard, Test Bank 

Societies, Networks, and Transitions, Volume 1 To 1500, 2nd Edition 2011, Lockard, Test Bank 

Societies, Networks, and Transitions, Volume 2 Since 1450, 2nd Edition 2011, Lockard, Test Bank 

Societies, Networks, and Transitions, Volume A To 600, 2nd Edition 2011, Lockard, Test Bank 

Societies, Networks, and Transitions, Volume B From 600 to 1750, 2nd Edition 2011, Lockard, Test Bank 

Societies, Networks, and Transitions, Volume C, 2nd Edition 2011, Lockard, Test Bank 

Society in Focus:  An Introduction to Sociology, 6th Edition, Thompson, Hickey, Instructor Manual 

Society in Focus:  An Introduction to Sociology, 6th Edition, Thompson, Hickey, Test Bank 

Society in Focus:  An Introduction to Sociology, 7th Edition 2011, Thompson, Hickey, Instructor Manual 

Society in Focus:  An Introduction to Sociology, 7th Edition 2011, Thompson, Hickey, Test Bank 

Society:  Myths and Realities:  An Introduction to Sociology  Penguin Academics Series , 1st Edition, Thio, Instructor Manual 

Society:  Myths and Realities:  An Introduction to Sociology  Penguin Academics Series , 1st Edition, Thio, Test Bank 

Society:  Readings to Accompany Sociology:  A Down-to-Earth Approach, Core Concepts, 2nd Edition, Henslin, Instructor Manual 

Society:  The Basics, 10th Edition, Macionis, Instructor Manual 

Society:  The Basics, 10th Edition, Macionis, Test Bank 

Society:  The Basics, 11th Edition, Macionis, Instructor Manual 

Society:  The Basics, 11th Edition, Macionis, Test Bank 

Society:  The Basics, 12th Edition 2013, Macionis, Instructor Manual 

Society:  The Basics, 12th Edition 2013, Macionis, Test Bank 

Sociology for the 21st Century, 5th Edition, Curry, Jiobu, Schwirian, Instructor Manual 

Sociology for the 21st Century, 5th Edition, Curry, Jiobu, Schwirian, Test Bank 

Sociology in a Changing World, 7th Edition, William Kornblum, Instructor Manual 

Sociology in a Changing World, 8th Edition, William Kornblum, Instructor Manual 

Sociology in a Changing World, 8th Edition, William Kornblum, Test Bank 

Sociology in a Changing World, 9th Edition 2012, William Kornblum, Instructor Manual 

Sociology in a Changing World, 9th Edition 2012, William Kornblum, Test Bank 

Sociology in Our Times, 5th Edition 2011, Murray, Linden, Kendall, Test Bank 

Sociology in Our Times, 6th Edition, Diana Kendall, Test Bank 

Sociology in Our Times, 7th Edition 2008, Diana Kendall, Instructor Manual 

Sociology in Our Times, 7th Edition 2008, Diana Kendall, Test Bank 

Sociology in Our Times, 7th Edition, Diana Kendall, Instructor Manual 

Sociology in Our Times, 7th Edition, Diana Kendall, Test Bank 

Sociology in Our Times, 8th Edition 2011, Diana Kendall, Instructor Manual 

Sociology in Our Times, 8th Edition 2011, Diana Kendall, Test Bank 

Sociology in Our Times:  The Essentials, 6th Edition, Diana Kendall, Instructor Manual 

Sociology in Our Times:  The Essentials, 6th Edition, Diana Kendall, Test Bank 

Sociology in Our Times:  The Essentials, 7th Edition, Diana Kendall, Test Bank 

Sociology in Our Times:  The Essentials, 8th Edition 2012, Diana Kendall, Instructor Manual 

Sociology in Our Times:  The Essentials, 8th Edition 2012, Diana Kendall, Test Bank 

Sociology Now, 1st Edition 2009, Kimmel, Aronson, Instructor Manual 

Sociology Now, 1st Edition 2009, Kimmel, Aronson, Test Bank 

Sociology Now:  The Essentials  with MySocLab Student Access Code Card , 1st Edition 2009, Kimmel, Aronson, Instructor Manual 

Sociology Now:  The Essentials  with MySocLab Student Access Code Card , 1st Edition 2009, Kimmel, Aronson, Test Bank 

Sociology Now:  The Essentials, 2nd Edition 2011, Kimmel, Aronson, Instructor Manual 

Sociology Now:  The Essentials, 2nd Edition 2011, Kimmel, Aronson, Test Bank 

Sociology of Deviant Behavior, 13th Edition, Clinard, Meier, Instructor Manual 

Sociology of Deviant Behavior, 14th Edition 2011, Clinard, Meier, Instructor Manual 

Sociology of Education:  A Systematic Analysis, 6th Edition, Ballantine, Hammack, Instructor Manual 

Sociology of Education:  A Systematic Analysis, 6th Edition, Ballantine, Hammack, Test Bank 

Sociology of Health, Healing, and Illness, 6th Edition, Weiss, Lonnquist, Test Bank 

Sociology of Health, Healing, and Illness, 7th Edition, Weiss, Lonnquist, Instructor Manual 

Sociology of Health, Healing, and Illness, 7th Edition, Weiss, Lonnquist, Test Bank 

Sociology, 10th Edition, Rodney Stark, Instructor Manual 

Sociology, 11th Edition, Macionis, Instructor Manual 

Sociology, 11th Edition, Macionis, Test Bank 

Sociology, 12th Edition, Macionis, Instructor Manual 

Sociology, 12th Edition, Macionis, Test Bank 

Sociology, 13th Edition, Macionis, Instructor Manual 

Sociology, 13th Edition, Macionis, Test Bank 

Sociology, 1st Edition 2006, Turner, Test Bank 

Sociology:  A Brief Introduction, 7th Edition, Thio, Instructor Manual 

Sociology:  A Brief Introduction, 7th Edition, Thio, Test Bank 

Sociology:  A Brief Introduction, 9th Edition 2011, Schaefer, Instructor Manual 

Sociology:  A Brief Introduction, 9th Edition 2011, Schaefer, Test Bank 

Sociology:  A Down-to-Earth Approach  with MySocLab Student Access Code Card , 10th Edition, Henslin, Instructor Manual 

Sociology:  A Down-to-Earth Approach  with MySocLab Student Access Code Card , 10th Edition, Henslin, Test Bank 

Sociology:  A Down-to-Earth Approach, 10th Edition, Henslin, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Sociology:  A Down-to-Earth Approach, 10th Edition, Henslin, Test Bank 

Sociology:  A Down-to-Earth Approach, 11th Edition 2012, Henslin, Instructor Manual 

Sociology:  A Down-to-Earth Approach, 11th Edition 2012, Henslin, Test Bank 

Sociology:  A Down-to-Earth Approach, 9th Edition, Henslin, Instructor Manual 

Sociology:  A Down-to-Earth Approach, 9th Edition, Henslin, Test Bank 

Sociology:  A Down-to-Earth Approach, Core Concepts, 3rd Edition, Henslin, Solutions Manual 

Sociology:  A Down-to-Earth Approach, Core Concepts, 3rd Edition, Henslin, Test Bank 

Sociology:  A Down-to-Earth Approach, Core Concepts, 4th Edition, Henslin, Instructor Manual 

Sociology:  A Down-to-Earth Approach, Core Concepts, 4th Edition, Henslin, Test Bank 

Sociology:  A Global Perspective, 7th Edition, Joan Ferrante, Instructor Manual 

Sociology:  A Global Perspective, 7th Edition, Joan Ferrante, Test Bank 

Sociology:  A Global Perspective, Enhanced, 7th Edition 2011, Joan Ferrante, Instructor Manual 

Sociology:  A Global Perspective, Enhanced, 7th Edition 2011, Joan Ferrante, Test Bank 

Sociology:  Concepts and Applications in a Diverse World, 7th Edition, Sullivan, Test Bank 

Sociology:  Concepts and Applications in a Diverse World, VangoBooks, 8th Edition, Sullivan, Instructor Manual 

Sociology:  Concepts and Applications in a Diverse World, VangoBooks, 8th Edition, Sullivan, Test Bank 

Sociology:  Making Sense of the Social World, 2nd Edition, Scott, Schwartz, Instructor Manual 

Sociology:  Making Sense of the Social World, 2nd Edition, Scott, Schwartz, Test Bank 

Sociology:  The Core, 10th Edition 2011, Hughes, Kroehler, Test Bank 

Sociology:  The Essentials, 4th Edition, Andersen, Taylor, Test Bank 

Sociology:  The Essentials, 5th Edition 2009, Andersen, Taylor, Instructor Manual 

Sociology:  The Essentials, 5th Edition 2009, Andersen, Taylor, Test Bank 

Sociology:  The Essentials, 6th Edition 2011, Andersen, Taylor, Instructor Manual 

Sociology:  The Essentials, 6th Edition 2011, Andersen, Taylor, Test Bank 

Sociology:  Understanding a Diverse Society, 4th Edition, Andersen, Taylor, Instructor Manual 

Sociology:  Your Compass for a New World, 3rd Edition, Brym, Lie, Instructor Manual 

Sociology:  Your Compass for a New World, 3rd Edition, Brym, Lie, Test Bank 

Sociology:  Your Compass for a New World, Brief Edition, 2nd Edition, Brym, Lie, Instructor Manual 

Sociology:  Your Compass for a New World, Brief Edition, 2nd Edition, Brym, Lie, Test Bank 

Sociology:  Your Compass for a New World, Brief Editio, Enhanced Edition, 2nd Edition 2010, Brym, Lie, Test Bank 

Sociology:  Your Compass for a New World, The Brief Edition, 1st Edition, Brym, Lie, Instructor Manual 

Sociology, Canadian Editio, 6th Edition, Macionis, Gerber, Instructor Manual 

Sociology, Canadian Editio, 6th Edition, Macionis, Gerber, Test Bank 

Sociology, Seventh Canadian Edition, 7th Edition 2011, Macionis, Gerber, Instructor Manual 

Sociology, Seventh Canadian Edition, 7th Edition 2011, Macionis, Gerber, Test Bank 

Sociology, Understanding a Diverse Society, Updated, 4th Edition, Andersen, Taylor, Instructor Manual 

Sociology, Understanding a Diverse Society, Updated, 4th Edition, Andersen, Taylor, Test Bank 

Soft Skills at Work:  Technology for Career Success, 1st Edition 2009, Beverly Amer, Instructor Manual 

Software Engineering Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition, Van Vliet, Solutions Manual 

Software Engineering, 8th Edition Update, Sommerville, Solutions Manual 

Software Engineering, 9th Edition 2011, Ian Sommerville, Solutions Manual 

Software Engineering:  A Practitioner's Approach, 7th Edition 2010, Roger Pressman, Instructor Manual 

Software Engineering:  A Practitioner's Approach, 7th Edition 2010, Roger Pressman, Test Bank 

Software Engineering:  Modern Approaches, 2nd Edition, Braude, Bernstein, Instructor Manual 

Software Engineering:  Modern Approaches, 2nd Edition, Braude, Bernstein, Test Bank 

Software Engineering:  Theory and Practice, 4th Edition, Pfleeger, Atlee, Solutions Manual 

Software Quality Assurance From Theory to Implementation, 1st Edition 2004, Daniel Galin, Solutions Manual 

Software Security Technologies, 1st Edition, Richard Sinn, Instructor Manual 

Software Security Technologies, 1st Edition, Richard Sinn, Test Bank 

Soil and Water Conservation for Productivity and Environmental Protection, 4th Edition, Troeh, Hobbs, Donahue, Instructor Manual 

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers:  An Introduction to Nutrient Management, 7th Edition, Havlin, Tisdale, Nelson, Beaton, Instructor Manual 

Soil Mechanics and Foundations, 2nd Edition, Budhu, Solutions Manual 

Soil Mechanics:  Concepts and Applications, 2nd Edition, William Powrie, Solution Manual 

Soils and Foundations, 7th Edition, Liu, Evett, Solutions Manual 

Soils in Our Environment, 10th Edition, Miller, Gardiner, Instructor Manual 

Soils in Our Environment, 11th Edition, Miller, Gardiner, Instructor Manual 

Soils:  An Introduction, 6th Edition, Singer, Munns, Instructor Manual 

Soils, Land, and Life, 1st Edition 2008, Stan Buol, Instructor Manual 

Solar Energy Engineering:  Processes and Systems, 1st Edition, Kalogirou, Solutions Manual, Elsevier Mosby 

Solid State Electronic Devices, 6th Edition, Streetman, Banerjee, Solution Manual 

Solid State Physics:  Essential Concepts, 1st Edition 2009, Snoke, Solutions Manual 

Solutions to Programming Projects, 3rd Edition, Kurose, Ross, Solutions Manual 

Sourcing and Supply Chain Management, 4th Edition, Handfield, Monczka, Giunipero, Patterson, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Sourcing and Supply Chain Management, 4th Edition, Handfield, Monczka, Giunipero, Patterson, Test Bank 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2009:  Comprehensive, 32nd Edition, Hoffman, Willis, Maloney, Raabe, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2009:  Comprehensive, 32nd Edition, Hoffman, Willis, Maloney, Raabe, Test Bank 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2009:  Corporations, 32nd Edition, Hoffman, Smith, Wills, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2009:  Corporations, 32nd Edition, Hoffman, Smith, Wills, Test Bank 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2009:  Individual, 32nd Edition, Hoffman, Smith, Wills, Solution Manual 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2009:  Individual, 32nd Edition, Hoffman, Smith, Wills, Test Bank 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2009:  Taxation of Business Entities, 12th Edition, Smith, Raabe, Maloney, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2009:  Taxation of Business Entities, 12th Edition, Smith, Raabe, Maloney, Test Bank 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2010:  Comprehensive, 33rd Edition, Willis, Hoffman, Maloney, Raabe, Solutions Manual 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2010:  Comprehensive, 33rd Edition, Willis, Hoffman, Maloney, Raabe, Test Bank 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2010:  Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts, 33rd Edition, Hoffman, Raabe, Smith, Maloney, Solutions Manual 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2010:  Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts, 33rd Edition, Hoffman, Raabe, Smith, Maloney, Test Bank 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2010:  Individual Income Taxes, 33rd Edition, Hoffman, Smith, Willis, Solutions Manual 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2010:  Individual Income Taxes, 33rd Edition, Hoffman, Smith, Willis, Test Bank 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2010:  Taxation of Business Entities, 13th Edition, Smith, Raabe, Maloney, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2010:  Taxation of Business Entities, 13th Edition, Smith, Raabe, Maloney, Test Bank 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2011:  Comprehensive, 34th Edition, Willis, Hoffman, Raabe, Young, Maloney, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2011:  Comprehensive, 34th Edition, Willis, Hoffman, Raabe, Young, Maloney, Test Bank 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2011:  Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts, 34th Edition, Hoffman, Raabe, Smith, Maloney, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2011:  Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts, 34th Edition, Hoffman, Raabe, Smith, Maloney, Test Bank 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2011:  Individual Income Taxes, 34th Edition, Hoffman, Smith, Willis, Instructor Manual 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2011:  Individual Income Taxes, 34th Edition, Hoffman, Smith, Willis, Test Bank 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2011:  Taxation of Business Entities, 14th Edition 2011, Smith, Raabe, Maloney, Instructor Manual 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2011:  Taxation of Business Entities, 14th Edition 2011, Smith, Raabe, Maloney, Test Bank 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2012:  Comprehensive, 35th Edition 2012, Hoffman, Maloney, Raabe, Young, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2012:  Comprehensive, 35th Edition 2012, Hoffman, Maloney, Raabe, Young, Test Bank 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2012:  Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts, 35th Edition 2012, Hoffman, Raabe, Smith, Maloney, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2012:  Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts, 35th Edition 2012, Hoffman, Raabe, Smith, Maloney, Test Bank 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2012:  Individual Income Taxes, 35th Edition 2012, Hoffman, Smith, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2012:  Individual Income Taxes, 35th Edition 2012, Hoffman, Smith, Test Bank 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2012:  Taxation of Business Entities, 15th Edition 2012, Smith, Raabe, Maloney, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2012:  Taxation of Business Entities, 15th Edition 2012, Smith, Raabe, Maloney, Test Bank 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2013:  Comprehensive, 36th Edition 2013, Hoffman, Maloney, Raabe, Young, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2013:  Comprehensive, 36th Edition 2013, Hoffman, Maloney, Raabe, Young, Test Bank 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2013:  Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts, 36th Edition 2013, Hoffman, Raabe, Smith, Maloney, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2013:  Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts, 36th Edition 2013, Hoffman, Raabe, Smith, Maloney, Test Bank 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2013:  Individual Income Taxes, 36th Edition 2013, Hoffman, Smith, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2013:  Individual Income Taxes, 36th Edition 2013, Hoffman, Smith, Test Bank 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2013:  Taxation of Business Entities, 16th Edition 2013, Smith, Raabe, Maloney, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

South-Western Federal Taxation 2013:  Taxation of Business Entities, 16th Edition 2013, Smith, Raabe, Maloney, Test Bank 

South-Western Federal Taxation:  Taxation of Business Entities, 12th Edition, Smith, Raabe, Maloney, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

South-Western Federal Taxation:  Taxation of Business Entities, 12th Edition, Smith, Raabe, Maloney, Test Bank 

Special Education:  Contemporary Perspectives for School Professionals, 3rd Edition, Friend, Instructor Manual 

Special Education:  Contemporary Perspectives for School Professionals, 3rd Edition, Friend, Test Bank 

Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds, 7th Edition, Silverstein, Webster, Kiemle, Solutions Manual 

Speech and Language Processing, 2nd Edition, Jurafsky, Martin, Solutions Manual 

Sport and Exercise Psychology:  A Canadian Perspective, 2nd Edition 2011, Peter Crocker, Instructor Manual 

Sport and Exercise Psychology:  A Canadian Perspective, 2nd Edition 2011, Peter Crocker, Test Bank 

Sport Facility Operations Management, 1st Edition, Schwarz, Hall, Shibli, Test Bank, Elsevier Mosby 

Sports Marketing:  A Strategic Perspective, 3rd Edition, Matthew Shank, Instructor Manual 

Sports Marketing:  A Strategic Perspective, 3rd Edition, Matthew Shank, Test Bank 

Sports Marketing:  A Strategic Perspective, 4th Edition, Matthew Shank, Instructor Manual 

Sports Marketing:  A Strategic Perspective, 4th Edition, Matthew Shank, Test Bank 

Spreadsheet Modeling & Decision Analysis:  A Practical Introduction to Management Science, 6th Edition 2011, Cliff Ragsdale, Solutions Manual 

Spreadsheet Modeling & Decision Analysis:  A Practical Introduction to Management Science, 6th Edition 2011, Cliff Ragsdale, Test Bank 

Spreadsheet Modeling & Decision Analysis:  A Practical Introduction to Management Science, Revised, 5th Edition, Cliff Ragsdale, Solutions Manual 

Spreadsheet Modeling & Decision Analysis:  A Practical Introduction to Management Science, Revised, 5th Edition, Cliff Ragsdale, Test Bank 

Spreadsheet Modeling and Applications:  Essentials of Practical Management Science, 1st Edition, Albright, Winston, Solutions Manual 

Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analysis, 5th Edition, Cliff Ragsdale, Solutions Manual 

Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analysis, 5th Edition, Cliff Ragsdale, Test Bank 

SPSS for Windows Step by Step:  A Simple Guide and Reference, 16 0 Update, 9th Edition, George, Mallery, Instructor Manual 

SPSS for Windows Step by Step:  A Simple Study Guide and Reference 17, 0 Update, 10th Edition, George, Mallery, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

SPSS for Windows Step-by-Ste:  A Simple Guide and Reference, 15 0 Update, 8th Edition, George, Mallery, Instructor Manual 

SPSS for Windows Step-by-Step:  A Simple Guide and Reference, 15 0 Update, 8th Edition, George, Mallery, Instructor Manual 

SQL for SQL Server, 1st Edition 2004, Bordoloi, Bock, Instructor Manual 

SQL for SQL Server, 1st Edition 2004, Bordoloi, Bock, Test Bank 

Staffing Organizations, 6th Edition, Heneman, Judge, Instructor Manual 

Staffing Organizations, 6th Edition, Heneman, Judge, Test Bank 

Staffing Organizations, 7th Edition 2012, Heneman, Judge, Kammeyer-Mueller, Instructor Manual 

Staffing Organizations, 7th Edition 2012, Heneman, Judge, Kammeyer-Mueller, Test Bank 

Stagecraft Fundamentals:  A Guide and Reference for Theatrical Production, 1st Edition, Rita Carver, Instructor Manual, Elsevier Mosby 

Standard Pesticide User's Guide, 7th Edition, Bohmont, Instructor Manual 

Starting Out with Alice:  A Visual Introduction to Programming, 1st Edition 2008, Gaddis, Solutions Manual 

Starting Out with Alice:  A Visual Introduction to Programming, 1st Edition 2008, Gaddis, Test Bank 

Starting Out with Alice:  A Visual Introduction to Programming, 2nd Edition, Tony Gaddis, Solutions Manual 

Starting Out with Alice:  A Visual Introduction to Programming, 2nd Edition, Tony Gaddis, Test Bank 

Starting Out with C++:  Early Objects, 6th Edition, Gaddis, Walters, Muganda, Solutions Manual 

Starting Out with C++:  Early Objects, 6th Edition, Gaddis, Walters, Muganda, Test Bank 

Starting Out with C++:  Early Objects, 7th Edition 2011, Gaddis, Walters, Muganda, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Starting Out with C++:  Early Objects, 7th Edition 2011, Gaddis, Walters, Muganda, Test Bank 

Starting Out with C++:  From Control Structures through Objects, 5th Edition, Tony Gaddis, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Starting Out with C++:  From Control Structures through Objects, 5th Edition, Tony Gaddis, Test Bank 

Starting Out with C++:  From Control Structures through Objects, 6th Edition, Gaddis, Solutions Manual 

Starting Out with C++:  From Control Structures through Objects, 6th Edition, Gaddis, Test Bank 

Starting Out with C++:  From Control Structures through Objects, 7th Edition 2012, Tony Gaddis, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Starting Out with C++:  From Control Structures through Objects, 7th Edition 2012, Tony Gaddis, Test Bank 

Starting Out with Java:  Early Objects, 3rd Edition, Gaddis, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Starting Out with Java:  Early Objects, 3rd Edition, Gaddis, Test Bank 

Starting Out with Java:  Early Objects, 4th Edition, Tony Gaddis, Solutions Manual 

Starting Out with Java:  Early Objects, 4th Edition, Tony Gaddis, Test Bank 

Starting Out with Java:  From Control Structures through Data Structures, 1st Edition, Gaddis, Muganda, Solutions Manual 

Starting Out with Java:  From Control Structures through Data Structures, 1st Edition, Gaddis, Muganda, Test Bank 

Starting Out with Java:  From Control Structures through Data Structures, 2nd Edition 2012, Gaddis, Muganda, Solutions Manual 

Starting Out with Java:  From Control Structures through Data Structures, 2nd Edition 2012, Gaddis, Muganda, Test Bank 

Starting Out with Java:  From Control Structures through Objects, 3rd Edition, Gaddis, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Starting Out with Java:  From Control Structures through Objects, 3rd Edition, Gaddis, Test Bank 

Starting Out with Java:  From Control Structures through Objects, 4th Edition, Tony Gaddis, Solutions Manual 

Starting Out with Java:  From Control Structures through Objects, 4th Edition, Tony Gaddis, Test Bank 

Starting Out with Java:  From Control Structures through Objects, 5th Edition 2013, Tony Gaddis, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Starting Out with Java:  From Control Structures through Objects, 5th Edition 2013, Tony Gaddis, Test Bank 

Starting Out with Programming Logic and Design, 1st Edition 2008, Tony Gaddis, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Starting Out with Programming Logic and Design, 1st Edition 2008, Tony Gaddis, Test Bank 

Starting Out with Programming Logic and Design, 2nd Edition, Tony Gaddis, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Starting Out with Programming Logic and Design, 2nd Edition, Tony Gaddis, Test Bank 

Starting Out with Programming Logic and Design, 3rd Edition 2013, Tony Gaddis, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Starting Out with Programming Logic and Design, 3rd Edition 2013, Tony Gaddis, Test Bank 

Starting Out with Python, 1st Edition 2009, Gaddis, Solutions Manual 

Starting Out with Python, 1st Edition 2009, Gaddis, Test Bank 

Starting Out with Python, 2nd Edition 2012, Tony Gaddis, Solutions Manual 

Starting Out with Python, 2nd Edition 2012, Tony Gaddis, Test Bank 

Starting Out With Visual Basic 2008 Update, 4th Edition, Gaddis, Irvine, Solutions Manual 

Starting Out With Visual Basic 2008 Update, 4th Edition, Gaddis, Irvine, Test Bank 

Starting Out With Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition, Gaddis, Irvine, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Starting Out With Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition, Gaddis, Irvine, Test Bank 

Starting out with Visual C# 2010, 2nd Edition 2012, Tony Gaddis, Solutions Manual 

Starting out with Visual C# 2010, 2nd Edition 2012, Tony Gaddis, Test Bank 

STAT 2, 2nd Edition 2012, Johnson, Kuby, Test Bank 

State and Local Politics:  Government by the People, 13th Edition, Magleby, O'Brien, Light, Peltason, Cronin, Instructor Manual 

State and Local Politics:  Government by the People, 13th Edition, Magleby, O'Brien, Light, Peltason, Cronin, Test Bank 

State and Local Politics, Government By The People, 14th Edition, Magleby, Light, Instructor Manual 

State and Local Politics, Government By The People, 14th Edition, Magleby, Light, Test Bank 

Statics and Mechanics of Materials, 1st Edition 2003, Bedford, Liechti,  Fowler, Solutions Manual 

Statics and Mechanics of Materials, 1st Edition 2011, Beer, Johnston, Dewolf, Mazurek, Solutions Manual 

Statics and Mechanics of Materials, 2nd Edition, Hibbeler, Solutions Manual 

Statics and Strength of Materials for Architecture and Building Construction, 3rd Edition, Onouye, Kane, Solutions Manual 

Statics and Strength of Materials for Architecture and Building Construction, 4th Edition, Onouye, Kane, Instructor Manual 

Statics and Strength of Materials, 7th Edition 2011, Morrow, Kokernak, Solutions Manual 

Statistical Concepts for the Behavioral Sciences, 4th Edition, Kiess, Green, Instructor Manual 

Statistical Concepts for the Behavioral Sciences, 4th Edition, Kiess, Green, Test Bank 

Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling, 1st Edition, Monson H,  Hayes, Solution Manual 

Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences, 4th Edition, Agresti, Finlay, Solutions Manual 

Statistical Quality Design and Control, 2nd Edition, DeVor, Chang, Sutherland, Solutions Manual 

Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life, 2nd Edition, Bennett, Briggs, Triola, Solutions Manual 

Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life, 2nd Edition, Bennett, Briggs, Triola, Test Bank 

Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life, 3rd Edition, Bennett, Briggs, Triola, Solutions Manual 

Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life, 3rd Edition, Bennett, Briggs, Triola, Test Bank 

Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, 14th Edition, Lind, Marchal, Wathen, Solutions Manual 

Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, 14th Edition, Lind, Marchal, Wathen, Test Bank 

Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, 15th Edition 2012, Lind, Marchal, Wathen, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, 15th Edition 2012, Lind, Marchal, Wathen, Test Bank 

Statistics and Data Analysis for Nursing Research, 2nd Edition, Polit, Lake, Test Bank 

Statistics and Data Analysis:  From Elementary to Intermediate , 1st Edition, Tamhane, Dunlop, Solutions Manual 

Statistics for Business & Economics, 10th Edition, McClave, Benson, Sincich, Solutions Manual 

Statistics for Business & Economics, 10th Edition, McClave, Benson, Sincich, Test Bank 

Statistics for Business and Economics, 10th Edition, Anderson, Sweeney, Williams, Solutions Manual 

Statistics for Business and Economics, 10th Edition, Anderson, Sweeney, Williams, Test Bank 

Statistics for Business and Economics, 11th Edition 2011, McClave, Benson, Sincich, Solutions Manual 

Statistics for Business and Economics, 11th Edition 2011, McClave, Benson, Sincich, Test Bank 

Statistics for Business and Economics, 11th Edition, Anderson, Sweeney, Williams, Solutions Manual 

Statistics for Business and Economics, 11th Edition, Anderson, Sweeney, Williams, Test Bank 

Statistics for Business and Economics, 6th Edition, Newbold, Carlson, Thorne, Solutions Manual 

Statistics for Business and Economics, 6th Edition, Newbold, Carlson, Thorne, Test Bank 

Statistics for Business and Economics, 7th Edition, Newbold, Carlson, Thorne, Solutions Manual 

Statistics for Business and Economics, 7th Edition, Newbold, Carlson, Thorne, Test Bank 

Statistics for Business and Economics, 9th Edition, Anderson, Sweeney, Williams, Test Bank 

Statistics for Business and Economics, Revised, 10th Edition, Anderson, Sweeney, Williams, Solutions Manual 

Statistics for Business and Economics, Revised, 10th Edition, Anderson, Sweeney, Williams, Test Bank 

Statistics for Business and Economics, Revised, 11th Edition 2012, Anderson, Sweeney, Williams, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Statistics for Business and Economics, Revised, 11th Edition 2012, Anderson, Sweeney, Williams, Test Bank 

Statistics for Business:  Decision Making and Analysis, 1st Edition, Stine, Foster, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Statistics for Business:  Decision Making and Analysis, 1st Edition, Stine, Foster, Test Bank 

Statistics for Criminal Justice and Criminology, 3rd Edition, Champion, Hartley, Instructor Manual 

Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, 5th Edition, Mendenhall, Sincich, Solution Manual 

Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 2nd Edition, William Navidi, Solutions Manual 

Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 3rd Edition 2011, William Navidi, Solutions Manual 

Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 3rd Edition, Navidi, Solutions Manual 

Statistics for Management and Economics, 7th Edition, Gerald Keller, Solution Manual 

Statistics for Management and Economics, 7th Edition, Gerald Keller, Solutions Manual 

Statistics for Management and Economics, 7th Edition, Gerald Keller, Test Bank 

Statistics for Management and Economics, 8th Edition, Gerald Keller, Solutions Manual 

Statistics for Management and Economics, 8th Edition, Gerald Keller, Test Bank 

Statistics for Management and Economics, 9th Edition 2012, Gerald Keller, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Statistics for Management and Economics, 9th Edition 2012, Gerald Keller, Test Bank 

Statistics for Managers Using Excel and Student CD Package, 5th Edition, Levine, Solutions Manual 

Statistics for Managers Using Excel and Student CD Package, 5th Edition, Levine, Test Bank 

Statistics for Managers Using Excel, 5th Edition, Levine, Solutions Manual 

Statistics for Managers Using Excel, 5th Edition, Levine, Test Bank 

Statistics for Managers using MS Excel, 6th Edition, Levine, Berenson, Krehbiel, Stephan, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Statistics for Managers using MS Excel, 6th Edition, Levine, Berenson, Krehbiel, Stephan, Test Bank 

Statistics For Managers, 4th Edition, Levine, Stephan, Krehbiel, Berenson, Solution Manual 

Statistics for Psychology, 5th Edition, Aron, Aron, Coups, Instructor Manual 

Statistics for Psychology, 5th Edition, Aron, Aron, Coups, Test Bank 

Statistics for Science and Engineering, 1st Edition 2002, Kinney, Solutions Manual 

Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 4th Edition, Aron, Aron, Coups, Instructor Manual 

Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 4th Edition, Aron, Aron, Coups, Test Bank 

Statistics for The Behavioral and Social Sciences:  A Brief Course, 5th Edition, Aron, Aron, Instructor Manual 

Statistics for The Behavioral and Social Sciences:  A Brief Course, 5th Edition, Aron, Aron, Test Bank 

Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 5th Edition, Jaccard, Becker, Test Bank 

Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 7th Edition, Gravetter, Wallnau, Test Bank 

Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 8th Edition, Gravetter, Wallnau, Test Bank 

Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 8th Edition, Gravetter, Wallnau, Test Bank 

Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 9th Edition 2013, Gravetter, Wallnau, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 9th Edition 2013, Gravetter, Wallnau, Test Bank 

Statistics for the Life Sciences, 3rd Edition, Samuels, Witmer, Solutions Manual 

Statistics for the Life Sciences, 4th Edition 2012, Samuels, Witmer, Schaffner, Solutions Manual 

Statistics Plain and Simple, 3rd Edition 2014, Jackson, Test Bank 

Statistics, 11th Edition, McClave, Sincich, Mendenhall, Solutions Manual 

Statistics, 11th Edition, McClave, Sincich, Mendenhall, Test Bank 

Statistics, 3rd Edition 2013, Agresti, Franklin, Solutions Manual 

Statistics, 3rd Edition 2013, Agresti, Franklin, Test Bank 

Statistics, 4th Edition, Freedman, Pisani, Purves, Instructor Manual, WW Norton 

Statistics:  A Tool for Social Research, 7th Edition, Healey, Instructor Manual 

Statistics:  A Tool for Social Research, 8th Edition, Healey, Instructor Manual 

Statistics:  A Tool for Social Research, 8th Edition, Healey, Test Bank 

Statistics:  A Tool for Social Research, 9th Edition 2012, Healey, Instructor Manual 

Statistics:  A Tool for Social Research, 9th Edition 2012, Healey, Test Bank 

Statistics:  From Data to Decision, 2nd Edition, Watkins, Scheaffer, Cobb, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Statistics:  From Data to Decision, 2nd Edition, Watkins, Scheaffer, Cobb, Test Bank 

Statistics:  Informed Decisions Using Data, 2nd Edition, Michael Sullivan, Solutions Manual 

Statistics:  Informed Decisions Using Data, 2nd Edition, Michael Sullivan, Test Bank 

Statistics:  Informed Decisions Using Data, 3rd Edition, Michael Sullivan, Solutions Manual 

Statistics:  Informed Decisions Using Data, 3rd Edition, Michael Sullivan, Test Bank 

Statistics:  Informed Decisions Using Data, 4th Edition 2013, Michael Sullivan, Solutions Manual 

Statistics:  Informed Decisions Using Data, 4th Edition 2013, Michael Sullivan, Test Bank 

Statistics:  Principles and Methods, 6th Edition, Johnson, Solutions Manual 

Statistics:  Principles and Methods, 6th Edition, Johnson, Test Bank 

Statistics:  The Art and Science of Learning from Data, 2nd Edition, Agresti, Franklin, Solutions Manual 

Statistics:  The Art and Science of Learning from Data, 2nd Edition, Agresti, Franklin, Test Bank 

Statistics:  The Exploration & Analysis of Data, 6th Edition, Peck, Devore, Instructor Manual 

Statistics:  The Exploration & Analysis of Data, 6th Edition, Peck, Devore, Test Bank 

Statistics, Data Analysis & Decision Modeling, 4th Edition, Evans, Solutions Manual 

Stats:  Data and Models, 2nd Edition, Veaux, Velleman, Bock, Solutions Manual 

Stats:  Data and Models, 2nd Edition, Veaux, Velleman, Bock, Test Bank 

Stats:  Data and Models, 3rd Edition 2012, Veaux, Velleman, Bock, Solutions Manual 

Stats:  Data and Models, 3rd Edition 2012, Veaux, Velleman, Bock, Test Bank 

Stats:  Modeling the World, 2nd Edition, Bock, Velleman, Veaux, Solutions Manual 

Stats:  Modeling the World, 2nd Edition, Bock, Velleman, Veaux, Test Bank 

Stats:  Modeling the World, 3rd Edition, Bock, Velleman, Veaux, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Stats:  Modeling the World, 3rd Edition, Bock, Velleman, Veaux, Test Bank 

STAT, Reprint, 1st Edition 2010, Johnson, Kuby, Solutions Manual 

STAT, Reprint, 1st Edition 2010, Johnson, Kuby, Test Bank 

Steel Design, 4th Edition, William Segui, Solutions Manual 

Steel Design, 5th Edition 2013, Segui, Solutions Manual 

Steel Structures:  Behavior and LRFD, 1st Edition, Vinnakota, Solutions Manual 

Steps to Writing Well with Additional Readings, 7th Edition, Jean Wyrick, Instructor Manual 

Steps to Writing Well with Additional Readings, 8th Edition 2011, Jean Wyrick, Instructor Manual 

Steps to Writing Well, 11th Edition 2011, Jean Wyrick, Instructor Manual 

Story of Human Development, 1st Edition 2007, Poole, Warren, Nunez, Instructor Manual 

Story of Human Development, 1st Edition 2007, Poole, Warren, Nunez, Test Bank 

Strangers to these Shores, 10th Edition 2011, Parrillo, Instructor Manual 

Strangers to these Shores, 10th Edition 2011, Parrillo, Test Bank 

Strangers to These Shores:  Race and Ethnic Relations in the United States with Research Navigator, 8th Edition, Parrillo, Instructor Manual 

Strangers to These Shores:  Race and Ethnic Relations in the United States with Research Navigator, 8th Edition, Parrillo, Test Bank 

Strangers to These Shores:  Race and Ethnic Relations in the United States, 9th Edition, Parrillo, Instructor Manual 

Strangers to These Shores:  Race and Ethnic Relations in the United States, 9th Edition, Parrillo, Test Bank 

Strategic Brand Management, 3rd Edition, Kevin Keller, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Business Communication:  An Integrated, Ethical Approach, 1st Edition, Robyn Walker, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Communication in Business and the Professions, 6th Edition, O'Hair, Friedrich, Dixon, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Communication in Business and the Professions, 6th Edition, O'Hair, Friedrich, Dixon, Test Bank 

Strategic Communication in Business and the Professions, 7th Edition, O'Hair, Friedrich, Dixon, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Communication in Business and the Professions, 7th Edition, O'Hair, Friedrich, Dixon, Test Bank 

Strategic Compensation in Canada, 4th Edition, Long, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Compensation in Canada, 4th Edition, Long, Test Bank 

Strategic Compensation, 5th Edition, Joe Martocchio, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Compensation, 5th Edition, Joe Martocchio, Test Bank 

Strategic Compensation:  A Human Resource Management Approach, 6th Edition 2011, Joe Martocchio, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Compensation:  A Human Resource Management Approach, 6th Edition 2011, Joe Martocchio, Test Bank 

Strategic Compensation:  A Human Resource Management Approach, 7th Edition 2013, Joe Martocchio, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Compensation:  A Human Resource Management Approach, 7th Edition 2013, Joe Martocchio, Test Bank 

Strategic Entrepreneurship, 4th Edition, Wickham, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Financial Management:  Application of Corporate Finance, 1st Edition 2008, Weaver, Weston, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Financial Management:  Application of Corporate Finance, 1st Edition 2008, Weaver, Weston, Test Bank 

Strategic Human Resource Management, 2nd Edition, Mello, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Human Resource Management, 3rd Edition 2011, Mello, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Human Resources Planning, 5th Edition 2013, Belcourt, McBey, Hong, Yap, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Human Resources Planning, 5th Edition 2013, Belcourt, McBey, Hong, Yap, Test Bank 

Strategic International Management, International Edition, 5th Edition 2011, Parboteeah, Cullen, Instructor Manual 

Strategic International Management, International Edition, 5th Edition 2011, Parboteeah, Cullen, Test Bank 

Strategic Management & Business Policy:  Achieving Sustainability, 12th Edition, Wheelen, Hunger, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management & Business Policy:  Achieving Sustainability, 12th Edition, Wheelen, Hunger, Test Bank 

Strategic Management Accounting, 2nd Edition, Zahirul Hoque, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management and Business Policy, 10th Edition, Wheelen, Hunger, Test Bank 

Strategic Management and Business Policy, 11th Edition, Wheelen, Hunger, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management and Business Policy, 11th Edition, Wheelen, Hunger, Test Bank 

Strategic Management and Business Policy, 9th Edition, Wheelen, Hunger, Test Bank 

Strategic Management and Business Policy:  Toward Global Sustainability, 13th Edition 2012, Wheelen, Hunger, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Strategic Management and Business Policy:  Toward Global Sustainability, 13th Edition 2012, Wheelen, Hunger, Test Bank 

Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage, 3rd Edition 2010, Barney, Hesterly, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage, 3rd Edition 2010, Barney, Hesterly, Test Bank 

Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage, 4th Edition 2012, Barney, Hesterly, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage, 4th Edition 2012, Barney, Hesterly, Test Bank 

Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage:  Concepts and Cases, 2nd Edition, Barney, Hesterly, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage:  Concepts and Cases, 2nd Edition, Barney, Hesterly, Test Bank 

Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage:  International Version, 4th Edition 2012, Barney, Hesterly, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage:  International Version, 4th Edition 2012, Barney, Hesterly, Test Bank 

Strategic Management Communication for Leaders, 2nd Edition 2011, Robyn Walker, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management Communication for Leaders, 2nd Edition 2011, Robyn Walker, Test Bank 

Strategic Management Dynamics, 1st Edition, Warren, Solutions Manual 

Strategic Management Essentials, International Edition, 2nd Edition, Hill, Jones, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management Essentials, International Edition, 2nd Edition, Hill, Jones, Test Bank 

Strategic Management for Hospitality and Tourism, 1st Edition, Okumus, Altinay, hathoth, Instructor Manual, Elsevier Mosby 

Strategic Management for Hospitality and Tourism, 1st Edition, Okumus, Altinay, hathoth, Test Bank, Elsevier Mosby 

Strategic Management Fundamentals, 5th Edition, Harrison, John, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management Fundamentals, 5th Edition, Harrison, John, Test Bank 

Strategic Management In Action, 3rd Edition, Mary Coulter, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management In Action, 3rd Edition, Mary Coulter, Test Bank 

Strategic Management in Action, 4th Edition, Mary Coulter, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management in Action, 4th Edition, Mary Coulter, Test Bank 

Strategic Management in Action, 5th Edition, Coulter, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management in Action, 5th Edition, Coulter, Test Bank 

Strategic Management of Information Systems, 4th Edition, Pearlson, Saunders, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Strategic Management of Information Systems, 4th Edition, Pearlson, Saunders, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management of Information Systems, 4th Edition, Pearlson, Saunders, Test Bank 

Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, 3rd Edition, Schilling, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, 3rd Edition, Schilling, Test Bank 

Strategic Management Theory:  An Integrated Approach, 9th Edition, Jones, Hill, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management Theory:  An Integrated Approach, 9th Edition, Jones, Hill, Test Bank 

Strategic Management, 13th Edition 2011, David, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management, 13th Edition 2011, David, Test Bank 

Strategic Management, 13th Edition, David, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management, 13th Edition, David, Test Bank 

Strategic Management, 2nd Edition, Carpenter, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management, 2nd Edition, Carpenter, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  A Casebook, 8th Edition, Crossan, Bansal, Killing, White, Zietsma, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases, 14th Edition 2011, David, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases, 14th Edition 2011, David, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  An Integrated Approach, 10th Edition 2013, Hill, Jones, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  An Integrated Approach, 9th Edition 2010, Hill, Jones, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  An Integrated Approach, 9th Edition 2010, Hill, Jones, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  Competitiveness and Globalization:  Concepts and Cases, 9th Edition, Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  Competitiveness and Globalization:  Concepts and Cases, 9th Edition, Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  Competitiveness and Globalization, Cases, 8th Edition, Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  Competitiveness and Globalization, Cases, 8th Edition, Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  Competitiveness and Globalization, Concepts and Cases, 8th Edition, Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  Competitiveness and Globalization, Concepts and Cases, 8th Edition, Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  Competitiveness and Globalization, Concepts, 8th Edition, Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  Competitiveness and Globalization, Concepts, 8th Edition, Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  Concepts and Cases, 12th Edition, David, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  Concepts and Cases, 12th Edition, David, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  Concepts and Cases, 1st Edition 2011, Ali, Al-Aali, Ali, Al-Aali, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  Concepts and Cases, 1st Edition 2011, Ali, Al-Aali, Ali, Al-Aali, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  Concepts and Cases, 1st Edition 2013, Rothaermel, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  Concepts and Cases, 2nd Edition, Carpenter,  Sanders, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  Concepts and Cases, 2nd Edition, Carpenter,  Sanders, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  Concepts and Cases, 7th Edition, Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  Concepts and Cases, 7th Edition, Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  Concepts and Cases:  Competitiveness and Globalization, 10th Edition 2013, Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  Concepts and Cases:  Competitiveness and Globalization, 10th Edition 2013, Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  Concepts and Cases:  Competitiveness and Globalization, 9th Edition 2011, Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  Concepts and Cases:  Competitiveness and Globalization, 9th Edition 2011, Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  Concepts and Cases:  Competitiveness and Globalization, 9th Edition, Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  Concepts and Cases:  Competitiveness and Globalization, 9th Edition, Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  Concepts and MyStratLab with Full E-Book Package, 2nd Edition, Carpenter, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  Concepts and MyStratLab with Full E-Book Package, 2nd Edition, Carpenter, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  Concepts, 13th Edition 2011, David, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  Concepts, 13th Edition 2011, David, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  Concepts, 2nd Edition, Carpenter, Sanders, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  Concepts, 2nd Edition, Carpenter, Sanders, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  Concepts:  Competitiveness and Globalization, 9th Edition 2011, Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  Concepts:  Competitiveness and Globalization, 9th Edition 2011, Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  Formulation, Implementation, and Control, 11th Edition, Pearce, Robinson, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  Formulation, Implementation, and Control, 11th Edition, Pearce, Robinson, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  Formulation, Implementation, and Control, 12th Edition, Pearce, Robinson, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  Formulation, Implementation, and Control, 12th Edition, Pearce, Robinson, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  Logic and Action, 1st Edition, Huff, Floyd, Sherman, Terjesen, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  Logic and Action, 1st Edition, Huff, Floyd, Sherman, Terjesen, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  Planning for Domestic & Global Competition, 13th Edition 2013, Pearce II, Robinson, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  Planning for Domestic & Global Competition, 13th Edition 2013, Pearce II, Robinson, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  Text and Cases, 5th Edition, Dess, Lumpkin, Eisner, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  Text and Cases, 5th Edition, Dess, Lumpkin, Eisner, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  Text and Cases, 6th Edition 2012, Dess, Lumpkin, Eisner, McNamara, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Strategic Management:  Text and Cases, 6th Edition 2012, Dess, Lumpkin, Eisner, McNamara, Test Bank 

Strategic Management:  Value Creation, Sustainability, and Performance, 1st Edition 2010, Bamford, West, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Management:  Value Creation, Sustainability, and Performance, 1st Edition 2010, Bamford, West, Test Bank 

Strategic Managment:  A Dynamic Perspective Integrated Stratsim Simulation Experience, 1st Edition 2008, Carpenter, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Managment:  A Dynamic Perspective Integrated Stratsim Simulation Experience, 1st Edition 2008, Carpenter, Test Bank 

Strategic Market Management, 8th Edition, Aaker, Test Bank 

Strategic Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations, 7th Edition, Andreasen, Kotler, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations, 7th Edition, Andreasen, Kotler, Test Bank 

Strategic Marketing for NonProfit Organizations, 6th Edition, Andreasen, Kotler, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Marketing Problems:  Cases and Comments, 11th Edition, Kerin, Peterson, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Marketing Problems:  Cases and Comments, 12th Edition, Kerin, Peterson, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Marketing, 1st Edition 2012, Mooradian, Matzler, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Marketing, 1st Edition 2012, Mooradian, Matzler, Test Bank 

Strategic Marketing, 9th Edition, Cravens, Piercy, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Marketing, 9th Edition, Cravens, Piercy, Test Bank 

Strategic Planning:  A Practical Guide for Competitive Success, 1st Edition 2006, Abraham, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Staffing, 1st Edition 2009, Phillips, Gully, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Staffing, 1st Edition 2009, Phillips, Gully, Test Bank 

Strategic Staffing, 2nd Edition 2012, Phillips, Gully, Instructor Manual 

Strategic Staffing, 2nd Edition 2012, Phillips, Gully, Test Bank 

Strategies for Managerial Writing, 1st Edition, Gale, Garrison, Instructor Manual 

Strategies for Teaching Students with Learning and Behavior Problems, 8th Edition 2012, Vaughn, Bos, Instructor Manual 

Strategies for Teaching Students with Learning and Behavior Problems, 8th Edition 2012, Vaughn, Bos, Test Bank 

Strategize:  Experiential Exercises in Strategic Management, 3rd Edition 2010, Gopinath, Siciliano, Instructor Manual 

Strategize:  Experiential Exercises in Strategic Management, 3rd Edition, Gopinath, Siciliano, Instructor Manual 

Strategy and Tactics of Pricing, 5th Edition 2011, Nagle, Hogan, Zale, Instructor Manual 

Strategy and Tactics of Pricing:  A Guide to Growing More Profitably, 4th Edition, Nagle, Hogan, Instructor Manual 

Strategy:  2008-2009, 1st Edition, Ketchen, Eisner, Instructor Manual 

Strategy:  2008-2009, 1st Edition, Ketchen, Eisner, Test Bank 

Strategy:  An Introduction to Game Theory, 2nd Edition, Joel Watson, Instructor Manual, WW Norton 

Stress Management and Prevention:  Applications to Daily Life, 1st Edition 2008, Kottler, Chen, Test Bank 

Stress Management for Life with Premium Web Site, 2nd Edition 2010, Olpin, Hesson, Instructor Manual 

Stress Management for Life with Premium Web Site, 2nd Edition 2010, Olpin, Hesson, Test Bank 

Striving for Excellence:  A Manual for Goal Achievement, 1st Edition 2011, Szarlan, Singha, Brown, Instructor Manual 

Striving for Excellence:  A Manual for Goal Achievement, 1st Edition 2011, Szarlan, Singha, Brown, Test Bank 

Structural Analysis, 3rd Edition, Aslam Kassimali, Solutions Manual 

Structural Analysis, 4th Edition 2010, Aslam Kassimali, Solutions Manual 

Structural Analysis, 7th Edition, Hibbeler, Solutions Manual 

Structural Analysis, 8th Edition 2012, Hibbeler, Solutions Manual 

Structural Analysis, SI Edition, 4th Edition 2011, Aslam Kassimali, Solutions Manual 

Structural Dynamics:  Theory and Applications, 1st Edition, Tedesco, McDougal, Ross, Solutions Manual 

Structural Steel Design, 4th Edition, McCormac, Solutions Manual 

Structural Steel Design, 5th Edition 2012, McCormac, Csernak, Solutions Manual 

Structural Steel Design:  A Practice Oriented Approach, 1st Edition 2009, Aghayere,  Vigil, Solutions Manual 

Structures, 6th Edition, Schodek, Bechthold, Instructor Manual 

Struggle for Democracy, 10th Edition 2011, Greenberg, Page, Instructor Manual 

Struggle for Democracy, 10th Edition 2011, Greenberg, Page, Test Bank 

Struggle for Democracy, 8th Edition, Greenberg, Page, Instructor Manual 

Struggle for Democracy, 8th Edition, Greenberg, Page, Test Bank 

Struggle for Democracy, 9th Edition, Greenberg, Page, Instructor Manual 

Struggle for Democracy, 9th Edition, Greenberg, Page, Test Bank 

Student Teaching:  Early Childhood Practicum Guide, 7th Edition 2011, Machado, Botnarescue, Emerita, Instructor Manual 

Student Teaching:  Early Childhood Practicum Guide, 7th Edition 2011, Machado, Botnarescue, Emerita, Test Bank 

Substance Abuse Counseling:  Theory and Practice, 4th Edition, Stevens, Smith, Instructor Manual 

Substance Abuse Counseling:  Theory and Practice, 4th Edition, Stevens, Smith, Test Bank 

Substance Abuse Counseling:  Theory and Practice, 5th Edition 2013, Stevens, Smith, Instructor Manual 

Substance Abuse Counseling:  Theory and Practice, 5th Edition 2013, Stevens, Smith, Test Bank 

Substance Abuse:  Information for School Counselors, Social Workers, Therapists, and Counselors, 4th Edition, Fisher, Harrison, Instructor Manual 

Substance Abuse:  Information for School Counselors, Social Workers, Therapists, and Counselors, 4th Edition, Fisher, Harrison, Test Bank 

Succeeding in Business with Microsoft Office Access 2007:  A Problem-Solving Approach, 1st Edition 2008, Sandra Cable, Solutions Manual 

Succeeding in Business with Microsoft Office Access 2007:  A Problem-Solving Approach, 1st Edition 2008, Sandra Cable, Test Bank 

Succeeding in Business with Microsoft Office Access 2010:  A Problem-Solving Approach, 1st Edition 2011, Sandra Cable, Instructor Manual 

Succeeding in Business with Microsoft Office Access 2010:  A Problem-Solving Approach, 1st Edition 2011, Sandra Cable, Test Bank 

Succeeding in Business with Microsoftr Excelr 2010:  A Problem-Solving Approach, 1st Edition 2011, Gross, Akaiwa, Nordquist, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Succeeding in Business with Microsoftr Excelr 2010:  A Problem-Solving Approach, 1st Edition 2011, Gross, Akaiwa, Nordquist, Test Bank 

Succeeding in Business with Microsoftr Office Excel 2007:  A Problem-Solving Approach, 1st Edition, Gross, Akaiwa, Nordquist, Instructor Manual 

Succeeding in Business with Microsoftr Office Excel 2007:  A Problem-Solving Approach, 1st Edition, Gross, Akaiwa, Nordquist, Test Bank 

Succeeding with Technology, 3rd Edition 2009, Baldauf, tair, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Succeeding with Technology, 3rd Edition 2009, Baldauf, tair, Test Bank 

Succeeding with Technology, 4th Edition 2010, Baldauf, Stair, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Succeeding with Technology, 4th Edition 2010, Baldauf, Stair, Test Bank 

Successful Project Management, 4th Edition, Gido, Clements, Instructor Manual 

Successful Project Management, 4th Edition, Gido, Clements, Test Bank 

Successful Project Management, 5th Edition 2012, Gido, Clements, Instructor Manual 

Successful Project Management, 5th Edition 2012, Gido, Clements, Test Bank 

Successful Service Operations Management, 2nd Edition, Metters, King-Metters, Pullman, Walton, Instructor Manual 

Successful Service Operations Management, 2nd Edition, Metters, King-Metters, Pullman, Walton, Test Bank 

Supervising Police Personnel:  The Fifteen Responsibilities, 7th Edition 2011, Whisenand, Instructor Manual 

Supervision and Leadership in a Changing World, 1st Edition 2012, Gary Dessler, Instructor Manual 

Supervision and Leadership in a Changing World, 1st Edition 2012, Gary Dessler, Test Bank 

Supervision of Police Personnel, 7th Edition, Iannone, Iannone, Bernstein, Instructor Manual 

Supervision of Police Personnel, 7th Edition, Iannone, Iannone, Bernstein, Test Bank 

Supervision Today, 6th Edition, Robbins, DeCenzo,  Wolter, Instructor Manual 

Supervision Today, 6th Edition, Robbins, DeCenzo,  Wolter, Test Bank 

Supervision Today, 7th Edition 2013, Robbins, DeCenzo, Wolter, Instructor Manual 

Supervision Today, 7th Edition 2013, Robbins, DeCenzo, Wolter, Test Bank 

Supervision:  Concepts and Practices of Management, 10th Edition, Leonard, Hilgert, Instructor Manual 

Supervision:  Concepts and Practices of Management, 10th Edition, Leonard, Hilgert, Test Bank 

Supervision:  Concepts and Practices of Management, 11th Edition, Leonard, Instructor Manual 

Supervision:  Concepts and Practices of Management, 11th Edition, Leonard, Test Bank 

Supervision:  Concepts and Skill-Building, 7th Edition, Certo, Instructor Manual 

Supervision:  Concepts and Skill-Building, 7th Edition, Certo, Test Bank 

Supervision:  Setting People Up for Success, 1st Edition 2010, Cassidy, Kreitner, Test Bank 

Supervisory Management, 8th Edition 2011, Mosley, Mosley, Pietri, Instructor Manual 

Supervisory Management, 8th Edition 2011, Mosley, Mosley, Pietri, Test Bank 

Supervisory Management:  The Art of Inspiring, Empowering, and Developing, 7th Edition, Mosley, Pietri, Instructor Manual 

Supervisory Management:  The Art of Inspiring, Empowering, and Developing, 7th Edition, Mosley, Pietri, Test Bank 

Supply Chain Logistics Management, 3rd Edition, Bowersox, Closs, Cooper, Solutions Manual 

Supply Chain Logistics Management, 3rd Edition, Bowersox, Closs, Cooper, Test Bank 

Supply Chain Logistics Management, 4th Edition 2013, Bowersox, Closs, Cooper, Bowersox, Solutions Manual 

Supply Chain Management, 3rd Edition, Chopra, Meindl, Solutions Manual 

Supply Chain Management, 3rd Edition, Chopra, Meindl, Test Bank 

Supply Chain Management, 4th Edition, Chopra, Meindl, Instructor Manual 

Supply Chain Management, 4th Edition, Chopra, Meindl, Test Bank 

Supply Chain Management, 5th Edition 2013, Chopra, Meindl, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Supply Chain Management, 5th Edition 2013, Chopra, Meindl, Test Bank 

Supply Chain Management:  A Logistics Perspective, 8th Edition, Coyle, Langley, Gibson, Novack, Bardi, Instructor Manual 

Supply Chain Management:  A Logistics Perspective, 8th Edition, Coyle, Langley, Gibson, Novack, Bardi, Test Bank 

Supply Chain Management:  A Logistics Perspective, 9th Edition 2013, Coyle, Langley, Novack, Gibson, Instructor Manual 

Supply Chain Management:  A Logistics Perspective, 9th Edition 2013, Coyle, Langley, Novack, Gibson, Test Bank 

Supply Chain Management:  From Vision to Implementation, 1st Edition 2007, Fawcett, Ellram, Ogden, Instructor Manual 

Supply Chain Management:  From Vision to Implementation, 1st Edition 2007, Fawcett, Ellram, Ogden, Test Bank 

Supply Management, 8th Edition, Burt, Petcavage, Pinkerton, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Supply Management, 8th Edition, Burt, Petcavage, Pinkerton, Test Bank 

Supporting Windows Vista, 1st Edition, Jean Andrews, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Supporting Windows Vista, 1st Edition, Jean Andrews, Test Bank 

Survey of Accounting, 3rd Edition 2012, Edmonds, Olds, McNair, Bor-Yi Tsay, Test Bank 

Survey of Accounting, 3rd Edition, Warren, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Survey of Accounting, 4th Edition, Warren, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Survey of Accounting, 4th Edition, Warren, Test Bank 

Survey of Accounting, 5th Edition, Warren, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Survey of Accounting, 5th Edition, Warren, Test Bank 

Survey of Accounting, 6th Edition 2013, Warren, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Survey of Accounting, 6th Edition 2013, Warren, Test Bank 

Survey of Accounting:  Making Sense of Business, 1st Edition 2005, Terrell, Instructor Manual 

Survey of Accounting:  Making Sense of Business, 1st Edition 2005, Terrell, Test Bank 

Survey of Accounting, International Edition, 4th Edition, Warren, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Survey of Accounting, International Edition, 4th Edition, Warren, Test Bank 

Survey of Classical and Modern Geometries:  With Computer Activities, 1st Edition 2001, Baragar, Solutions Manual 

Survey of Economics and MyEconLab and EBook 2-Sem Package, 3rd Edition, O'Sullivan, Sheffrin, Perez, Instructor Manual 

Survey of Economics and MyEconLab and EBook 2-Sem Package, 3rd Edition, O'Sullivan, Sheffrin, Perez, Test Bank 

Survey of Economics, 3rd Edition, O'Sullivan, Sheffrin, Perez, Instructor Manual 

Survey of Economics, 3rd Edition, O'Sullivan, Sheffrin, Perez, Test Bank 

Survey of Economics, 6th Edition, Tucker, Instructor Manual 

Survey of Economics, 6th Edition, Tucker, Test Bank 

Survey of Economics, 7th Edition 2011, Tucker, Instructor Manual 

Survey of Economics, 7th Edition 2011, Tucker, Test Bank 

Survey of Economics:  Principles, Applications and Tools plus MyEconLab with Pearson Etext Student Access Code Card Package, 5th Edition 2012, O'Sullivan, Sheffrin, Perez, Instructor Manual 

Survey of Economics:  Principles, Applications and Tools plus MyEconLab with Pearson Etext Student Access Code Card Package, 5th Edition 2012, O'Sullivan, Sheffrin, Perez, Test Bank 

Survey of Economics:  Principles, Applications, and Tools, 4th Edition, O'Sullivan, Sheffrin, Perez, Instructor Manual 

Survey of Economics:  Principles, Applications, and Tools, 4th Edition, O'Sullivan, Sheffrin, Perez, Test Bank 

Survey of Mathematics with Applications, 7th Edition, Angel, Abbott, Runde, Solutions Manual 

Survey of Mathematics with Applications, 7th Edition, Angel, Abbott, Runde, Test Bank 

Survey of Mathematics with Applications, 8th Edition, Angel, Abbott, Runde, Solutions Manual 

Survey of Mathematics with Applications, 8th Edition, Angel, Abbott, Runde, Test Bank 

Survey of Mathematics with Applications, Expanded Edition, 7th Edition, Angel, Abbott, Runde, Solutions Manual 

Survey of Mathematics with Applications, Expanded Edition, 7th Edition, Angel, Abbott, Runde, Test Bank 

Survey of Mathematics with Applications, Expanded Edition, 8th Edition, Angel, Abbott, Runde, Solutions Manual 

Survey of Mathematics with Applications, Expanded Edition, 8th Edition, Angel, Abbott, Runde, Test Bank 

Survey of Operating Systems, 3rd Edition 2011, Holcombe, Holcombe, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Survey of Operating Systems, 3rd Edition 2011, Holcombe, Holcombe, Test Bank 

Surveying Fundamentals and Practices, 5th Edition, Nathanson, Lanzafama, Kissam, Instructor Manual 

Surveying Fundamentals and Practices, 6th Edition, Nathanson, Lanzafama, Kissam, Instructor Manual 

Surveying with Construction Applications, 6th Edition, Kavanagh, Solutions Manual 

Surveying with Construction Applications, 7th Edition, Kavanagh, Solutions Manual 

Surveying with Construction Applications, 7th Edition, Kavanagh, Test Bank 

Surveying, 10th Edition, Moffitt, Bossler, Solutions Manual 

Surveying:  Principles and Applications, 8th Edition, Kavanagh, Instructor Manual 

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Administration, Course 3037, 1st Edition, Eckert, Novell, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Administration, Course 3037, 1st Edition, Eckert, Novell, Test Bank 

SUSE Linux Enterprise:  Desktop Administration, 1st Edition, Jason Eckert, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

SUSE Linux Enterprise:  Desktop Administration, 1st Edition, Jason Eckert, Test Bank 

Sustainable Horticulture:  Today and Tomorrow, 1st Edition 2004, Poincelot, Instructor Manual 

Sustainable Marketing, 1st Edition 2012, Martin, Schouten, Instructor Manual 

Sustainable Marketing, 1st Edition 2012, Martin, Schouten, Test Bank 

Swine Science, 7th Edition, Holden, Ensminger, Instructor Manual 

System Dynamics and Response, 1st Edition, Graham Kelly, Solutions Manual 

System Dynamics for Engineering Students, 1st Edition 2010, Nicolae Lobontiu, Solutions Manual, Elsevier Mosby 

System Dynamics, 2nd Edition, William J Palm, Solutions Manual 

System Dynamics, 4th Edition, Katsuhiko Ogata, Solutions Manual 

System Modeling and Analysis:  Foundations of System Performance Evaluation, 1st Edition 2009, Kobayashi, Mark, Solutions Manual 

System Programming with C and Unix, 1st Edition 2010, Kincade, Gibson, Solutions Manual 

Systems Analysis & Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition, Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Systems Analysis & Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition, Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, Test Bank 

Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 5th Edition, Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 5th Edition, Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, Test Bank 

Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition 2012, Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition 2012, Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, Test Bank 

Systems Analysis and Design with UML, 3rd Edition, Dennis, Wixom, Tegarden, Instructor Manual 

Systems Analysis and Design with UML, 3rd Edition, Dennis, Wixom, Tegarden, Test Bank 

Systems Analysis and Design, 4th Edition, Dennis, Wixom, Instructor Manual 

Systems Analysis and Design, 4th Edition, Dennis, Wixom, Test Bank 

Systems Analysis and Design, 5th Edition, Roth, Dennis, Wixom, Instructor Manual 

Systems Analysis and Design, 5th Edition, Roth, Dennis, Wixom, Test Bank 

Systems Analysis and Design, 7th Edition, Kendall, Solution Manual 

Systems Analysis and Design, 7th Edition, Kendall, Test Bank 

Systems Analysis and Design, 7th Edition, Shelly, Cashman, Rosenblatt, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Systems Analysis and Design, 7th Edition, Shelly, Cashman, Rosenblatt, Test Bank 

Systems Analysis and Design, 8th Edition, Kendall, Kendall, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Systems Analysis and Design, 8th Edition, Kendall, Kendall, Test Bank 

Systems Analysis and Design, 8th Edition, Shelly, Rosenblatt, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Systems Analysis and Design, 8th Edition, Shelly, Rosenblatt, Test Bank 

Systems Analysis and Design, 9th Edition 2012, Shelly, Rosenblatt, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Systems Analysis and Design, 9th Edition 2012, Shelly, Rosenblatt, Test Bank 

Systems Analysis and Design:  International Edition, 6th Edition, Kendall, Kendall, Instructor Manual 

Systems Analysis and Design:  International Edition, 6th Edition, Kendall, Kendall, Test Bank 

Systems Analysis and Design, Video Enhanced, 8th Edition 2011, Shelly, Rosenblatt, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Systems Analysis and Design, Video Enhanced, 8th Edition 2011, Shelly, Rosenblatt, Test Bank 

Systems Architecture, 5th Edition, Burd, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Systems Architecture, 5th Edition, Burd, Test Bank 

Systems Architecture, 5th Edition, Stephe Burd, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Systems Architecture, 5th Edition, Stephe Burd, Test Bank 

Systems Architecture, 6th Edition, Burd, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Systems Architecture, 6th Edition, Burd, Test Bank 

Systems Engineering and Analysis, 5th Edition 2011, Blanchard, Fabrycky, Solutions Manual 

Takeovers, Restructuring, and Corporate Governance, 4th Edition, Weston, Mitchell, Mulherin, Instructor Manual 

Tax Research, 4th Edition, Karlin, Instructor Manual 

Taxation for Decision Makers 2005, 2nd Edition, Dennis-Escoffier, Fortin, Test Bank 

Taxation for Decision Makers 2006, 3rd Edition, Dennis-Escoffier, Fortin, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Taxation for Decision Makers 2006, 3rd Edition, Dennis-Escoffier, Fortin, Test Bank 

Taxation for Decision Makers, 2007 Edition, 1st Edition, Dennis-Escoffier, Fortin, Solutions Manual 

Taxation for Decision Makers, 2008 Edition, 2nd Edition, Dennis-Escoffier, Fortin, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Taxation for Decision Makers, 2008 Edition, 2nd Edition, Dennis-Escoffier, Fortin, Test Bank 

Taxation for Decision Makers, 2010 Edition, 1st Edition, Dennis-Escoffier, Fortin, Solutions Manual 

Taxation for Decision Makers, 2010 Edition, 1st Edition, Dennis-Escoffier, Fortin, Test Bank 

Taxation for Decision Makers, 2011 Edition, 1st Edition, Dennis-Escoffier, Fortin, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Taxation for Decision Makers, 2011 Edition, 1st Edition, Dennis-Escoffier, Fortin, Test Bank 

Taxation of Business Entities 2010 Edition, 1st Edition 2010, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Worsham, Outslay, Barrick, Weaver, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Taxation of Business Entities 2010 Edition, 1st Edition 2010, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Worsham, Outslay, Barrick, Weaver, Test Bank 

Taxation of Business Entities 2011, 2nd Edition 2011, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Worsham, Outslay, Barrick, Weaver, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Taxation of Business Entities 2011, 2nd Edition 2011, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Worsham, Outslay, Barrick, Weaver, Test Bank 

Taxation of Business Entities 2012, 3rd Edition 2012, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Worsham, Outslay, Barrick, Weaver, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Taxation of Business Entities 2012, 3rd Edition 2012, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Worsham, Outslay, Barrick, Weaver, Test Bank 

Taxation of Business Entities, 4th Edition 2013, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Outslay, Worsham, Barrick, Weaver, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Taxation of Business Entities, 4th Edition 2013, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Outslay, Worsham, Barrick, Weaver, Test Bank 

Taxation of Individual & Business Entities 2010 Edition, 1st Edition 2010, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Worsham, Outslay, Barrick, Weaver, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Taxation of Individual & Business Entities 2010 Edition, 1st Edition 2010, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Worsham, Outslay, Barrick, Weaver, Test Bank 

Taxation of Individuals 2010 Edition, 1st Edition 2010, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Worsham, Outslay, Barrick, Weaver, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Taxation of Individuals 2010 Edition, 1st Edition 2010, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Worsham, Outslay, Barrick, Weaver, Test Bank 

Taxation of Individuals 2011, 2nd Edition 2011, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Worsham, Outslay, Barrick, Weaver, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Taxation of Individuals 2011, 2nd Edition 2011, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Worsham, Outslay, Barrick, Weaver, Test Bank 

Taxation of Individuals 2012, 3rd Edition 2012, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Worsham, Outslay, Barrick, Weaver, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Taxation of Individuals 2012, 3rd Edition 2012, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Worsham, Outslay, Barrick, Weaver, Test Bank 

Taxation of Individuals and Business Entities 2011, 2nd Edition, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Worsham, Outslay, Barrick, Weaver, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Taxation of Individuals and Business Entities 2011, 2nd Edition, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Worsham, Outslay, Barrick, Weaver, Test Bank 

Taxation of Individuals and Business Entities 2012, 3rd Edition 2012, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Worsham, Outslay, Barrick, Weaver, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Taxation of Individuals and Business Entities 2012, 3rd Edition 2012, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Worsham, Outslay, Barrick, Weaver, Test Bank 

Taxation of Individuals and Business Entities 2013, 4th Edition 2013, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Outslay, Worsham, Barrick, Weaver, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Taxation of Individuals and Business Entities 2013, 4th Edition 2013, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Outslay, Worsham, Barrick, Weaver, Test Bank 

Taxation of Individuals, 4th Edition 2013, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Outslay, Worsham, Barrick, Weaver, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Taxation of Individuals, 4th Edition 2013, Spilker, Ayers, Robinson, Outslay, Worsham, Barrick, Weaver, Test Bank 

Taxes & Business Strategy, 4th Edition, Scholes, Wolfson, Erickson, Maydew, Shevlin, Solutions Manual 

Taxes and Business Strategy:  A Planning Approach, 3rd Edition, Scholes, Wolfson, Erickson, Maydew, Solutions Manual 

TCP IP Protocol Suite, 4th Edition 2010, Forouzan, Solutions Manual 

Teachers Discovering Computers:  Integrating Technology and Digital Media in the Classroom, 5th Edition, Shelly, Thomas, Cashman, Gunter, Gunter, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Teachers Discovering Computers:  Integrating Technology and Digital Media in the Classroom, 5th Edition, Shelly, Thomas, Cashman, Gunter, Gunter, Test Bank 

Teachers Discovering Computers:  Integrating Technology and Digital Media in the Classroom, 6th Edition 2010, Shelly, Gunter, Gunter, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Teachers Discovering Computers:  Integrating Technology and Digital Media in the Classroom, 6th Edition 2010, Shelly, Gunter, Gunter, Test Bank 

Teaching Students with Special Needs in Inclusive Settings, 6th Edition 2012, Smith, Polloway, Patton, Dowdy, Instructor Manual 

Teaching Students with Special Needs in Inclusive Settings, 6th Edition 2012, Smith, Polloway, Patton, Dowdy, Test Bank 

Technical Communication in the Twenty-First Century, 2nd Edition, Dobrin, Weisser, Keller, Instructor Manual 

Technical Communication in the Twenty-First Century, 2nd Edition, Dobrin, Weisser, Keller, Test Bank 

Technical Communication Strategies for Today, 1st Edition 2011, Richard Johnson-Sheehan, Instructor Manual 

Technical Communication Today, 3rd Edition, Johnson-Sheehan, Instructor Manual 

Technical Communication Today, 3rd Edition, Johnson-Sheehan, Test Bank 

Technical Communication, 11th Edition, Lannon, Instructor Manual 

Technical Communication, 12th Edition, Lannon, Gurak, Instructor Manual 

Technical Communication, 7th Edition 2011, Anderson, Instructor Manual 

Technical Communication:  A Practical Approach, 6th Edition, Pfeiffer, Instructor Manual 

Technical Communication:  A Practical Approach, 7th Edition, Pfeiffer, Adkins, Instructor Manual 

Technical Communication:  A Practical Approach, 7th Edition, Pfeiffer, Adkins, Test Bank 

Technical Communication:  A Practical Approach, 8th Edition 2013, Pfeiffer, Adkins, Instructor Manual 

Technical Communication:  A Practical Approach, 8th Edition 2013, Pfeiffer, Adkins, Test Bank 

Technical Communication:  Process and Product, 6th Edition, Gerson, Gerson, Instructor Manual 

Technical Communication:  Process and Product, 6th Edition, Gerson, Gerson, Test Bank 

Technical Drawing 101 with AutoCAD, 1st Edition 2009, Smith, Ramirez, Autodesk Inc, Instructor Manual 

Technical Drawing, 13th Edition, Giesecke, Mitchell, Spencer, Hill, Dygdon, Novak, Lockhart, Instructor Manual 

Technical Mathematics with Calculus, 5th Edition, Calter, Calter, Solutions Manual 

Technical Mathematics with Calculus, 5th Edition, Calter, Calter, Test Bank 

Technical Mathematics, 2nd Edition, Ewen, Gary, Trefzger, Instructor Manual 

Technical Mathematics, 2nd Edition, Ewen, Gary, Trefzger, Test Bank 

Technical Sketching with an Introduction to AutoCAD, 4th Edition, Besterfield, O'Hagan, Instructor Manual 

Technical Writing for Success, 3rd Edition 2011, Smith-Worthington, Jefferson, Instructor Manual 

Technical Writing for Success, 3rd Edition 2011, Smith-Worthington, Jefferson, Test Bank 

Techniques for College Writing:  The Thesis Statement and Beyond, 1st Edition 2011, Moore, Cassel, Instructor Manual 

Technology Entrepreneurship, 1st Edition, Duening, Hisrich, Lechter, Test Bank, Elsevier Mosby 

Technology in Action Complete, 8th Edition 2012, Evans, Martin, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Technology in Action Complete, 8th Edition 2012, Evans, Martin, Test Bank 

Technology In Action Complete, 9th Edition 2013, Evans, Martin, Poatsy, Solutions Manual 

Technology In Action Complete, 9th Edition 2013, Evans, Martin, Poatsy, Test Bank 

Technology In Action, Complete Version, 7th Edition, Evans, Martin, Poatsy, Poatsy, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Technology In Action, Complete Version, 7th Edition, Evans, Martin, Poatsy, Poatsy, Test Bank 

Technology in Action, Complete, 5th Edition, Evans, Poatsy, Martin, Solutions Manual 

Technology in Action, Complete, 5th Edition, Evans, Poatsy, Martin, Test Bank 

Technology In Action, Complete, 6th Edition, Evans, Poatsy, Martin, Solutions Manual 

Technology In Action, Complete, 6th Edition, Evans, Poatsy, Martin, Test Bank 

Technology in Action, Introductory, 5th Edition, Evans, Poatsy, Martin, Solutions Manual 

Technology in Action, Introductory, 5th Edition, Evans, Poatsy, Martin, Test Bank 

Technology In Action, Introductory, 6th Edition, Evans, Poatsy, Martin, Solutions Manual 

Technology In Action, Introductory, 6th Edition, Evans, Poatsy, Martin, Test Bank 

Technology In Action, Introductory, 8th Edition 2012, Evans, Martin, Poatsy, Instructor Manual & Solutions Manual 

Technology In Action, Introductory, 8th Edition 2012, Evans, Martin, Poatsy, Test Bank 

Technology Strategy for Managers and Entrepreneurs, 1st Edition, Shane, Instructor Manual 

Technology Strategy for Managers and Entrepreneurs, 1st Edition, Shane, Test Bank 

Technology Ventures:  From Idea to Enterprise, 3rd Edition, Byers, Dorf, Nelson, Solutions Manual 

Ten Questions:  A Sociological Perspective, 6th Edition, Charon, Instructor Manual 

Ten Questions:  A Sociological Perspective, 6th Edition, Charon, Test Bank 

Ten Questions:  A Sociological Perspective, 7th Edition 2010, Charon, Instructor Manual 

Terrorism and Homeland Security, 7th Edition 2012, White, Instructor Manual 

Terrorism and Homeland Security, 7th Edition 2012, White, Test Bank